Justice Of The Peace

State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to prospective jurors summoned for jury service in the justice courts of a county with a population of one million or more. [HB-1698]
Relating to prospective jurors summoned for jury service in the justice courts of a county with a population of one million or more.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jolanda Jones Read First Time on 03/07/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to inquests a justice of the peace conducts by videoconference in certain circumstances. [HB-1642]
Relating to inquests a justice of the peace conducts by videoconference in certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Vasut Read First Time on 03/07/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to assignment of traffic citations to justices of the peace in large counties. [HB-1468]
Relating to assignment of traffic citations to justices of the peace in large counties.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jolanda Jones Read First Time on 03/03/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates to state and federal judges. [HB-1151]
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates to state and federal judges.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cody Vasut Read First Time on 03/02/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication criminal offenses. [HB-1131]
Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication criminal offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Spiller Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/08/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to an annual report by a justice of the peace regarding certain income. [HB-961]
Relating to an annual report by a justice of the peace regarding certain income.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jacey Jetton Read First Time on 03/02/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the mileage expense reimbursement for certain temporary justices of the peace. [HB-2430]
Relating to the mileage expense reimbursement for certain temporary justices of the peace.


Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Hinojosa Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/07/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the duties of a law enforcement agency regarding missing children and missing persons and to the duties of a justice of the peace or other investigator regarding unidentified bodies. [HB-1419]
Relating to the duties of a law enforcement agency regarding missing children and missing persons and to the duties of a justice of the peace or other investigator regarding unidentified bodies.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Tinderholt Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/04/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the jurisdiction of, and qualifications of judges and justices of the peace for, certain courts. [SB-561]
Relating to the jurisdiction of, and qualifications of judges and justices of the peace for, certain courts.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Read First Time on 02/21/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for justices of the peace. [SB-1042]
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for justices of the peace.


Sponsored by: Sen. Larry Taylor Read First Time on 03/07/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for justices of the peace. [HB-806]
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for justices of the peace.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Placed On Local, Consent, And Res. Calendar on 05/03/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for justices of the peace. [HB-487]
Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for justices of the peace.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Referred To Transportation on 05/06/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication criminal offenses. [HB-386]
Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication criminal offenses.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dewayne Burns Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/15/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to clerks of justice courts and deputy constables. [HB-3792]
Relating to clerks of justice courts and deputy constables.


Sponsored by: Rep. Craig Goldman Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/23/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a person qualified to serve as a temporary justice of the peace. [HB-3081]
Relating to a person qualified to serve as a temporary justice of the peace.


Sponsored by: Rep. Candy Noble Effective On 9/1/19 on 06/14/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to inquest summary reports and the preservation of evidence collected in the course of an inquest. [HB-300]
Relating to inquest summary reports and the preservation of evidence collected in the course of an inquest.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Lang Effective Immediately on 06/10/2019

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the participation of armed forces members in a marriage ceremony through video conference technology. [HB-675]
Relating to the participation of armed forces members in a marriage ceremony through video conference technology.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond Placed On General State Calendar on 05/12/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the courts authorized to hear certain matters relating to a capias pro fine. [SB-873]
Relating to the courts authorized to hear certain matters relating to a capias pro fine.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Rodriguez Effective On 9/1/15 on 06/19/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to waive the waiting period for a marriage ceremony. [SB-457]
Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to waive the waiting period for a marriage ceremony.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Co-author Authorized on 02/11/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a request for a waiver of the waiting period before human remains may be cremated. [SB-292]
Relating to a request for a waiver of the waiting period before human remains may be cremated.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Effective Immediately on 05/29/2015

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