DCJS; requires provide minimum training standards for juvenile correctional officers. [HB-273]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; minimum training standards; juvenile correctional officers. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Criminal Justice Services Board to provide compulsory minimum entry-level training standards for juvenile correctional officers.
HB-273: DCJS; requires provide minimum training standards for juvenile correctional officers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0140) on 03/07/2012
Arrest; adult charged when a juvenile may be released on bail or recognizance. [HB-1244]
Arrest, detention, admission to bail of adult charged when a juvenile. Authorizes an adult who is taken into custody pursuant to a warrant or detention order alleging a delinquent act committed when the adult was a juvenile to be released by a magistrate on bail or recognizance pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 19.2-119 et seq.) of Title 19.2.
HB-1244: Arrest; adult charged when a juvenile may be released on bail or recognizance.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Johnson
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0253) on 03/13/2012
Circuit court hearing; termination of juvenile court jurisdiction. [HB-1198]
Courts not of record; circuit court hearing; termination of juvenile court jurisdiction; objections and appeals. Provides, in certain violent felony cases, for a juvenile's right to appeal to the circuit court the attorney for the Commonwealth's decision to certify that the juvenile's case be transferred to the circuit court for trial as an adult. If the juvenile appeals the decision to transfer, the circuit court will conduct a hearing on the merits, using factors currently used by the juvenile and domestic relations district court for transfer
HB-1198: Circuit court hearing; termination of juvenile court jurisdiction.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/14/2012
Va. Fire Services Board and State Board of Juvenile Justice; powers & duties. [HB-1104]
Secretary of Public Safety; Virginia Fire Services Board; State Board of Juvenile Justice; powers and duties. Consolidates, eliminates, or alters various powers and duties of the Virginia Fire Services Board and the State Board of Juvenile Justice regarding regulations, reporting, oversight, and the policy-making functions of the boards. The bill abolishes the Interagency Drug Offender Screening and Assessment Committee. The bill contains technical amendments.
HB-1104: Va. Fire Services Board and State Board of Juvenile Justice; powers & duties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Greason
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0456) on 03/30/2012
SB-127: Provides for the confidentiality of juvenile records. (8/1/12)
Sponsored by: Sen. Daniel Martiny
Introduced In The Senate; Read By Title. Rules Suspended. Read Second Time And Referred To The Committee On Judiciary B. on 03/12/2012
Juvenile work programs; adds additional members to committee reviewing those employing offenders. [SB-954]
Juvenile work programs. Adds additional members to the committee that reviews agreements with a public or private entity for the operation of a work program for juveniles committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice. In addition, the bill requires the committee to develop and submit to the Department a plan for the establishment of a network of businesses willing to employ juveniles released from the Department's commitment. The provisions of this act shall become effective on July 1, 2012.
SB-954: Juvenile work programs; adds additional members to committee reviewing those employing offenders.
Sponsored by: Sen. Yvonne Miller
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0551) on 03/25/2011
Juvenile; may be detained in secure facility for violation if fail to adhere to conditions of court. [SB-1168]
Detention of juvenile for violation of conditions of release. Provides that a juvenile taken into custody whose case is considered by a judge, intake officer or magistrate, who, following his release upon a Class 1 misdemeanor charge or a felony charge "under such conditions as may be imposed" by the judge, intake officer or magistrate and who then fails to adhere to the conditions of the court, intake officer or magistrate while on conditional release may be detained in a secure facility, pursuant to a detention order or warrant, upon a finding
SB-1168: Juvenile; may be detained in secure facility for violation if fail to adhere to conditions of court.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0644) on 03/26/2011
Juvenile Justice, Department of; confidentiality of records. [SB-1166]
Juvenile records; confidentiality. Clarifies that the Department of Juvenile Justice may share confidential juvenile records with persons, agencies, and institutions having a legitimate interest regardless of the state in which they are located. The bill also allows the Department to share confidential juvenile records with a requesting party who has custody or is providing supervision for a juvenile and the release of the confidential information is in the interest of maintaining security in a secure facility in a state other than Virginia provided
SB-1166: Juvenile Justice, Department of; confidentiality of records.
Sponsored by: Sen. Roscoe Reynolds
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0169) on 03/15/2011
Juvenile information dissemination; info. disseminated to State Police or U.S. Attorney General. [HB-2445]
CCRE juvenile information dissemination. Provides that, for purposes of a determination as provided in §§18.2-308.2 and 18.2-308.2:2 (records checks for possession and purchase, respectively) of eligibility to possess or purchase a firearm, juvenile record information maintained in the Central Criminal Records Exchange pursuant to the provisions of §16.1-299 (fingerprints and photographs of juveniles) shall be disseminated only to the State Police or the Attorney General of the United States. Currently, there are no named recipients.
HB-2445: Juvenile information dissemination; info. disseminated to State Police or U.S. Attorney General.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Cosgrove
House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/08/2011
Juvenile Justice, Department of; confidentiality of records. [HB-1783]
Juvenile records; confidentiality. Clarifies that the Department of Juvenile Justice may share confidential juvenile records with persons, agencies, and institutions having a legitimate interest regardless of the state in which they are located. The bill also allows the Department to share confidential juvenile records with a requesting party who has custody or is providing supervision for a juvenile and the release of the confidential information is in the interest of maintaining security in a secure facility in a state other than Virginia provided
HB-1783: Juvenile Justice, Department of; confidentiality of records.
Sponsored by: Rep. C. Todd Gilbert
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0099) on 03/15/2011
SB-55: Provides for prosecution of nonviolent offenses by persons age 17 or under by juvenile court unless judicial waiver is granted to be tried as an adult. (8/15/10)
Sponsored by: Sen. Jean-Paul Morrell
Introduced In The Senate; Read By Title. Rules Suspended. Read Second Time And Referred To The Committee On Judiciary B. on 03/29/2010
You have voted SB-55: Provides for prosecution of nonviolent offenses by persons age 17 or under by juvenile court unless judicial waiver is granted to be tried as an adult. (8/15/10).