Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Domestic Violence Center Ho. Co. 6-13 [HB-461]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $200,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Domestic Violence Center of Howard County, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, renovation, and capital equipping of a residential property for the Domestic Violence Center, located in Howard County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-461: Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Domestic Violence Center Ho. Co. 6-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - The Arc's Homewood Road Renovation Ho. Co. 2-13 [HB-460]
For the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $100,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of The Arc of Howard County, Inc. for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, and capital equipping of The Arc's Homewood Road Renovation Project, located in Howard County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-460: Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - The Arc's Homewood Road Renovation Ho. Co. 2-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Middle Patuxent Environmental Area Ho. Co. 1-13 [HB-457]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for the planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, and capital equipping of a restroom, storage building, and staging area at Middle Patuxent Environmental Area, located in Clarksville; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-457: Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Middle Patuxent Environmental Area Ho. Co. 1-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Historic Belmont Property Restoration Ho. Co. 5-13 [HB-456]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $250,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for the repair, renovation, and capital equipping of buildings at the Historic Belmont Property, located in Elkridge; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-456: Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Historic Belmont Property Restoration Ho. Co. 5-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Wine Containers Ho. Co. 15-13 [HB-455]
Expanding a specified application of law in Howard County to allow specified license holders to sell wine in refillable containers off the licensed premises; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners to issue a refillable wine container permit; requiring a refillable wine container to meet specified requirements; requiring that a holder of a refillable wine container permit meet specified requirements; etc.
HB-455: Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Wine Containers Ho. Co. 15-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 117 on 04/09/2013
Howard County - Casino Events - Authorized Ho. Co. 8-13 [HB-454]
Authorizing organizations to hold casino events that include a card game or roulette in Howard County, as specified; requiring an organization to obtain a permit from the Howard County Department of Inspections, Licenses, and Permits before operating a casino event; requiring the county to establish the amount of the permit fee; specifying the types of organizations eligible to conduct a casino event; limiting the amount of specified money prizes; requiring a permit holder to ensure that specified standards are met; etc.
HB-454: Howard County - Casino Events - Authorized Ho. Co. 8-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/05/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Farm Breweries and Micro-Breweries [HB-230]
Adding the holder of a Class 7 micro-brewery license to the list of licensees with whom a holder of a Class 8 farm brewery license may contract to brew and bottle beer from ingredients produced on the licensed farm; authorizing the Comptroller to issue in Howard County one Class 8 farm brewery license to a person that holds not more than two Class B beer, wine and liquor licenses; and making stylistic changes.
HB-230: Alcoholic Beverages - Farm Breweries and Micro-Breweries
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 88 on 04/09/2013
You have voted HB-1533: Economic Development - Baltimore Region - Baltimore Metropolitan Council and Advisory Board and Baltimore Region Transportation Board.
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2011 - Linwood Center [HB-1419]
Amending the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2011 to allow grants for the Linwood Center to be used for construction and capital equipping; extending to June 1, 2014, the deadline for the Board of Directors of the Linwood Center, Inc. to present evidence of a specified matching fund; etc.
HB-1419: Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2011 - Linwood Center
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Vantage House Retirement Community Renovations Ho. Co. 18-13 [HB-1404]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $75,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Columbia Vantage House Corporation for planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, and capital equipping of the Vantage House Retirement Community, located in Columbia; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.
HB-1404: Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Vantage House Retirement Community Renovations Ho. Co. 18-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/08/2013
Prior Authorizations of State Debt to Fund Capital Projects - Alterations [HB-1372]
Amending specified prior authorizations of State Debt to alter the requirement that specified grantees provide specified matching funds; extending the deadline for specified grantees to present evidence that a matching fund will be presented; providing that specified grants may not terminate before specified dates; changing the locations of specified capital projects; altering the purpose of specified grants; changing the names of specified grantees; making technical corrections; etc.
HB-1372: Prior Authorizations of State Debt to Fund Capital Projects - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 430 on 05/16/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Class CS Chain Store Licenses [HB-1366]
Establishing Class CS (chain store) beer and wine licenses for club stores, supermarkets, drug stores, and convenience stores; authorizing a holder of a retail alcoholic beverages license to qualify for a direct wine shipper's permit; altering the number of Class A alcoholic beverages licenses that may be issued to an individual; authorizing a local licensing board to adopt regulations to allow a person to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday; etc.
HB-1366: Alcoholic Beverages - Class CS Chain Store Licenses
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Rereferred To Economic Matters on 03/05/2013
Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Continuing Care Retirement Community License Ho. Co. 10-13 [HB-1240]
Establishing in Howard County a Class C (Continuing Care Retirement Community) beer, wine and liquor license; establishing qualifications for a licensee; authorizing a licensee to keep for sale and sell at retail to a resident or a guest of the community beer, wine, and liquor for consumption on the premises; and providing for a $250 annual license fee.
HB-1240: Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Continuing Care Retirement Community License Ho. Co. 10-13
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 149 on 04/09/2013