
State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Public Health - Substance-Related Disorder Services (Maryland Patient Protection and Treatment Ethics Act) [HB-1071]
Requiring any marketing or advertising materials published or provided by a behavioral health program to provide certain information about treatment services provided by the behavioral health program; prohibiting a health care practitioner from knowingly and willfully making certain statements or providing certain information; prohibiting a health care practitioner from knowingly making false or misleading statements; requiring a certain behavioral health program to include a certain statement in any advertising; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Public Health - Substance-Related Disorder Services (Maryland Patient Protection and Treatment Ethics Act) [HB-1071]
Requiring any marketing or advertising materials published or provided by a behavioral health program to provide certain information about treatment services provided by the behavioral health program; prohibiting a health care practitioner from knowingly and willfully making certain statements or providing certain information; prohibiting a health care practitioner from knowingly making false or misleading statements; requiring a certain behavioral health program to include a certain statement in any advertising; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

State Board for Certification of Residential Child Care Program Professionals - Certification - Revisions [HB-1108]
Requiring the State Board for Certification of Residential Child Care Program Professionals to maintain an electronic roster of all individuals certified by the Board; requiring that the roster be available for electronic verification of certification through the Board's website; authorizing certain individuals to contact the Board to verify a certificate; and repealing a certain requirement that a certain renewal notice sent by the Board contain certain information.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nick Charles Referred Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 03/14/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

State Board of Physicians - Genetic Counselors - Licensing [HB-1040]
Requiring the State Board of Physicians to license genetic counselors; providing that provisions of the Act do not limit the right of certain individuals to practice certain occupations; establishing the Genetic Counseling Advisory Committee within the Board; requiring individuals, on or after October 1, 2022, to be licensed by the Board as genetic counselors before practicing genetic counseling in the State except under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Health Facilities - Hospitals - Disclosure of Outpatient Facility Fees (Facility Fee Right-to-Know Act) [HB-915]
Requiring certain hospitals to provide each patient with a certain written notice related to outpatient facility fees that are charged for services provided at the hospital that is in a certain form; requiring that certain notices be provided to certain patients in certain manners and at certain times; requiring certain hospitals to determine a certain range of fees and fee estimates; requiring each hospital that charges an outpatient facility fee to use a certain range of fees and fee estimates; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 365 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Hospitals and Freestanding Medical Facilities – Closing or Partial Closing – Public Notice [HB-926]
Requiring the Maryland Health Care Commission to publish a certain notice of the closing or partial closing of a certain hospital or freestanding medical facility within a certain time period; requiring the Commission to ensure that a certain notice is available to the public for certain purposes and provided to a certain local governing body and certain members of the General Assembly; requiring the Commission to publish a notice of certain informational meetings; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Ann Lisanti Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Member-Regulated Cooperatives - Establishment (Rural Broadband for the Eastern Shore Act of 2020) [HB-999]
Establishing a process for an electric cooperative to operate as a member-regulated cooperative in a certain area; requiring a cooperative's board of directors to hold a certain meeting and forums and provide a certain notice and information to the cooperative's members on whether to operate as a member-regulated cooperative; requiring a member-regulated cooperative to report to certain committees of the General Assembly on the status of the deployment of broadband Internet service to the cooperative's members; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 606 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Insurance - Health Care Sharing Ministries [HB-994]
Repealing a certain exemption from certain insurance laws for certain voluntary noncontractual religious publication arrangements; exempting from certain insurance laws certain health care sharing ministries; requiring a person to obtain a certificate of registration from the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to act as a health care sharing ministry in the State; requiring the Commissioner to send a notice of an impending expiration of a certificate of registration not later than 30 days before the expiration; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 03/03/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Economic Development Programs - Data Collection, Tracking, and Reporting Requirements - Alteration [HB-1026]
Altering the definition of "economic development program" for purposes of the data collection, tracking, and reporting requirements of the Maryland Jobs Development Act to include certain tax credit programs; and requiring the Department of Commerce, on or before December 31, 2020, to make available on the Department's website, in a certain format certain information relating to the recipients of economic development program tax credits or financial assistance and to update that information annually.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jessica Feldmark Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 408 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

21st–Century Economy Fairness Act [HB-932]
Requiring the Comptroller to distribute the sales and use tax revenue from certain digital products to The Blueprint for Maryland's Future Fund; defining "digital product" as one that is obtained by the buyer or delivered electronically; applying the sales and use tax to a sale or use of certain digital products; providing that the retail sale of a certain digital code or digital product shall be presumed to be made in the state in which a certain customer tax address is located; stating the intent of the General Assembly; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Marc Korman Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/07/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Personal Property Tax - Exemption for Business Personal Property [HB-940]
Exempting business personal property from the property tax imposed by a county or municipal corporation, subject to certain exceptions; requiring the State Department of Assessments and Taxation to identify certain provisions of law and submit a certain report to the General Assembly; and applying the Act to taxable years beginning after June 30, 2020.


Sponsored by: Rep. Barrie Ciliberti First Reading Ways And Means on 02/05/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Department of Information Technology - Cybersecurity Response Team [HB-996]
Requiring the Department of Information Technology, in consultation with the Maryland Cybersecurity Council, to establish a Cybersecurity Response Team; setting forth the duties of the Cybersecurity Response Team; altering the purposes of the 9-1-1 Trust Fund; requiring the Comptroller to disperse certain funds from the 9-1-1 Trust Fund to certain local jurisdictions for a certain purpose; and requiring the Department to report annually to the Governor and the General Assembly on the activities of the Cybersecurity Response Team.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Ann Lisanti Hearing Canceled on 02/28/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Health Care Facilities - Workplace Safety (Safe Care Act) [SB-943]
Requiring State residential centers and State-operated hospitals to develop a workplace safety plan; establishing certain requirements for a certain workplace safety plan; requiring that certain training address certain risks and include certain instruction on certain matters; requiring certain State residential centers and State-operated hospitals to collaborate with a certain committee for certain purposes; requiring that certain procedures include certain other procedures; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes Referred Economic Matters on 03/16/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Department of General Services - State Innovation Program and Fund - Establishment [SB-984]
Establishing the State Innovation Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; specifying the purpose, use, and contents of the Fund; requiring the Secretary of General Services to administer the Fund; requiring the Secretary to establish the State Innovation Program in accordance with certain requirements; requiring certain information regarding the Program to be posted on a certain website; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Hearing Canceled on 02/24/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Department of General Services - State Innovation Program and Fund - Establishment [SB-984]
Establishing the State Innovation Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; specifying the purpose, use, and contents of the Fund; requiring the Secretary of General Services to administer the Fund; requiring the Secretary to establish the State Innovation Program in accordance with certain requirements; requiring certain information regarding the Program to be posted on a certain website; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Hearing Canceled on 02/24/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Maryland Online Consumer Protection Act [SB-957]
Requiring certain businesses that collect a consumer's personal information to provide certain clear and conspicuous notices to the consumer at or before the point of collection; authorizing a consumer to submit a certain request for information to a certain business that collects the consumer's personal information; requiring a certain business to comply with a certain request for information in a certain manner and within 45 days after receiving a verifiable consumer request; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Maryland Online Consumer Protection Act [SB-957]
Requiring certain businesses that collect a consumer's personal information to provide certain clear and conspicuous notices to the consumer at or before the point of collection; authorizing a consumer to submit a certain request for information to a certain business that collects the consumer's personal information; requiring a certain business to comply with a certain request for information in a certain manner and within 45 days after receiving a verifiable consumer request; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Maryland Department of Health - Residential Service Agencies - Training Requirements [SB-897]
Requiring each residential service agency to ensure that certain individuals receive certain training relating to dementia; requiring each residential service agency to ensure that individuals providing certain training have certain experience and have completed certain training; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to provide a list of training programs to each residential agency; requiring an individual employed as a residential service agency's direct care or supervisory staff to complete certain training; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Health Facilities - Hospitals - Medical Debt Protection [SB-873]
Requiring a hospital to annually submit a report to the Health Services Cost Review Commission on the total number of patients by race or ethnicity, gender, and zip code against whom the hospital has filed an action to collect a debt, or to whom the hospital has and has not reported or classified a bad debt, and the total amount of costs owed but not collected; requiring that a certain policy provide a mechanism to a patient to modify a payment plan and prohibit the hospital from collecting a certain debt for a certain patient; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/06/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Financial Institutions - Consumer Protection - Money Transmissions and Virtual Currencies [SB-754]
Adding certain sources of revenue required to be credited to the Nondepository Special Fund; requiring the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to pay certain fines and penalties into the General Fund of the State; altering certain provisions on the regulation of money transmission by the Commissioner; authorizing the Commissioner to identify certain activities as money transmission for certain purposes; establishing licensing requirements for certain money transmission locations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Third Reading Passed (46-0) on 03/13/2020

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