
State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Maryland Energy Administration - Carbon Capture Opportunity Program - Establishment [SB-384]
Establishing the Carbon Capture Opportunity Program in the Maryland Energy Administration to assist nonprofit and for-profit businesses engaged in carbon capture projects or carbon capture research; and requiring the Administration to establish application procedures, provide technical assistance to participating businesses, assist participants in applying for federal and private grant funding, and publicize the availability of the Program.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Election Law - Election Disinformation and Improper Influence Related to Voting [HB-333]
Requiring the State Board of Elections to maintain a portal on the State Board's website that the public may use to report election misinformation and election disinformation; requiring the State Board to conduct a periodic review of material submitted by the public through the portal and, to the extent necessary, issue corrective information or refer submissions to the State Prosecutor; and defining "influence" for purposes of certain provisions of law prohibiting improper influence related to voting.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Ebersole Approved By The Governor - Chapter 126 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

General Assembly Vacancy - Political Party Central Committees - Procedures [HB-347]
Establishing requirements for the filling of a vacancy in the office of Senator or Delegate in the General Assembly by a central committee of a political party under the Maryland Constitution relating to applications, public notice, public meetings, and voting; and requiring a member of the central committee who has applied to fill the vacancy to recuse themselves from voting on the individual to fill the vacancy.


Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr Third Reading Passed (135-1) on 03/18/2024

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2024 Regular Session

Relating To Condominiums. [SB-1512]
Prohibits the use of proxies in condominium association voting. Requires associations to allow members to vote by mail and attend and cast votes in association meetings through internet, teleconference, or other electronic transmission technology. Requires associations to mail out paper ballots before any annual or other periodic election of board members.


Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Voting Machines/vote Tally Systems [HB-210]
An Act relating to voting machines and vote tally systems; and relating to ballots.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Eastman Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/16/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Approp: Cap; Reapprop [HB-269]
An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations and other appropriations; making reappropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/16/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Suspend Uniform Rules For Sb 140 [HCR-4]
Suspend Uniform Rules For Sb 140


Sponsored by: Rep. Permanently Filed 9/10 Legis Resolve 11 on 09/10/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Parental Consent For Social Media Account [HB-271]
An Act relating to social media and minors; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/16/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Approp: Cap; Reapprop; Supp [SB-187]
An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and other appropriations; making reappropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; amending appropriations; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Referred To Finance on 04/15/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Transportation - Vision Zero - Implementation [SB-345]
Establishing certain standards and requirements for implementing the Vision Zero program under the Maryland Department of Transportation.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher Approved By The Governor - Chapter 603 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact [SB-359]
Entering into the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact; establishing criteria for participating states; authorizing an advanced practice registered nurse to practice in a party state under certain scope of practice rules; establishing the Interstate Commission of APRN Compact Administrators and its duties and powers; providing for the amendment of and withdrawal from the Compact; providing that the Compact is contingent on the enacting of substantially similar legislation in six other states; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/24/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Electronic Device Recycling [SB-175]
An Act relating to an electronic product stewardship program; relating to collection, recycling, and disposal of electronic equipment; establishing the electronics recycling advisory council; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Matt Claman Cosponsor(s): Giessel, Gray-jackson, Claman on 03/18/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Ai, Deepfakes, Cybersecurity, Data Xfers [SB-177]
An Act relating to artificial intelligence; requiring disclosure of deepfakes in campaign communications; relating to cybersecurity; and relating to data privacy.


Sponsored by: Sen. Shelley Hughes Sta Rpt Cs 2dp 1nr 1am New Title on 04/24/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Block Pornography To Minors; Social Media [HB-254]
An Act relating to minors and the Internet; and relating to use of social media by minors.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Rauscher Referred To Judiciary on 05/06/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Renewable Energy - Customer-Sited Solar Program [HB-258]
Establishing the Customer-Sited Solar Program within the Maryland Energy Administration for the purpose of increasing deployment of customer-sited solar energy generating system and providing grants to eligible customer-generators for certain solar energy generating systems; authorizing a third party to apply for a grant on behalf of an eligible customer-generator under certain circumstances; and providing for the funding of Program grants from certain compliance fee and allowance proceeds in the Strategic Energy Investment Fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lily Qi Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/01/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Maryland Paint Stewardship [SB-325]
Requiring producers of architectural paint or a representative organization to submit a plan for the establishment of a Paint Stewardship Program to the Department of the Environment by July 1, 2025, and in accordance with certain requirements; requiring the Department to review and approve certain plans, including a certain assessment; prohibiting the sale of certain architectural paint beginning January 1, 2026 unless an approved Paint Stewardship Program has been implemented by certain producers; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks Approved By The Governor - Chapter 588 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

County Boards of Education - Bid Advertisement Threshold and Electronic Posting of Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements [HB-291]
Requiring county boards of education to post on the websites of certain local school systems hearing notices related to preliminary approval of a school site and advertisements for bids for school buildings, improvements, supplies, or equipment that exceed $100,000; increasing, from $25,000 to $100,000, the threshold amount of costs of school buildings, improvements, supplies, or equipment that trigger the requirement for county boards to advertise for bids; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr Approved By The Governor - Chapter 274 on 04/25/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Comprehensive plan; locality may consider adopting a healthy communities strategy. [SB-595]
Comprehensive plan; healthy communities strategy. Authorizes a locality, beginning July 1, 2024, to adopt a healthy communities strategy as part of its next and any subsequent reviews of the comprehensive plan. The bill provides that the locality's strategy may include identifying (i) major sources of pollution or hazardous waste sites within the locality, (ii) policies to mitigate the unique or compounded health risks to residents that may be caused by such pollution sources or hazardous waste sites, (iii) objectives and policies to promote civic (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby Senate Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Elected officials; Internet publication of personal information, definition of public official. [HB-1315]
Elected officials; Internet publication of personal information; definition of public official. Adds to the definition of "public official" any elected official for the purposes of prohibiting the Commonwealth from publishing on the Internet the personal information of any public official if a court has ordered that such official's personal information is prohibited from publication and the official has made a demand in writing to the Commonwealth, accompanied by the order of the court, that the Commonwealth not publish such information. The bill (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Walker Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/13/2024

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Food inspections; pickles and acidified vegetables, gross sales. [HB-759]
Food inspections; private homes; pickles and acidified vegetables; gross sales. Increases from $3,000 to $9,000 the gross sales annual revenue cap for sales of pickles and other acidified vegetables that have an equilibrium pH value of 4.6 or lower and are processed and prepared in a private home without an inspection as otherwise required to operate a food establishment. The bill expands the exemption for private homes where the resident processes and prepares certain food products to allow for such person to sell the food at a temporary event (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0131) on 03/25/2024

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