Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment [SB-655]
Establishing an Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program within the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide expertise in artificial intelligence to the circuit courts and the District Court in the form of expert testimony on the authenticity of electronic evidence the court determines may have been created or altered using artificial intelligence; and authorizing the Governor for fiscal years 2027 and 2028 to include an appropriation of $250,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program.
SB-655: Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Referred Judiciary on 03/13/2025
Common Ownership Communities and Zoning Authorities - Operation of Family Child Care Homes - Limitations [HB-785]
Prohibiting a provision in certain documents of certain cooperative housing corporations from prohibiting or restricting the establishment or operation of certain family child care homes; prohibiting a provision in certain documents of certain cooperative housing corporations from limiting the number of children for which certain family child care homes provide family child care below the number authorized by the State Department of Education; etc.
HB-785: Common Ownership Communities and Zoning Authorities - Operation of Family Child Care Homes - Limitations
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/12/2025
Courts - Prohibited Liability Agreements - Indoor Trampoline Parks [SB-642]
Altering a provision of law that makes unenforceable a provision of a contract or agreement limiting liability for injury caused by negligence or other wrongful acts to apply the unenforceability only to contracts or agreements relating to the use of an indoor trampoline park rather than the use of a recreational facility.
SB-642: Courts - Prohibited Liability Agreements - Indoor Trampoline Parks
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
Hearing 2/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2025
Civil Actions - Immunity - Disclosure of Allegations of Sexually Assaultive Behavior (Stop Silencing Survivors Act) [SB-549]
Establishing an immunity from liability for a person who discloses information about allegations of sexually assaultive behavior if the person acts in good faith; establishing a presumption of good faith unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the person acted with actual malice or intentionally or recklessly disclosed false information; providing for the award of attorney's fees and costs in certain circumstances; etc.
SB-549: Civil Actions - Immunity - Disclosure of Allegations of Sexually Assaultive Behavior (Stop Silencing Survivors Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Hearing 2/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/28/2025
Boating Accidents - Duty to Remain at the Scene, Render Assistance, and Provide Information - Penalties [HB-676]
Requiring the operator of a vessel involved in a collision, accident, or other casualty to return to and remain at the scene until the operator has rendered certain assistance and provided certain information; establishing certain criminal penalties for the operator of a vessel involved in a collision, accident, or other casualty who does not return to and remain at the scene of the collision, accident, or other casualty or render certain assistance and provide certain information; etc.
HB-676: Boating Accidents - Duty to Remain at the Scene, Render Assistance, and Provide Information - Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2025
Real Property - Fraudulent Possession and Unauthorized Lease or Listing - Prohibition and Removal [SB-556]
Prohibiting the knowing and willful presentation of certain false documents in order to possess real property; prohibiting a person from leasing to another real property the person does not own or is not authorized to lease and from listing or advertising for sale real property if the person knows the purported seller is not the owner of the property; etc.
SB-556: Real Property - Fraudulent Possession and Unauthorized Lease or Listing - Prohibition and Removal
Sponsored by: Sen. Justin Ready
Hearing 2/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/28/2025
Criminal Law - Criminal or Delinquent Act of a Child - Liability of a Parent, Guardian, or Custodian [HB-683]
Prohibiting the parent, guardian, or custodian of a child from intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently acting or failing to act in a manner that results in the child committing a crime or delinquent act; requiring an individual convicted under the Act to participate in certain proceedings and programs and establishing the failure to do so as contempt of court; and requiring the court to order a parent, guardian, or custodian to pay certain court costs and restitution related to a child's crime or delinquent act.
HB-683: Criminal Law - Criminal or Delinquent Act of a Child - Liability of a Parent, Guardian, or Custodian
Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer
Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2025
Relating To Prostitution. [HB-1485]
Establishes penalties for property managers and owners of real property on or in which massage parlors or similar prostitution establishments are located. Requires workers to be treated as victims and offered resources. Appropriates funds.
HB-1485: Relating To Prostitution.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scot Matayoshi
Referred To Jha, Fin, Referral Sheet 4 on 01/27/2025
Civil Actions - Immunity - Disclosure of Allegations of Sexually Assaultive Behavior (Stop Silencing Survivors Act) [HB-629]
Establishing an immunity from liability for a person who discloses information about allegations of sexually assaultive behavior if the person acts in good faith; establishing a presumption of good faith unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the person acted with actual malice or intentionally or recklessly disclosed false information; providing for the award of attorney's fees and costs in certain circumstances; etc.
HB-629: Civil Actions - Immunity - Disclosure of Allegations of Sexually Assaultive Behavior (Stop Silencing Survivors Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2025
Artificial Intelligence - Causing Injury or Death - Civil and Criminal Liability [HB-589]
Establishing that a person who intentionally, knowingly, or negligently designs or creates artificial intelligence software able to cause physical injury or death is strictly liable for damages and subject to a civil penalty if the software is used to cause personal injury or death; and prohibiting a person from intentionally, knowingly, or negligently designing or creating artificial intelligence software able to cause injury or death.
HB-589: Artificial Intelligence - Causing Injury or Death - Civil and Criminal Liability
Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer
Hearing 2/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2025