Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems on Interstate 83 - Unpaid and Overdue Citations [HB-492]
Requiring Baltimore City to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration for purposes of imposing administrative sanctions if an owner or a driver of a vehicle accumulates more than $250 of unpaid and overdue fines for violations recorded by speed monitoring systems on Interstate 83 in Baltimore City.
HB-492: Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems on Interstate 83 - Unpaid and Overdue Citations
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Hearing Canceled on 03/09/2024
Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections [HB-511]
Authorizing a person operating a bicycle that is approaching a stop sign at an intersection on a highway with two or fewer lanes for moving traffic to cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping if the person reduces the speed of the bicycle to a reasonable rate and yields the right-of-way to certain vehicles under certain circumstances.
HB-511: Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections
Sponsored by: Rep. Regina Boyce
Third Reading Passed (120-12) on 03/14/2024
State Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Maintenance and Repair [SB-514]
Repealing a requirement that a political subdivision maintain and repair certain sidewalks constructed by any developer of an industrial, commercial, or apartment area along a highway maintained by the State Highway Administration; and repealing a requirement that a political subdivision maintain and repair sidewalks and bicycle pathways constructed or reconstructed as part of the construction or reconstruction of an urban highway or in response to the request of a local government.
SB-514: State Highways - Sidewalks and Bicycle Pathways - Maintenance and Repair
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2024
Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties [HB-601]
Altering certain penalties and points assessments for certain motor vehicle violations related to participation in a race or speed contest; prohibiting a person from engaging in exhibition driving on any highway or private property that is used for driving by the public; establishing certain affirmative defenses to a certain charge of exhibition driving; etc.
HB-601: Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 569 on 05/09/2024
Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024) [HB-513]
Altering the distribution of revenue from civil fines collected through the use of work zone speed control systems; altering the highways on which a work zone speed control system may be used; clarifying that a system operator does not need to be present when a work zone speed control system is in use; altering the maximum penalty for a civil citation issued as a result of an image from a work zone speed control system; requiring the State Highway Administration to make a certain report; etc.
HB-513: Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 17 on 04/09/2024
Education - School Bus Stops - Prohibited Locations [HB-540]
Prohibiting the location of a school bus stop on any highway with five or more undivided traffic lanes in certain counties unless a school crossing guard is posted or a certain traffic control device is placed at the school bus stop.
HB-540: Education - School Bus Stops - Prohibited Locations
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/25/2024
Relating To Motor Vehicles. [HB-2526]
Increases the penalty for a third or subsequent offense involving the unauthorized driving or operation of motor vehicles to a class C felony. Authorizes the court, as part of the person's sentencing for the third or subsequent offense, to order that the vehicle used by the person in the commission of the offense be subject to forfeiture. Takes effect 7/1/2024. (SD1)
HB-2526: Relating To Motor Vehicles.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Nishimoto
Act 212, 07/05/2024 (gov. Msg. No. 1313). on 07/08/2024
Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024) [SB-479]
Altering the distribution of revenue from civil fines collected through the use of work zone speed control systems to include certain distributions for highway and work zone safety purposes; clarifying that a work zone speed control system may be manned or unmanned and a system operator does not need to be present when a work zone speed control system is in use; altering the maximum penalty for a civil citation issued as a result of a recorded image produced by a work zone speed control system; etc.
SB-479: Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Referred Rules And Executive Nominations on 04/04/2024
Local Government - Condominium and Homeowners Associations - Repair and Rehabilitation Funds [SB-446]
Authorizing a county or a municipality to establish a certain fund for the purpose of providing support for the repair of infrastructure in a community subject to a condominium association or a homeowners association; and requiring that certain property tax revenues be assigned to a fund created under the Act.
SB-446: Local Government - Condominium and Homeowners Associations - Repair and Rehabilitation Funds
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 297 on 04/25/2024
Street Racing and Exhibition Driving - Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties [SB-442]
Altering certain penalties and points assessments for certain motor vehicle violations related to participation in a race or speed contest; prohibiting a person from engaging in exhibition driving on any highway or private property that is used for driving by the public; and establishing certain affirmative defenses to a certain charge of exhibition driving.
SB-442: Street Racing and Exhibition Driving - Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 570 on 05/09/2024
Urban State Highways - Speed Limits - Exceptions [SB-464]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to decrease the maximum speed limit by 5 miles per hour on certain urban State highways without an engineering and traffic investigation.
SB-464: Urban State Highways - Speed Limits - Exceptions
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson
Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/23/2024
State Land: Disposal/sale/lease/restrict [HB-282]
An Act relating to access roads; relating to state land; relating to contracts for the sale of state land; relating to the authority of the Department of Education and Early Development to dispose of state land; relating to the authority of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to dispose of state land; relating to the authority of the Department of Natural Resources over certain state land; relating to the state land disposal income fund; relating to the sale and lease of state land; relating to covenants and restrictions on agricultural
HB-282: State Land: Disposal/sale/lease/restrict
Sponsored by: Rep.
Referred To Finance on 03/01/2024
State Land: Disposal/sale/lease/restrict [SB-199]
An Act relating to access roads; relating to state land; relating to contracts for the sale of state land; relating to the authority of the Department of Education and Early Development to dispose of state land; relating to the authority of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to dispose of state land; relating to the authority of the Department of Natural Resources over certain state land; relating to the state land disposal income fund; relating to the sale and lease of state land; relating to covenants and restrictions on agricultural
SB-199: State Land: Disposal/sale/lease/restrict
Sponsored by: Sen.
Tra Rpt Cs 1dp 4nr New Title on 02/21/2024
Relating To Vehicles. [SB-2806]
Allows all-terrain vehicle to drive on streets with posted speed limits of not more than 45 miles per hour. Allows all-terrain vehicles to drive in the evening and night if they are equipped with headlights and tail lights. Allows drivers of all-terrain vehicles to wear a safety helmet with a securely fastened chin strap. Includes in the definition of "utility-terrain vehicle" a motor vehicle that accommodates one driver and one passenger sitting side-by-side, and up to 6 people in seat belts. Takes effect 7/1/2050. (SD1)
SB-2806: Relating To Vehicles.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Reported From Tca (stand. Com. Rep. No. 2460) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Jdc. on 02/15/2024
School Bus Stops - Monitoring Cameras and Safety Measures [SB-406]
Requiring a law enforcement agency, under certain circumstances, to issue a warning rather than a citation for a failure to stop for a school vehicle that is recorded by a school bus monitoring camera; and requiring the State Highway Administration to develop a certain plan for improved safety measures at certain school bus stops in Montgomery County and to report its findings on or before December 31, 2024.
SB-406: School Bus Stops - Monitoring Cameras and Safety Measures
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/01/2024
Prince George's County - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization PG 301-24 [HB-364]
Authorizing the use of stop sign monitoring systems in school zones in Prince George's County, if authorized by local law; providing that the owner or driver of a motor vehicle recorded failing to obey a stop sign is subject to a citation and a certain civil penalty under certain circumstances; establishing certain defenses to a charge of an alleged violation recorded by a stop sign monitoring system; requiring the Prince George's County Department of Public Works and Transportation to make a certain report by December 1, 2025; etc.
HB-364: Prince George's County - Stop Sign Monitoring Systems - Authorization PG 301-24
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 678 on 05/09/2024
Transportation - Vision Zero - Implementation [HB-344]
Establishing certain standards and requirements for implementing the Vision Zero program under the Maryland Department of Transportation; requiring the Department to report to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31 each year on the status of Vision Zero, the activities, findings, and recommendations of the Vision Zero coordinator, and certain meetings held in the previous year; etc.
HB-344: Transportation - Vision Zero - Implementation
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/05/2024
Vehicle Laws - Bike Lanes and Shoulders - Yielding Right-of-Way (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act) [HB-337]
Prohibiting a person from committing a violation of a certain provision of law governing the right-of-way of a bicycle, a motor scooter, or an electronic personal assistive mobility device lawfully in a designated bike lane or shoulder that contributes to the serious physical injury or death of a person riding a bicycle, EPAMD, or motor scooter; and providing that a person convicted of a violation of the Act is subject to imprisonment of up to 2 months or a fine not to exceed $2,000 or both.
HB-337: Vehicle Laws - Bike Lanes and Shoulders - Yielding Right-of-Way (Sarah Debbink Langenkamp Memorial Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 464 on 05/09/2024