Horses And Horse Racing

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to taxation. [HB-201]
Amend KRS 132.020 to freeze the state property tax rate and eliminate the tax rate reduction for qualified heavy equipment; amend KRS 136.291, 136.500, 136.505, and 136.506 to reinstate the bank franchise tax and exempt financial institutions from corporation income tax and LLET; amend KRS 138.130 to define vapor products and include vapor products in the definition of tobacco products; amend KRS 138.132, 138.135, 138.195, and 138.197 to remove references to vapor products; amend KRS 138.140 to increase the tax on cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown Introduced In House on 01/04/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to animal cruelty. [HB-71]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 525 to define terms; require peace officers and animal control officers to serve notice of seizure of an animal subjected to cruelty; create procedure for seizing agencies to petition a court to order payment of animal care costs by owner; establish penalties; prohibit the destruction of seized animals, except for humane reasons determined by veterinarian.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser Introduced In House on 01/04/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2022 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel tax. [HB-50]
Amend KRS 138.510 to impose a 1.5% surtax on historical horse races, on or after October 1, 2022; amend KRS 138.513 to impose a 2.5% surtax on advance deposit account wagers; amend KRS 138.530 and 230.750 to conform.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King Introduced In House on 01/04/2022

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the expansion of gaming and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-594]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 154A to state the findings of the General Assembly; amend KRS 154A.010 to define, "authorizing location," "casino," "county," "county legislative body," "department," "full casino gaming," "gaming licensee," "gross gaming revenue," "handle," "licensee," "limited casino gaming," and "principal"; amend KRS 154A.030 to expand the Lottery Corporation board membership and duties; amend KRS 154A.040 to include casino licensees; amend KRS 154A.063 to remove prohibition against casino gaming; create new sections of KRS (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry Introduced In House on 02/23/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the expansion of gaming and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-531]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 154A to state the findings of the General Assembly; amend KRS 154A.010 to define, "authorizing location," "casino," "county," "county legislative body," "department," "full casino gaming," "gaming licensee," "gross gaming revenue," "handle," "licensee," "limited casino gaming," and "principal"; amend KRS 154A.030 to expand the Lottery Corporation board membership and duties; amend KRS 154A.040 to include casino licensees; amend KRS 154A.063 to remove prohibition against casino gaming; create new sections of KRS (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry Introduced In House on 02/22/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky trail towns and rail trails. [HB-523]
Require the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet to consult with state agencies and transmit a report relating to a comprehensive statewide trail program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Flannery Introduced In House on 02/11/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to create the Task Force on Economic Effects of Casino Gambling and Cannabis Legalization. [HCR-63]
Create the Task Force on Economic Effects of Casino Gambling and Recreational Marijuana Legalization to study economic effects of legalization of casino gambling and cannabis on governments, corrections, judiciary, small business, wages, and employment; establish task force membership; require five meeting of the task force during the 2021 interim and report findings to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2021.


Sponsored by: Rep. McKenzie Cantrell Introduced In House on 02/11/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel wagering and declaring an emergency. [HB-481]
Amend KRS 11A.010 to include the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission and its employees in the definition of "officer"; amend KRS 230.210 to define "licensed premises," "pari-mutuel wagering," and redefine "track"; amend KRS 230.230 to subject members of the racing commission to KRS 11A.010; amend KRS 230.361 to restrict wagering at simulcast facilities to pari-mutuel wagering on simulcasting; amend KRS 138.510 to add additional tax on historical horse racing; amend KRS 138.511 to define "gross commission"; amend KRS 138.530 to require the weekly reporting (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Westrom Introduced In House on 02/10/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Abandoned Horse Task Force. [SCR-69]
Establish the Abandoned Horse Task Force; set membership and areas of study; require report of findings by December 1, 2021.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robin Webb Introduced In Senate on 02/04/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to taxation. [HB-356]
Amend KRS 132.020 to freeze the state property tax rate and eliminate the tax rate reduction for qualified heavy equipment; amend KRS 136.291, 136.505, and 136.506 to reinstate the bank franchise tax and exempt financial institutions from corporation income tax and LLET; amend KRS 138.130 to define vapor products and include vapor products in the definition of tobacco products; amend KRS 138.132, 138.135, 138.195, and 138.197 to remove references to vapor products; amend KRS 138.140 to increase the tax on cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown Introduced In House on 02/03/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel wagering and declaring an emergency. [SB-120]
Amend KRS 230.210 to define "licensed premises," "pari-mutuel wagering," and to amend the definition of "track"; amend KRS 230.361 to restrict wagering at simulcast facilities to pari-mutuel wagering on simulcasting; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 8) on 02/22/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to executive branch ethics and declaring an emergency. [SB-153]
Amend KRS 11A.010 to include members and employees of the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission in the definition of "officer"; and amend KRS 230.230 to conform; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Mills Received In House on 03/01/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to animals. [HB-215]
Repeal and reenact KRS 525.135 to define terms; create new crimes of animal abuse in the first degree, animal abuse in the second degree, and aggravated animal abuse; create exceptions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 525 to authorize law enforcement and animal control officers to seize and hold animals who are victims of cruelty or abuse; create a civil cause of action for a seizing agency to seek forfeiture and reimbursement for reasonable costs of caring for seized animals from the owner of the animal during the pendency of the criminal case (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Nemes Introduced In House on 01/07/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to animal cruelty. [HB-100]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 525 to define terms; require peace officers and animal control officers to serve notice of seizure of an animal subjected to cruelty; create procedure for seizing agencies to petition a court to order payment of animal care costs by owner; establish penalties; prohibit the destruction of seized animals, except for humane reasons determined by veterinarian.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Bratcher Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel tax. [HB-156]
Amend KRS 138.510 to impose a 1.5% surtax on historical horse races, on or after October 1, 2021; amend KRS 138.513 to impose a 2.5% surtax on advance deposit account wagers; amend KRS 138.530 and 230.750 to conform.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION honoring Triple Crown winner Justify and his team. [SR-151]
Honor Triple Crown winner Justify and his team.


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer Adopted By Voice Vote on 03/14/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to equine within Kentucky and making an appropriation therefor. [SB-81]
Create a new section within KRS Chapter 230 to establish the Kentucky equine education account to support the equine programs at the University of Louisville, University of Kentucky, and the Bluegrass Community and Technical College; establish provisions for the funds; and require reporting of the funds; amend KRS 230.550 to allow funding for the University of Louisville Equine Industry Program from the Kentucky equine education account; amend KRS 230.555 to allow the Equine Industry Advisory Commission's expenses to be reimbursed from the amount (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer To Appropriations & Revenue (s) on 02/05/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to cruelty to equines. [HB-98]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 525 to prohibit cruelty to equines including situations involving abuse, neglect, and sexual contact; make cruelty to equines a Class D felony and provide for the termination of ownership; list exceptions; establish a short title of "Klaire's Law"; specify that the provisions of KRS 6.945(1) do not apply to this Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Diane St Onge To Judiciary (h) on 01/10/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Gaming Commission. [HB-410]
Establish KRS Chapter 239 and create new sections to define "amateur athletics," “department of charitable gaming,” “gaming commissioner,” “gaming commission,” "lottery," “lottery department,” "major lottery-specific procurement," “racing department," "related entity," "retailer," "sports contest," and "vendor"; create the Kentucky Gaming Commission, composed of 9 members who shall be appointed by December 31, 2020, and who shall hold their first meeting no later than January 31, 2021; the commission shall supervise and regulate all gaming and wagering (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Koenig To Licensing, Occupations, & Admin Regs (h) on 02/20/2019

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2019 Regular Session

AN ACT designating the Kentucky Springseat Saddle (Minihan) as the official saddle of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. [HB-212]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate the Kentucky Springseat Saddle (Minihan) as the official saddle of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


Sponsored by: Rep. Matthew Koch Signed By Governor (ky Acts Ch. 017) on 03/15/2019

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