Joint Commission on Health Care; study of quality of health care services in jails and prisons. [HJR-616]
Study; Joint Commission on Health Care to study quality of health care services provided to inmates in jails and prisons in the Commonwealth; report. Directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to study the quality of health care services provided to inmates in jails and prisons in the Commonwealth. In conducting its study, the Joint Commission on Health Care shall (i) review the requirements for delivery of health care services in jails and prisons; (ii) review the oversight of health care service delivery in jails and prisons, including the process
HJR-616: Joint Commission on Health Care; study of quality of health care services in jails and prisons.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Tabled In Rules By Voice Vote on 01/26/2017
Community services boards; preadmission screening for regional jail inmates. [SB-975]
Community services boards; preadmission screening; regional jail inmates. Provides that the duties of a community services board include reviewing any existing Memorandum of Understanding between the community services board and any other community services boards that serve the regional jail to ensure that such memorandum sets forth the roles and responsibilities of each community services board in the preadmission screening process, provides for communication and information sharing protocols between the community services boards, and provides
SB-975: Community services boards; preadmission screening for regional jail inmates.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Cosgrove
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0606) on 03/16/2017
Weekend jail time; replaces the provision limiting nonconsecutive days. [SB-851]
Weekend jail time. Replaces the provision limiting nonconsecutive days in jail for the purpose of allowing the defendant to retain gainful employment with a good cause standard and allows the court to sentence the defendant to nonconsecutive days in jail only if the active portion of the sentence remaining to be served is 90 days or less. If there is no objection from the Commonwealth, the court may sentence felons to nonconsecutive days in jail if the felony was not an act of violence as defined in ? 19.2-297.1.
SB-851: Weekend jail time; replaces the provision limiting nonconsecutive days.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Rehabilitation And Social Services (15-y 0-n) on 01/27/2017