AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 7, relative to the medical cannabis commission. [SB-550]
As introduced, clarifies that one of the persons appointed to the medical cannabis commission by the speaker of the senate must be a specialist in the area of substance abuse prevention; requires the speaker to select the member from a list of three names submitted by the Prevention Alliance of Tennessee, with the member to be appointed by the speaker on or after July 1, 2025. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 7.
SB-550: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 7, relative to the medical cannabis commission.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Briggs
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/12/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49; Title 63; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to hygiene products for women and children. [SB-573]
As introduced, requires LEAs and public charter schools to provide free feminine hygiene products in all women's and girl's bathrooms and locker rooms used by students in grades four through 12 in certain schools; requires a public health campaign dedicated to encouraging individuals and nonprofit organizations to contribute or drop off feminine hygiene products to eligible schools. - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 63; Title 67 and Title 68.
SB-573: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49; Title 63; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to hygiene products for women and children.
Sponsored by: Sen. Sara Kyle
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Education Committee on 02/12/2025
You have voted SB-573: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49; Title 63; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to hygiene products for women and children..
You have voted SB-158: Address preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and utilization review requirements for certain health benefit plans..
HB-551: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 20; Title 29; Title 39; Title 49; Title 50; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to the right of conscience in health care.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cochran
P2c, Ref. To Health Committee on 02/05/2025
You have voted HB-551: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 20; Title 29; Title 39; Title 49; Title 50; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to the right of conscience in health care..
SB-489: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 38, Chapter 3; Title 39, Chapter 17; Title 43; Title 50; Title 53; Title 63; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to the "Tennessee Medical Cannabis Act."
Sponsored by: Sen. Janince Bowling
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/25/2025
You have voted SB-489: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 38, Chapter 3; Title 39, Chapter 17; Title 43; Title 50; Title 53; Title 63; Title 67 and Title 68, relative to the "Tennessee Medical Cannabis Act.".
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 63 and Title 68, relative to healing arts. [SB-432]
As introduced, requires a healthcare provider to provide to a patient or a patient's authorized representative a copy of the patient's medical records within 20 working days of receipt of a written request by the patient or representative instead of 10 working days. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.
SB-432: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 63 and Title 68, relative to healing arts.
Sponsored by: Sen. Shane Reeves
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Health And Welfare Committee on 02/12/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68, relative to stem cell treatment. [HB-413]
As introduced, authorizes a patient with a severe chronic disease or terminal illness to access, and a physician to recommend, investigational stem cell treatment; requires the commissioner of health to promulgate rules to, among other things, list the medical conditions that constitute a qualifying severe chronic disease or terminal illness. - Amends TCA Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68.
HB-413: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68, relative to stem cell treatment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Lynn
P2c, Ref. To Health Committee- Government Operations For Review on 02/05/2025