Relating To Loan Repayment For Health Care Professionals. [HB-2254]
Appropriates funds for fiscal year 2020-2021 for the health care provider loan repayment program administered through the John A. Burns School of Medicine of the University of Hawaii at Manoa; provided that the funds are matched on a dollar-to-dollar basis by a private or another public source. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)
HB-2254: Relating To Loan Repayment For Health Care Professionals.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregg Takayama
Received From House (hse. Com. No. 196). on 03/03/2020
Relating To Loan Repayment For Health Care Professionals. [HB-902]
Appropriates funds to the DOH for the health care provider loan repayment program administered through the John A. Burns School of Medicine of the University of Hawaii at Manoa; provided that the funds are matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis by a private or another public source. (HB902 HD1)
HB-902: Relating To Loan Repayment For Health Care Professionals.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
SB-1078: Relating To Loan Repayment For Health Care Professionals.
Sponsored by: Sen. Les Ihara
Reported From Cph/hre (stand. Com. Rep. No. 159) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Wam. on 02/13/2017
Relating To Malpractice Insurance. [SB-736]
Requires health care professionals serving as a primary care provider to maintain liability insurance. Requires the insurance commissioner to establish uniform, minimum amounts of insurance for all health care professionals, regardless of their professional specialty or certification.
SB-736: Relating To Malpractice Insurance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Josh Green
Passed First Reading. on 01/23/2017