HB-4830: To direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to obtain membership status for India in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and for other purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe
Introduced In House on 03/22/2016
You have voted HB-4830: To direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to obtain membership status for India in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and for other purposes..
U.S.-India Defense Technology and Partnership Act [HB-4825]
U.S.-India Defense Technology and Partnership Act This bill expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the U.S.-India defense partnership is vital to regional and international stability and security, and (2) the President should take action to formalize India's status as a U.S. major partner. The President should coordinate with India annually to develop military contingency plans for addressing threats to mutual security interests. The President shall: (1) annually assess the extent to which India possesses strategic operational capabilities to
HB-4825: U.S.-India Defense Technology and Partnership Act
Sponsored by: Rep. George Holding
Introduced In House on 03/22/2016
HB-4036: To prohibit any regulation regarding carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the United States until China, India, and Russia implement similar reductions.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Fleming
Referred To The Subcommittee On Energy And Power. on 11/20/2015
You have voted HB-4036: To prohibit any regulation regarding carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the United States until China, India, and Russia implement similar reductions..
Tibetan Refugee Assistance Act of 2015 [HB-2679]
Tibetan Refugee Assistance Act of 2015 Makes 3,000 immigrant visas available in FY2016-FY2018 for individuals who were born in Tibet and have been continuously residing in India or Nepal prior to the date of the enactment of this Act. Considers an individual to be a native of Tibet if such individual was born in Tibet or is the son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter of an individual born in Tibet. Provides derivative status for accompanying/following spouses and children.
HB-2679: Tibetan Refugee Assistance Act of 2015
Sponsored by: Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner
Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Border Security. on 06/16/2015
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 [HB-2596]
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 TITLE I--INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES (Sec. 101) Authorizes FY2016 appropriations for the conduct of intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the: (1) Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI); (2) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); (3) Department of Defense (DOD); (4) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); (5) National Security Agency; (6) Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; (7) Coast Guard; (8) Departments of State, the Treasury, Energy (DOE), and Justice (DOJ); (9) Federal
HB-2596: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016
Sponsored by: Rep. Devin Nunes
Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Select Committee On Intelligence. on 06/17/2015
End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act [HB-1797]
End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act This bill expands programs to address neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), which are infections caused by pathogens, including viruses, microbes, and helminths (parasitic worms), that disproportionately impact individuals living in extreme poverty, especially in developing countries. The NTDs Program of the U.S. Agency for International Development must be expanded, including by: (1) adding morbidity management to treatment plans, (2) addressing additional NTDs, and (3) establishing a research and development program.
HB-1797: End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Henry Johnson
Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held. on 01/07/2016
SR-595: A resolution recognizing Nobel Laureates Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their efforts to end the financial exploitation of children and to ensure the right of all children to an education.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Durbin
Resolution Agreed To In Senate With An Amendment And An Amended Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S6929; Text As Passed Senate: Cr S6929) on 12/16/2014
You have voted SR-595: A resolution recognizing Nobel Laureates Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their efforts to end the financial exploitation of children and to ensure the right of all children to an education..
SR-571: A resolution designating September 30, 2014, as "United States and India Partnership Day".
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Warner
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S5880; Text As Passed Sentate: Cr S5799) on 09/18/2014
SR-523: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Warner
Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S4910-4911) on 07/24/2014
You have voted SR-523: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the importance of the United States-India strategic partnership and the continued deepening of bilateral ties with India..
A resolution welcoming the Prime Minister of India to the United States for meetings to advance the United States-India partnership. [SR-255]
Welcomes the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, on his U.S. visit. States the Senate's belief that India and the United States can bring immense benefits to their people and make enormous contributions to addressing the global challenges of the 21st century. Favors expanding the strategic partnership between India and the United States. Supports the U.S.-India civil nuclear agreement. Welcomes continued progress towards a Bilateral Investment Treaty and acknowledges that India's progress on economic reforms has opened new channels
SR-255: A resolution welcoming the Prime Minister of India to the United States for meetings to advance the United States-India partnership.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Warner
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr 9/24/2013 S6901; Text As Passed Senate: Cr 9/24/2013 S6892) on 09/25/2013
You have voted SR-255: A resolution welcoming the Prime Minister of India to the United States for meetings to advance the United States-India partnership..
Syria Democratic Transition Act of 2013 [S.617]
Syria Democratic Transition Act of 2013 - Authorizes the President to furnish assistance in order to: (1) provide support for humanitarian activities taking place in and outside Syria; (2) support efforts for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Syria and the establishment of an inclusive representative form of government; (3) encourage the Arab League and other international bodies to insist that transitional and future governments in Syria are committed to democratic principles, including respect for human rights and religious freedom; (4)
S.617: Syria Democratic Transition Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 03/19/2013
Accelerating Action in Maternal and Child Health Act of 2014 [S.2853]
Accelerating Action in Maternal and Child Health Act of 2014 - Directs the President to establish a strategy to: accelerate action in each of the priority countries listed in this Act to combat the leading causes of maternal, newborn, and child mortality; and strengthen the capability of the United States to be an effective leader in maternal, newborn, and child health, particularly in Africa, and in a broader effort to end maternal, newborn, and child deaths worldwide. Requires the United States to establish a pilot program for innovative financing
S.2853: Accelerating Action in Maternal and Child Health Act of 2014
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Cardin
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 09/18/2014
Energy Production and Project Delivery Act of 2013 [S.17]
Energy Production and Project Delivery Act of 2013 - Considers that the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) has approved the Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2010-2015 as a final oil and gas leasing program under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. Deems the Secretary to have issued a final environmental impact statement for such Program under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). Directs the Secretary to: (1) conduct a lease sale in each outer Continental Shelf (OCS) planning area for which
S.17: Energy Production and Project Delivery Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Lee
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. on 02/27/2013
S.163: A bill to prohibit any regulation regarding carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the United States until China, India, and Russia implement similar reductions.
Sponsored by: Sen. James Inhofe
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 01/28/2013
You have voted S.163: A bill to prohibit any regulation regarding carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the United States until China, India, and Russia implement similar reductions..
You have voted S.107: A bill to prohibit the regulation of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States until China, India, and Russia implement similar reductions..
Congratulating and honoring Kailash Satyarthi, recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. [HR-749]
Congratulates and honors Kailash Satyarthi on receiving the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for his contributions to the protection of children's rights and the promotion of peace. Condemns child labor as a form of modern slavery. States that in honoring Kailash Satyarthi the House of Representatives honors all those who have worked to end child labor. Emphasizes that violations of human rights in general, and the abuse of children specifically, are matters of legitimate concern to all nations.
HR-749: Congratulating and honoring Kailash Satyarthi, recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Meeks
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr E1518) on 11/12/2014
HR-682: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding worker protections in Qatar and the 2022 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup.
Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva
Referred To The Subcommittee On Middle East And North Africa. on 09/08/2014
You have voted HR-682: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding worker protections in Qatar and the 2022 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup..