SB-2718: As introduced, exempts from jury service, upon request and sufficient proof, persons 75 years of age or older with a medical condition that would make service an undue hardship. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dolores Gresham
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/10/2020
You have voted SB-2718: As introduced, exempts from jury service, upon request and sufficient proof, persons 75 years of age or older with a medical condition that would make service an undue hardship. - Amends TCA Title 22..
HB-2677: As introduced, exempts from jury service, upon request and sufficient proof, persons 75 years of age or older with a medical condition that would make service an undue hardship. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee Of Judiciary Committee on 05/27/2020
You have voted HB-2677: As introduced, exempts from jury service, upon request and sufficient proof, persons 75 years of age or older with a medical condition that would make service an undue hardship. - Amends TCA Title 22..
SB-2387: As introduced, allows a breastfeeding mother to be excused from serving as a juror; requires a breastfeeding mother to provide the court with a supporting medical statement from a licensed physician and take any action necessary to obtain a ruling on a request to be excused no later than the date that the person is scheduled to appear for jury duty. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2.
Sponsored by: Sen. Sara Kyle
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/10/2020
You have voted SB-2387: As introduced, allows a breastfeeding mother to be excused from serving as a juror; requires a breastfeeding mother to provide the court with a supporting medical statement from a licensed physician and take any action necessary to obtain a ruling on a request to be excused no later than the date that the person is scheduled to appear for jury duty. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2..
HB-2483: As introduced, allows a breastfeeding mother to be excused from serving as a juror; requires a breastfeeding mother to provide the court with a supporting medical statement from a licensed physician and take any action necessary to obtain a ruling on a request to be excused no later than the date that the person is scheduled to appear for jury duty. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Clemmons
Received From House, Passed On First Consideration on 06/04/2020
You have voted HB-2483: As introduced, allows a breastfeeding mother to be excused from serving as a juror; requires a breastfeeding mother to provide the court with a supporting medical statement from a licensed physician and take any action necessary to obtain a ruling on a request to be excused no later than the date that the person is scheduled to appear for jury duty. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2..
AN ACT relating to juries. [SB-132]
Amend KRS 29A.040 to add holders of personal identification cards issued within a county to the master list of potential jurors for that county.
SB-132: AN ACT relating to juries.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 18) on 03/17/2020
SB-2006: As introduced, allows persons 70 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janince Bowling
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/03/2020
You have voted SB-2006: As introduced, allows persons 70 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22..
HB-1997: As introduced, allows persons 70 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rush Bricken
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee Of Judiciary on 02/18/2020
You have voted HB-1997: As introduced, allows persons 70 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22..
SB-1774: As introduced, allows persons 65 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Sen. Becky Massey
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 01/27/2020
You have voted SB-1774: As introduced, allows persons 65 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22..
HB-1808: As introduced, allows persons 65 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dave Wright
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee Of Judiciary on 02/04/2020
You have voted HB-1808: As introduced, allows persons 65 years of age and older to be excused from jury service upon written request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22..
HB-636: Jurors, travel reimbursement, rate adjusted, Sec. 12-19-210 am'd.
Sponsored by: Sen. April Weaver
Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Of Representatives Committee On Ways And Means General Fund on 05/21/2019
SB-1808: As enacted, requires jury coordinator to prepare and send a list of persons disqualified or potentially disqualified from jury service due to certain reasons to the administrator of elections. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Ketron
Pub. Ch. 837 on 05/04/2018
You have voted SB-1808: As enacted, requires jury coordinator to prepare and send a list of persons disqualified or potentially disqualified from jury service due to certain reasons to the administrator of elections. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2..
HB-2378: As introduced, requires a court, upon the request of a criminal defendant, to instruct the jury that although the state may prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt the jury may still find the defendant not guilty in order to avoid an unjust result. - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 39 and Title 40.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jerry Sexton
P2c, Ref. To Criminal Justice Committee on 02/07/2018
You have voted HB-2378: As introduced, requires a court, upon the request of a criminal defendant, to instruct the jury that although the state may prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt the jury may still find the defendant not guilty in order to avoid an unjust result. - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 39 and Title 40..
HB-1854: As enacted, requires jury coordinator to prepare and send a list of persons disqualified or potentially disqualified from jury service due to certain reasons to the administrator of elections. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2.
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Lynn
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 837 on 05/04/2018
You have voted HB-1854: As enacted, requires jury coordinator to prepare and send a list of persons disqualified or potentially disqualified from jury service due to certain reasons to the administrator of elections. - Amends TCA Title 22, Chapter 1 and Title 22, Chapter 2..
HB-259: Jurors, service in criminal cases, names of sealed, contact by parties with for specified purposes prohibited, procedures for contact with jurors, penalties for violation
Sponsored by: Rep. Lynn Greer
Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Of Representatives Committee On Judiciary on 02/16/2017
You have voted HB-259: Jurors, service in criminal cases, names of sealed, contact by parties with for specified purposes prohibited, procedures for contact with jurors, penalties for violation.
SB-255: As introduced, allows any person age 70 or older to request the jury coordinator of the county to remove the person's name from the jury list of the county if the request is made in writing and is accompanied by an affidavit providing the person's name, age, and other information as required by the jury coordinator; requires the jury coordinator to remove the person's name from the jury list upon receiving the request. - Amends TCA Title 22.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Tracy
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Judiciary Committee on 04/11/2017
You have voted SB-255: As introduced, allows any person age 70 or older to request the jury coordinator of the county to remove the person's name from the jury list of the county if the request is made in writing and is accompanied by an affidavit providing the person's name, age, and other information as required by the jury coordinator; requires the jury coordinator to remove the person's name from the jury list upon receiving the request. - Amends TCA Title 22..
You have voted HB-167: As introduced, exempts from jury service persons 72 years of age or older upon request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22..
You have voted SB-208: As introduced, exempts from jury service persons 72 years of age or older upon request and sufficient proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 22..