Relating To Rental Assistance. [SB-1020]
Appropriates funds to the Hawaii Public Housing Authority for its Rent Supplement Program to assist families at imminent risk of homelessness due to domestic violence with obtaining and maintaining permanent housing. (SB1020 HD1)
SB-1020: Relating To Rental Assistance.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Received Notice Of Discharge Of All House Conferees (hse. Com. No. 363). on 06/22/2020
Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority Budget. [HB-1373]
Appropriates additional funds for the fiscal biennium 2019-2021 to the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to establish new positions and for operating costs for Rental Housing Services (HMS 220) and Rental Assistance Services (HMS 222). Effective 1/1/2050. (SD1)
HB-1373: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority Budget.
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Brower
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority. [HB-453]
Excludes lands set aside by the Governor to the Hawaii Public Housing Authority and lands to which HPHA holds title from the definition of public lands in section 171-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Requires prior legislative approval for the sale of lands to which HPHA holds title. (HB 453 HD1)
HB-453: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Todd
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority. [HB-365]
Repeals the exemption of the Hawaii Public Housing Authority from certain administrative supervision by its board of directors regarding personnel matters. Effective 7/1/2075. (SD1)
HB-365: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
You have voted SCR-101: Requesting The Hawaii Public Housing Authority To Document Violations Of The Prohibition On Smoking In And Around Public Housing..
You have voted SR-45: Requesting The Hawaii Public Housing Authority To Document Violations Of The Prohibition On Smoking In And Around Public Housing..
You have voted HR-68: Requesting The Hawaii Public Housing Authority To Continue To Document Violations Of The Prohibition On Smoking In And Around Public Housing..
You have voted HCR-114: Requesting The Hawaii Public Housing Authority To Continue To Document Violations Of The Prohibition On Smoking In And Around Public Housing..
SB-1111: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Reported From Hou (stand. Com. Rep. No. 67) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Wam. on 02/09/2017
Relating To The Landlord Tenant Code. [HB-1009]
Exempts residence or occupancy in a structure or on a property directly controlled, owned, or managed by the Hawaii Public Housing Authority from the requirements of the Residential Landlord-Tenant Code. (HB1009 CD1)
HB-1009: Relating To The Landlord Tenant Code.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Hashem
Act 114, On 07/10/2017 (gov. Msg. No. 1215). on 07/11/2017
Relating To Services Performed By Civil Service Employees. [SB-968]
Establishes permanent civil service positions for the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to provide services historically and customarily performed by civil service employees in connection with creating housing opportunities for homeless individuals and others in need. Takes effect 1/7/2059. (SD1)
SB-968: Relating To Services Performed By Civil Service Employees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
Referred To Lab/hsg, Fin, Referral Sheet 27 on 03/09/2017
Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority. [HB-1101]
Provides that certain areas within Hawaii Public Housing Authority housing projects are closed to the public and amends criminal trespass in the second degree to permit the prosecution of an unauthorized entry or a violation of a written prohibition to enter into the subject housing projects. Clarifies requirements for signage notifying trespassers of illegal entry.
HB-1101: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Souki
Referred To Hsg, Jud, Referral Sheet 5 on 01/27/2017
Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority. [SB-967]
Provides that certain areas within Hawaii Public Housing Authority housing projects are closed to the public. Establishes requirements for signage notifying trespassers of illegal entry. Amends the offense of criminal trespass in the second degree to permit the prosecution of an unauthorized entry or a violation of a prohibition to enter into certain housing projects. (SB967 HD1)
SB-967: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
Passed Second Reading As Amended In Hd 1 And Referred To The Committee(s) On Jud With None Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Ichiyama Excused (1). on 03/21/2017
Relating To Housing. [HB-869]
Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds to construct affordable rental units and homes. Allows moneys from the conveyance tax and the county surcharge on state tax to be used to repay the bonds. (HB869 HD1)
HB-869: Relating To Housing.
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Brower
Reported From Hsg (stand. Com. Rep. No. 328) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Fin. on 02/15/2017
Relating To Public Housing. [HB-829]
Requires the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to document resident smoking violations observed by authority staff, agents, or authorized representatives and retain a record of violations on a resident's record for up to three years. (HB829 HD1)
HB-829: Relating To Public Housing.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
Reported From Hsg (stand. Com. Rep. No. 326) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Jud. on 02/14/2017
Relating To Housing. [SB-591]
Authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds for construction and infrastructure development projects to provide affordable housing units for middle class and low income residents. Allows moneys from the conveyance tax and the county surcharge on state tax to be used to repay the bonds.
SB-591: Relating To Housing.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Reported From Tre/hou (stand. Com. Rep. No. 421) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Wam. on 02/17/2017
Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority. [HB-534]
Appropriates moneys for Hawaii Public Housing Authority to hire an additional security guard to improve security and monitoring at the Alu Street gate of Kalihi Valley Homes public housing. (HB534 HD2)
HB-534: Relating To The Hawaii Public Housing Authority.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Mizuno
Referred To Hou, Wam. on 03/09/2017