SB-1315: An Act to Authorize the Display of an Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal Decal on a Special Veterans Commemorative License Plate
Sponsored by: Sen. Bradlee Farrin
Committee On Transportation Suggested And Ordered Printed Reference To The Committee On Transportation Ordered Sent Down Forthwith For Concurrence on 03/27/2025
SB-2705: Relating to fees for the issuance of certain specialty license plates and an exemption from vehicle registration for certain trailers, semitrailers, tractors, and implements of husbandry.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brent Hagenbuch
Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 03/13/2025
You have voted SB-2705: Relating to fees for the issuance of certain specialty license plates and an exemption from vehicle registration for certain trailers, semitrailers, tractors, and implements of husbandry..
SB-989: An Act to Recognize Amateur Radio License Holders by Waiving Fees for License Plates Displaying Call Signs
Sponsored by: Sen. Marianne Moore
Carried Over, In The Same Posture, To The Next Special Or Regular Session Of The 132nd Legislature, Pursuant To Joint Order Sp 519. on 03/21/2025
SB-2001: Relating to the registration of vehicles, the issuance of disabled parking placards, and certain benefits associated with that registration or issuance for certain peace officers with disabilities; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Phil King
Read First Time on 03/17/2025
You have voted SB-2001: Relating to the registration of vehicles, the issuance of disabled parking placards, and certain benefits associated with that registration or issuance for certain peace officers with disabilities; authorizing a fee..
HB-925: Resolve, To Create a License Plate To Recognize the Semiquincentennial of the United States of America
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Lawrence
Carried Over, In The Same Posture, To The Next Special Or Regular Session Of The 132nd Legislature, Pursuant To Joint Order Sp 519. on 03/21/2025
You have voted SB-1902: Relating to the administration of the dealer-issued license plates database and to the removal and transfer of license plates..
HB-864: An Act to Allow the Use of Transporter Plates for Transporting Campers or Motor Homes
Sponsored by: Sen. Russell Black
Carried Over, In The Same Posture, To The Next Special Or Regular Session Of The 132nd Legislature, Pursuant To Joint Order Sp 519. on 03/21/2025