AN ACT relating to the recall of elected officials. [HB-162]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 63 establishing a procedure for the recall of any elected sheriff, jailer, constable, or peace officer; amend KRS 63.990 to include a criminal penalty for giving money or anything of value in exchange for a signature on a petition.
HB-162: AN ACT relating to the recall of elected officials.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Posted In Committee on 01/15/2020
AN ACT relating to federal immigration cooperation. [SB-1]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 61 to prohibit law enforcement agencies, law enforcement officials, employees of a law enforcement agency or public agencies, public officials, or employees of a public agency or public institution operating under KRS Chapter 164 from enacting, adopting, or otherwise enforcing any sanctuary policy relating to immigration; require law enforcement officials, representatives, agents, and employees of law enforcement agencies, public officials, representatives, agents, and employees of public agencies to use their
SB-1: AN ACT relating to federal immigration cooperation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Returned To Judiciary (h) on 03/18/2020
AN ACT relating to the transfer of county jail inmates. [HB-120]
Amend KRS 441.520 to require a judicial removal order cite danger for order of removal, establish incarceration rates and medical costs, impose geographic limits for removal, place liability for transfers upon the Administrative Office of the Courts, require that in all other removal orders the judge shall receive the written agreement of the originating and receiving jailer, establish the details of written agreement, establish criteria for cost and transportation, and require judge to review removal orders every 90 days for safety and security
HB-120: AN ACT relating to the transfer of county jail inmates.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Hale
Posting Withdrawn on 02/24/2020