Madison County

State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2012

Madison County, (Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit) of Alabama, Pretrial Diversion Program, fees further provided for, Act 94-392, 1994 Reg. Sess., am'd [HB-218]
Madison County, (Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit) of Alabama, Pretrial Diversion Program, fees further provided for, Act 94-392, 1994 Reg. Sess., am'd


Sponsored by: Rep. Howard Sanderford Third Reading Passed on 05/08/2012

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2011

Madison Co., district attorney, fee assessed in municipal court, distrib. to circuit and municipal clerks and district attorney, Act 2007-471, 2007 Reg. Sess. am'd. [HB-662]
Madison Co., district attorney, fee assessed in municipal court, distrib. to circuit and municipal clerks and district attorney, Act 2007-471, 2007 Reg. Sess. am'd.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Ball Third Reading Passed on 06/02/2011

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2011

Madison Co., alcoholic beverages, licensure and regulation, county commission authorized by resolution to levy privilege or license fee, collection, distrib. [HB-624]
Madison Co., alcoholic beverages, licensure and regulation, county commission authorized by resolution to levy privilege or license fee, collection, distrib.


Sponsored by: Rep. Howard Sanderford Third Reading Passed on 06/02/2011

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2011

Madison Co., sheriff, pistol permits, fee increased, Act 489, 1975 Reg. Sess. am'd. [HB-575]
Madison Co., sheriff, pistol permits, fee increased, Act 489, 1975 Reg. Sess. am'd.


Sponsored by: Rep. Howard Sanderford Third Reading Passed on 06/02/2011

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2011

Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs in unincorporated areas of county, county commission by resolution may establish procedure for determining, dog required to be kept in fenced enclosure, civil penalties, const. amend. [HB-439]
Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs in unincorporated areas of county, county commission by resolution may establish procedure for determining, dog required to be kept in fenced enclosure, civil penalties, const. amend.


Sponsored by: Rep. Howard Sanderford Third Reading Passed on 06/02/2011

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2011 Regular Session

Transient occupancy tax; adds Counties of Madison, etc., to list of localities that may impose. [HB-1452]
Transient occupancy tax. Adds Madison County, Accomack County, Washington County, and Brunswick County to the list of counties that may impose a transient occupancy tax rate of up to three percent in addition to the two percent rate available to all counties (a total maximum tax rate of five percent). All revenue from the additional three percent rate shall be used solely for travel and tourism.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0385) on 03/23/2011

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2011 Regular Session

Transient occupancy and food and beverage taxes; adds Madison County to those that may impose. [HB-1451]
Combined transient occupancy and food and beverage tax. Permits Madison County to impose a combined transient occupancy and food and beverage tax, at a rate not to exceed four percent, on the total amount charged by a bed and breakfast when the charges for the occupancy of the room or space and for the sale of food and beverages are assessed in the aggregate and not separately stated. The tax shall be levied only if a food and beverage tax has been approved in a referendum within the county.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Scott Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0192) on 03/16/2011

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., taxpayers 65 and older, ad valorem tax discount authorized for principal residences of 10 years or more, const. amend. [SB-82]
Madison Co., taxpayers 65 and older, ad valorem tax discount authorized for principal residences of 10 years or more, const. amend.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Sanford Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Local Legislation No. 1 on 01/12/2010

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., occupational tax, levy prohibited, const. amend. [SB-17]
Madison Co., occupational tax, levy prohibited, const. amend.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Sanford Third Reading Passed on 02/04/2010

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs, areas outside corporate limits of any municipality, procedure for determining and humanely destroying or returning to owner, dog required to be kept in secure enclosure, penalties, const. amend. [HB-651]
Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs, areas outside corporate limits of any municipality, procedure for determining and humanely destroying or returning to owner, dog required to be kept in secure enclosure, penalties, const. amend.


Sponsored by: Rep. Howard Sanderford Third Reading Passed on 03/23/2010

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., rock quarries, location near schools regulated outside corporate limits of municipality [HB-360]
Madison Co., rock quarries, location near schools regulated outside corporate limits of municipality


Sponsored by: Rep. Howard Sanderford Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Local Legislation No. 1 on 02/25/2010

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs in unincorporated areas of county, county commission by resolution may establish procedure for determining, dog required to be kept in fenced enclosure, civil penalties, const. amend. [HB-147]
Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs in unincorporated areas of county, county commission by resolution may establish procedure for determining, dog required to be kept in fenced enclosure, civil penalties, const. amend.


Sponsored by: Rep. Randy Hinshaw Third Reading Passed on 04/06/2010

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., occupational tax, levy prohibited, const. amend. [HB-110]
Madison Co., occupational tax, levy prohibited, const. amend.


Sponsored by: Rep. Laura Hall Third Reading Passed on 02/16/2010

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2010

Madison Co., Tennessee Valley Authority, payments in-lieu-of-taxes increased by Sec. 40-28-2, Code of Alabama 1975, portion of increases distrib. to county legislative delegation office, Act 80-277, 1980 Reg. Sess. am'd. [HB-107]
Madison Co., Tennessee Valley Authority, payments in-lieu-of-taxes increased by Sec. 40-28-2, Code of Alabama 1975, portion of increases distrib. to county legislative delegation office, Act 80-277, 1980 Reg. Sess. am'd.


Sponsored by: Rep. Laura Hall Third Reading Passed on 02/16/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

Subject to local approval, authorizes the county commission to use funds allocated to the commission from the hotel occupancy tax to make economic development grants to governmental entities and public corporations to promote community economic development, tourism, and recreational activities. - Amends Chapter 324 of the Private Acts of 1980; as amended. [SB-2926]
Subject to local approval, authorizes the county commission to use funds allocated to the commission from the hotel occupancy tax to make economic development grants to governmental entities and public corporations to promote community economic development, tourism, and recreational activities. - Amends Chapter 324 of the Private Acts of 1980; as amended.


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Jackson Comp. Became Pr. Ch. 54 on 07/22/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

Subject to local approval, authorizes the county commission to use funds allocated to the commission from the hotel occupancy tax to make economic development grants to governmental entities and public corporations to promote community economic development, tourism, and recreational activities. - Amends Chapter 324 of the Private Acts of 1980; as amended. [HB-2926]
Subject to local approval, authorizes the county commission to use funds allocated to the commission from the hotel occupancy tax to make economic development grants to governmental entities and public corporations to promote community economic development, tourism, and recreational activities. - Amends Chapter 324 of the Private Acts of 1980; as amended.


Sponsored by: Rep. Johnny Shaw Pr. Ch. 54 on 07/22/2020

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2020

Madison Co., building permit fee, levy and disbursement further provided [HB-462]
Madison Co., building permit fee, levy and disbursement further provided


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Whitt Third Reading Passed on 05/09/2020

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2020

Madison Co., Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits, election [SB-255]
Madison Co., Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits, election


Sponsored by: Sen. Greg Albritton Third Reading Passed on 05/05/2020

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2020

Madison Co., Huntsville Public Library Bd., add'l members appt. by City of Madison and Madison Co. Comm., bd renamed Huntsville-Mad. Co. Public Library Bd. [HB-355]
Madison Co., Huntsville Public Library Bd., add'l members appt. by City of Madison and Madison Co. Comm., bd renamed Huntsville-Mad. Co. Public Library Bd.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anthony Daniels Signature Requested on 05/07/2020

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State (Alabama)
Alabama Regular Session 2020

Madison Co., Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits, election [SB-233]
Madison Co., Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits, election


Sponsored by: Sen. Sam Givhan Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Finance And Taxation General Fund on 02/25/2020

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