Approp: Operating Budget/loans/fund; Supp [SB-40]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making reappropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-40: Approp: Operating Budget/loans/fund; Supp
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/18/2023
SR-98: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Wtl/jdc, Wam. on 03/16/2022
You have voted SR-98: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations..
HCR-169: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Matthew Lopresti
Referred To Wal, Jha, Referral Sheet 27 on 03/14/2022
You have voted HCR-169: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations..
HR-169: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Matthew Lopresti
Referred To Wal, Jha, Referral Sheet 27 on 03/14/2022
You have voted HR-169: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations..
SCR-111: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Wtl/jdc, Wam. on 03/16/2022
You have voted SCR-111: Requesting The Governor To Certify Good Standing For All Lessees Of State Public Lands And Prohibit The State From Leasing Or Renewing The Lease Of Any Public Lands To Any Individual, Corporation, Or Public Agency That Has Not Met All Financial, Contractual, And Legal Obligations..
Self-storage Units: Liens; Sales [HB-331]
An Act relating to self-storage facilities for personal property, including vehicles and watercraft; relating to the treatment of firearms, ammunition, and controlled substances found in self-storage units; distinguishing self-storage facility liens from another type of storage lien; and excluding self-storage liens from the treatment of certain unclaimed property.
HB-331: Self-storage Units: Liens; Sales
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Tuck
Cosponsor(s): Prax on 02/23/2022
Relating To The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. [HB-2467]
Defines "beneficiary consultation". Prohibits the department of Hawaiian home lands from disposing or extending a general lease to non-beneficiaries unless there are no applicants seeking to enter into a general lease to the use and occupancy of a tract of Hawaiian home lands. Requires the department to notify beneficiaries through beneficiary consultation prior to the disposition of Hawaiian home lands. Prohibits the department from establishing additional criteria to enter into a general lease with an applicant, under certain conditions. Specifies
HB-2467: Relating To The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregg Takayama
Re-referred To Jha, Fin, Referral Sheet 7 on 02/03/2022
Relating To Public Lands. [HB-2417]
Requires DLNR to review the final report of the house of representatives' investigative committee established under House Resolution No. 164, Regular Session of 2021, for the purpose of conducting a policy analysis and developing proposed legislation. Appropriates funds for DLNR to conduct the policy analysis and implement the report's recommendations. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)
HB-2417: Relating To Public Lands.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
The Committee(s) On Wtl Deleted The Measure From The Public Hearing Scheduled On 03-18-22 1:00pm; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference. on 03/16/2022
Relating To Public Lands. [HB-2331]
Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources from approving any land disposition to the United States military that allows for or facilitates any military training activities on the subject lands. Requires that any lease or lease extension between the State and the US Department of Defense or branches of the US military include certain provisions, including an acknowledgement that the State retains authority over all environmental matters within its jurisdiction. Provides that violation of state or federal environmental law, or any law,
HB-2331: Relating To Public Lands.
Sponsored by: Rep. Matthew Lopresti
Referred To Wal/cmv/eep, Jha, Fin, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/28/2022
Relating To Public Lands. [SB-3286]
Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources from approving any land disposition to the United States military that allows for or facilitates any military training activities on the subject lands. Requires that any lease or lease extension between the State and the US Department of Defense or branches of the US military include certain provisions, including an acknowledgement that the State retains authority over all environmental matters within its jurisdiction. Provides that violation of state or federal environmental law, or any law,
SB-3286: Relating To Public Lands.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Referred To Wtl/psm, Wam/jdc. on 01/28/2022
Relating To Leases. [HB-2011]
Requires leases used in the conveyance of available lands as defined by section 203 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, as amended, to conform to the requirements for securitization by federally insured lending programs.
HB-2011: Relating To Leases.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gene Ward
Referred To Wal, Jha, Fin, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/28/2022
Relating To Land Leases. [SB-2549]
Prohibits the State from leasing any public lands to any individual, corporation, or federal agency who is in arrears in the payment of taxes, rents, or other obligations owed to the State or any county. Prohibits the State from leasing any public lands, or extending the lease of any public lands, to any individual, corporation, or federal agency that is in arrears in the payment of certain moneys to the State, noncompliant with a consent decree or memoranda of agreement with the State that requires environmental maintenance or remediation with
SB-2549: Relating To Land Leases.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Passed First Reading. on 01/24/2022
Relating To Harbors. [SB-2134]
Authorizes the Department of Transportation to negotiate leases for the non-maritime use of commercial harbors, commercial harbor and waterfront improvements, ports, docks, wharves, piers, quays, bulkheads, and landings within the Aloha Tower complex. (SD1)
SB-2134: Relating To Harbors.
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris Lee
Reported From Trs/wtl (stand. Com. Rep. No. 2662) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Jdc/wam. on 02/18/2022
Approp: Operating Budget/loans/funds [SB-162]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making reappropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-162: Approp: Operating Budget/loans/funds
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/18/2022