Juveniles - Reportable Offenses [SB-13]
Requiring the Department of Juvenile Services, for students committed to its custody, to notify a local superintendent of schools or school principal of a student's reportable offense or offense related to the student's membership in a criminal gang; requiring the State Board of Education to adopt regulations to ensure that certain information is used to provide appropriate educational programming and services for the social, emotional, and academic development of the student and to maintain a safe and secure school environment; etc.
SB-13: Juveniles - Reportable Offenses
Sponsored by: Sen. Andrew Serafini
Hearing Canceled on 03/20/2019
Juveniles - Reportable Offenses [HB-867]
Requiring the Department of Juvenile Services to notify a certain local superintendent of schools or school principal of a certain student's arrest for a reportable offense or an offense related to a certain student's membership in a certain gang; requiring the Department to provide certain educational programming information to a certain student; etc.
HB-867: Juveniles - Reportable Offenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
First Reading Judiciary on 02/08/2019
Public Safety - Criminal Gangs - Database (Fair and Accurate Gang Database Act) [HB-1028]
Requiring a certain law enforcement agency to provide certain notice in order for the law enforcement agency to designate the person as a criminal gang member or criminal gang associate in a shared gang database; requiring a certain notice to contain certain information; providing that a certain person may submit a certain request regarding criminal gang status; requiring a certain law enforcement agency to provide certain information under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-1028: Public Safety - Criminal Gangs - Database (Fair and Accurate Gang Database Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/27/2019
Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding [SB-388]
Altering the penalties for specified offenses relating to criminal gangs; prohibiting a criminal gang or an individual belonging to a criminal gang from receiving or investing specified proceeds in a specified manner; prohibiting criminal gangs and persons involved with criminal gangs from obtaining specified property under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-388: Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
Hearing 2/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/17/2016
Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture [SB-161]
Authorizing the forfeiture of specified property under specified circumstances; repealing a specified provision authorizing the forfeiture of specified money or weapons relating to possession of a controlled dangerous substance; requiring that a specified seizing authority provide a receipt for property on seizure that includes specified information; requiring that a specified seizing authority mail notice with specified information to the owner of seized property within a specified period of time; etc.
SB-161: Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 658 on 05/28/2016
Justice Reinvestment Act [SB-1005]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a risk and needs assessment on inmates as soon as feasible after sentencing and develop a case plan to guide an inmate's rehabilitation while in custody; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; authorizing expungement for convictions for specified misdemeanors after 10 years, or 15 years under specified conditions; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
SB-1005: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 515 on 05/19/2016
Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding [HB-461]
Altering the penalties for specified offenses relating to criminal gangs; prohibiting a criminal gang or an individual belonging to a criminal gang from receiving or investing specified proceeds in a specified manner; prohibiting criminal gangs and persons involved with criminal gangs from obtaining specified property under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-461: Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/31/2016
Justice Reinvestment Act [HB-1312]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a specified risk and needs assessment on specified inmates and include the results in a specified case record; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; requiring the Division to impose specified graduated sanctions; establishing the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
HB-1312: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/05/2016
Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture [SB-528]
Establishing a minimum amount of $300 that is subject to forfeiture in connection with a controlled dangerous substance violation under specified circumstances; prohibiting a seizing authority or prosecuting authority from directly or indirectly transferring seized property to a federal law enforcement authority or agency, with a specified exception; requiring the seizing authority, within 30 days after the seizure of property, to send by first-class mail specified written information to the owner of the seized property; etc.
SB-528: Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/22/2015
Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture [HB-360]
Repealing a presumption that specified money or weapons are forfeitable; prohibiting a seizing authority or prosecuting authority from directly or indirectly transferring seized property to a federal law enforcement authority or agency, with a specified exception; requiring a specified law enforcement agency to report, on an annual basis, specified information about each individual seizure and forfeiture completed by the agency under State or federal forfeiture law; etc.
HB-360: Criminal Procedure - Seizure and Forfeiture
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Third Reading Passed (85-53) on 04/13/2015
Gang-Related Crimes - Reporting [SB-265]
Requiring the court, on request of the State's Attorney, to make a finding as to whether a crime for which a defendant is convicted or receives a probation before judgment disposition is a gang-related crime; establishing that the State has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a crime is a gang-related crime; requiring a finding by the court that a crime is a gang-related crime to become part of the court record for purposes of reporting to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository; etc.
SB-265: Gang-Related Crimes - Reporting
Sponsored by: Sen. Verna Jones-Rodwell
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/03/2014
Gang-Related Crimes - Reporting [HB-311]
Requiring the court, on request of the State's Attorney, to make a finding as to whether a crime for which a defendant is convicted or receives a probation before judgment disposition is a gang-related crime; establishing that the State has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a crime is a gang-related crime; requiring a finding by the court that a crime is a gang-related crime to become part of the court record for purposes of reporting to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository; etc.
HB-311: Gang-Related Crimes - Reporting
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 02/24/2014