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Explain HB-83: Establish state special revenue account for Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force × Sponsored by: Rep. Tyson Running Wolf (h) Returned From Enrolling on 02/27/2025
You have voted HB-83: Establish state special revenue account for Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force.
Explain HJR-1: Resolution urging Congress to fully fund law enforcement in Indian Country × Sponsored by: Rep. Tyson Running Wolf (s) Committee Executive Action--resolution Adopted (s) Energy, Technology & Federal Relations on 03/27/2025
You have voted HJR-1: Resolution urging Congress to fully fund law enforcement in Indian Country.
Explain HR-10: Resolution recognizing the Vatican's repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery × Sponsored by: Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (h) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HR-10: Resolution recognizing the Vatican's repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery.
Explain HJR-37: Interim study for recognition of the Turtle Mountain Indians × Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Smith (s) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HJR-37: Interim study for recognition of the Turtle Mountain Indians.
Explain HR-9: Resolution urging federal action to implement the community health aide program × Sponsored by: Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (h) Filed With Secretary Of State on 05/11/2023
You have voted HR-9: Resolution urging federal action to implement the community health aide program.
Explain HB-882: Exempt federally recognized tribal members from vehicle registration fees × Sponsored by: Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-882: Exempt federally recognized tribal members from vehicle registration fees.
Explain HB-825: Provide funding to address affordable housing × Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Hopkins (h) Missed Deadline For Appropriation Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-825: Provide funding to address affordable housing.
Explain HB-804: Providing broadband funding review requirements × Sponsored by: Rep. Tyson Running Wolf (s) Died In Process on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-804: Providing broadband funding review requirements.
Explain HB-797: Require agency reporting on financial assistance to tribes × Sponsored by: Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (h) Veto Override Failed In Legislature on 06/14/2023
You have voted HB-797: Require agency reporting on financial assistance to tribes.
Explain HB-792: Require legislative approval for state-tribal motor fuel tax agreements × Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Duram (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/11/2023
You have voted HB-792: Require legislative approval for state-tribal motor fuel tax agreements.
Explain HB-726: Assign oversight of water compacts and management to Public Service Commisson × Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Read (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/11/2023
You have voted HB-726: Assign oversight of water compacts and management to Public Service Commisson.
Explain HB-650: Require agency reporting on financial assistance to tribes × Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Read (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/11/2023
You have voted HB-650: Require agency reporting on financial assistance to tribes.
Explain HB-489: Update name of Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council in transportation law × Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Brockman Chapter Number Assigned on 04/26/2023
You have voted HB-489: Update name of Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council in transportation law.
Explain HB-478: Provide an appropriation for PL 280 reimbursement × Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Read (h) Missed Deadline For Appropriation Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-478: Provide an appropriation for PL 280 reimbursement.
Explain HB-479: Provide appropriation for DOJ to assume law enforcement PL-280 × Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Read (h) Veto Override Failed In Legislature on 06/16/2023
You have voted HB-479: Provide appropriation for DOJ to assume law enforcement PL-280.
Explain HB-477: Generally revise corporation laws regarding tribal entities × Sponsored by: Rep. Sharon Stewart-Peregoy Chapter Number Assigned on 05/19/2023
You have voted HB-477: Generally revise corporation laws regarding tribal entities.
Explain HB-394: Require examination of creation of state-tribal education accord schools × Sponsored by: Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (s) Died In Process on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-394: Require examination of creation of state-tribal education accord schools.
Explain HB-395: Improve school district consultation with American Indian tribes × Sponsored by: Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/11/2023
You have voted HB-395: Improve school district consultation with American Indian tribes.
Explain HB-383: Establish the Montana hunters and anglers community fund × Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas France (s) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted HB-383: Establish the Montana hunters and anglers community fund.
Explain SB-233: Enhance legislative understanding of state-tribal relations × Sponsored by: Sen. Shane Morigeau (s) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/13/2023
You have voted SB-233: Enhance legislative understanding of state-tribal relations.