State Government - Commemorative Days - Crime Victims and Advocates [HB-766]
Requiring the Governor annually to proclaim April 3 as Crime Victim and Advocate Commemorative Day to honor the individuals in the State who have become crime victims and the advocates who serve those victims; and requiring the Governor annually to take appropriate steps to publicize Crime Victim and Advocate Commemorative Day.
HB-766: State Government - Commemorative Days - Crime Victims and Advocates
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
Health and State Government - Falls by Senior Citizens - Awareness and [HB-665]
Requiring the Governor to proclaim each year the last full week in September as Fall Prevention Awareness Week; and requiring the Secretary of Aging and the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, on or before January 1, 2013, to develop a statewide protocol for home safety inspections for senior citizens who are discharged from the hospital following a fall, with the aim of reducing future fall- related readmissions, and to submit the protocol to the General Assembly.
HB-665: Health and State Government - Falls by Senior Citizens - Awareness and
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations Withdrawn on 03/29/2012
Registered Sex Offenders - Prohibition - Halloween Activities [HB-1351]
Prohibiting an individual registered with the State sex offender registry from participating in any Halloween activity that involves children or any activity offered as an alternative to Halloween that involves children; and establishing a penalty.
HB-1351: Registered Sex Offenders - Prohibition - Halloween Activities
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2012
State Government - Commemorative Month - German-American Heritage Month [HB-102]
Requiring the Governor to proclaim October each year as German-American Heritage Month; and requiring the proclamation to urge educational and cultural organizations to observe the month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
HB-102: State Government - Commemorative Month - German-American Heritage Month
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Hearing 2/2 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/25/2012
State Government - Commemorative Month - Irish-American Heritage Month [SB-815]
Requiring the Governor to proclaim the month of October each year as Irish-American Heritage Month; and requiring the proclamation to urge educational and cultural organizations to observe the month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
SB-815: State Government - Commemorative Month - Irish-American Heritage Month
Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Reilly
Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs on 03/30/2011
Education - Tween/Teen Dating Violence (Kristin Marie Mitchell Law) [SB-667]
Requiring the State Board of Education to adopt in the public schools a program to educate students about dating violence on or before a specified date; requiring the program to include education on services provided to victims of dating violence; altering the definition of "victim of domestic violence" for specified provisions of law; requiring the Governor to proclaim the first week in February each year "Tween/Teen Dating Violence Education and Awareness Week"; etc.
SB-667: Education - Tween/Teen Dating Violence (Kristin Marie Mitchell Law)
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs on 03/25/2011
State Government - Commemorative Days - Ronald Reagan Day [SB-238]
Requiring the Governor annually to proclaim February 6 as Ronald Reagan Day; and requiring the proclamation to urge the citizens of the State of Maryland to observe Ronald Reagan Day in a proper manner.
SB-238: State Government - Commemorative Days - Ronald Reagan Day
Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings
Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs on 03/30/2011
Flag Display on State House Grounds - POW/MIA Flag and a Flag to Honor and [SB-124]
Requiring that the POW/MIA flag and a flag to honor and remember members of the armed forces who died in the line of duty be flown on the State House grounds on specified days each year; adding Armed Forces Day and Independence Day to the days on which the POW/MIA flag is to be flown on the State House grounds; requiring the State House Trust to determine the site on the State House grounds where a specified flag will be flown; etc.
SB-124: Flag Display on State House Grounds - POW/MIA Flag and a Flag to Honor and
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011