Licensing And Registrations

US Congress 115th Congress

Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 [HB-5077]
Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). The prohibition does not apply to a firearm that is: (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model. Additionally, the bill does not prohibit, with respect to a SAW or LCAFD: importation, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. David Cicilline Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 03/20/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 [HB-5087]
Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 This bill amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). The prohibition does not apply to a firearm that is: (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model. Additionally, the bill does not prohibit, with respect to a SAW or LCAFD: importation, (continued...)

Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 03/20/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

CARA 2.0 Act of 2018 [S.2456]
CARA 2.0 Act of 2018


Sponsored by: Sen. Angus King Committee On The Judiciary Subcommittee On Crime And Terrorism. Hearings Held. on 04/11/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Economic Exclusion Act [HB-5132]
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Economic Exclusion Act


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Trade. on 03/07/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 [S.2497]
United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 This bill extends security assistance to Israel. Specifically, it extends: foreign military financing assistance to Israel through FY2028, loan guarantees through FY2023, and authority for the war reserves stockpile through FY2023. The President may: enter into a cooperative agreement with Israel for research and joint production of anti-drone defense articles; conduct a joint assessment with Israel regarding which precision guided munitions Israel needs in a sustained armed confrontation (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill, As Amended Agreed To By Voice Vote. (text: Cr H8145-8146) on 09/12/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Urban Progress Act of 2018 [HB-5164]
Urban Progress Act of 2018


Sponsored by: Rep. Janice Schakowsky Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 04/06/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

DEA Enforcement and Authority Act of 2018 [S.2493]
DEA Enforcement and Authority Act of 2018


Sponsored by: Sen. Joe Manchin Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 03/05/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

CARA 2.0 Act of 2018 [HB-5311]
CARA 2.0 Act of 2018


Sponsored by: Rep. Eleanor Norton Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 04/30/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

A bill to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to establish a program to allow States to assume certain Federal responsibilities under that Act with respect to agency actions applicable to highway projects within the States, and for other purposes. [S.2587]
A bill to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to establish a program to allow States to assume certain Federal responsibilities under that Act with respect to agency actions applicable to highway projects within the States, and for other purposes. This bill amends the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to direct the Department of Transportation (DOT) to carry out an assignment program to allow participating states to assume certain responsibilities of DOT with respect to agency actions applicable to highway projects within the state.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Sullivan Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S1876-1878) on 03/21/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

USE IT Act Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies [S.2602]
USE IT Act Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies This bill amends the Clean Air Act to require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish: (1) a competitive prize program for certain technology projects that capture carbon dioxide directly from the air, and (2) a Direct Air Capture Technology Advisory Board to advise the EPA on carrying out the program. The EPA must: (1) carry out a research and development program for carbon dioxide utilization to promote technologies that transform carbon dioxide generated by (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse By Senator Barrasso From Committee On Environment And Public Works Filed Written Report. Report No. 115-328. on 09/04/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

AMP Act Allocation for Music Producers Act [S.2625]
AMP Act Allocation for Music Producers Act This bill authorizes royalties for producers, mixers, and sound engineers who made a creative contribution to a sound recording. A nonprofit collective designated by the Copyright Royalty Board shall adopt procedures for such royalty payments for various digital transmissions of the recording. The procedures shall allow the owner of the exclusive right to publicly perform the sound recording or the featured artist to instruct the collective to calculate and distribute the payments to the producers, mixers, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley Committee On The Judiciary. Hearings Held. on 05/15/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018 [HB-5383]
Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018


Sponsored by: Rep. James Langevin Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 04/30/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

SAFER Now Act Safer America for Everyone Right Now Act [HB-5410]
SAFER Now Act Safer America for Everyone Right Now Act


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, And Investigations. on 04/30/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Stand with UK against Russia Violations Act [HB-5428]
Stand with UK against Russia Violations Act


Sponsored by: Rep. Zoe Lofgren Introduced In House on 04/05/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

A bill to appropriately restrict sales of ammunition. [S.2627]
A bill to appropriately restrict sales of ammunition.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [d-ri]&#42 03/22/2018 on 03/22/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Legal Workforce Act [HB-3711]
Legal Workforce Act This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish an employment eligibility verification system (EEVS), patterned after the E-Verify system. An employer shall attest, during the verification period and under penalty of perjury, that the employer has verified that an individual is not an unauthorized alien. An individual shall attest that he or she is a U.S. citizen or national, a lawful permanent resident, or an alien authorized to work in the United States. (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held. on 10/25/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

CARERS Act of 2017 Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act of 2017 [S.1764]
CARERS Act of 2017 Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act of 2017 This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act to provide that the Act's regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties do not apply to a person who produces, possesses, distributes, dispenses, administers, tests, recommends, or delivers medical marijuana in compliance with state law. The bill also: excludes "cannabidiol" (CBD) from the definition of "marijuana"; limits the concentration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in CBD (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Lee Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 09/05/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

SHARE Act Sportsmen's Heritage And Recreational Enhancement Act [HB-3668]
SHARE Act Sportsmen's Heritage And Recreational Enhancement Act This bill revises existing programs and establishes new programs to expand access to, and opportunities for, hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting on federal lands. TITLE I--FISHING PROTECTION ACT Fishing Protection Act (Sec. 102) Sport fishing equipment and its components (such as lead sinkers) are exempt from regulation of chemical substances under the Toxic Substances Control Act. (Sec. 103) The Departments of the Interior and of Agriculture (USDA) may not regulate the use (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Wittman Placed On The Union Calendar, Calendar No. 224. on 09/18/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act [HB-3671]
Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act This bill transitions away from fossil fuel sources of energy to clean energy sources (e.g., energy efficiency, energy conservation, and renewable energy). By 2027: (1) 80% of electricity sold must be generated from clean energy resources, (2) 80% of new vehicle sales from manufacturers must be sales of zero-emission vehicles, and (3) 80% of train rail lines and train engines must be electrified. By 2035: (1) 100% of electricity must be generated from clean energy resources, (2) 100% of vehicle sales from (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Referred To The Subcommittee On Energy. on 05/22/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

SAFE Transitional License Act [S.1753]
SAFE Transitional License Act This bill amends the S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 to temporarily allow loan originators that meet specified requirements to continue to originate loans after moving: (1) from one state to another, or (2) from a depository institution to a non-depository institution.


Sponsored by: Sen. Angus King Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 08/03/2017

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