Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding [SB-388]
Altering the penalties for specified offenses relating to criminal gangs; prohibiting a criminal gang or an individual belonging to a criminal gang from receiving or investing specified proceeds in a specified manner; prohibiting criminal gangs and persons involved with criminal gangs from obtaining specified property under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-388: Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
Hearing 2/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/17/2016
Justice Reinvestment Act [SB-1005]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a risk and needs assessment on inmates as soon as feasible after sentencing and develop a case plan to guide an inmate's rehabilitation while in custody; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; authorizing expungement for convictions for specified misdemeanors after 10 years, or 15 years under specified conditions; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
SB-1005: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 515 on 05/19/2016
Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding [HB-461]
Altering the penalties for specified offenses relating to criminal gangs; prohibiting a criminal gang or an individual belonging to a criminal gang from receiving or investing specified proceeds in a specified manner; prohibiting criminal gangs and persons involved with criminal gangs from obtaining specified property under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-461: Crimes - Criminal Gangs - Prohibitions and Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/31/2016
Justice Reinvestment Act [HB-1312]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a specified risk and needs assessment on specified inmates and include the results in a specified case record; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; requiring the Division to impose specified graduated sanctions; establishing the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
HB-1312: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/05/2016
Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Revision [SB-941]
Revising the Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; identifying the Child Support Enforcement Administration as the support enforcement agency of the State; extending the application of specified provisions of the Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act to include parties, pleadings, proceedings, and support orders of a foreign country; authorizing a tribunal of this State to exercise jurisdiction over a guardian or conservator under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-941: Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Revision
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 04/10/2015
Labor and Employment - Fair Scheduling Act [SB-688]
Requiring an employer to provide employees with a specified work schedule within a specified time period, notify employees of specified changes, and provide employees with a new work schedule within 24 hours after making a change to the initial schedule; requiring an employer to conspicuously post at each work site specified work schedules; requiring an employer to pay specified predictability pay under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-688: Labor and Employment - Fair Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/26/2015
Labor and Employment - Fair Scheduling Act [HB-969]
Requiring an employer to provide employees with a specified work schedule within a specified time period, notify employees of specified changes, and provide employees with a new work schedule within 24 hours after making a change to the initial schedule; requiring an employer to conspicuously post at each work site specified work schedules; requiring an employer to pay specified predictability pay under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-969: Labor and Employment - Fair Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/30/2015
Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Revision [HB-1289]
Revising the Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; identifying the Child Support Enforcement Administration as the support enforcement agency of the State; extending the application of specified provisions of the Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act to include parties, pleadings, proceedings, and support orders of a foreign country; authorizing a tribunal of this State to exercise jurisdiction over a guardian or conservator under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1289: Maryland Uniform Interstate Family Support Act - Revision
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 308 on 05/12/2015
Motor Vehicle Administration - Investigative Division - Issuance of Citations [SB-75]
Authorizing an employee of the Investigative Division of the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue citations to the same extent as a police officer under specified circumstances; and altering the violations for which an employee of the Investigative Division may issue a citation under specified circumstances.
SB-75: Motor Vehicle Administration - Investigative Division - Issuance of Citations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 19 on 04/09/2013
Criminal Law - Counterfeiting - Venue [SB-511]
Including the county in which an alleged counterfeit deed or other instrument is filed or recorded in a specified manner as a venue to prosecute a specified counterfeiting crime or other crime that establishes a specified counterfeiting crime.
SB-511: Criminal Law - Counterfeiting - Venue
Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
Institutions of Postsecondary Education - Falsified Transcripts, Diplomas, and [SB-292]
Prohibiting a person from falsely altering, causing or procuring to be falsely altered, or willingly aiding or assisting in falsely altering a transcript, diploma, or grade report of an institution of postsecondary education; prohibiting a person from knowingly buying, selling, or distributing a false, forged, counterfeited, or altered transcript, diploma, or grade report; etc.
SB-292: Institutions of Postsecondary Education - Falsified Transcripts, Diplomas, and
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
Criminal Law - Counterfeiting - Venue [HB-879]
Including the county in which an alleged counterfeit deed or other instrument is filed or recorded in a specified manner as a venue to prosecute a specified counterfeiting crime or other crime that establishes a specified counterfeiting crime.
HB-879: Criminal Law - Counterfeiting - Venue
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/19/2011
Criminal Law - Simulated Census Documents - Prohibition [SB-680]
Prohibiting a person from using, sending, or delivering to another a document that simulates an official letter, survey, or questionnaire relating to the decennial census of the United States or implies a specified association with certain government entities for a specified purpose; prohibiting a person from using a logo, seal, insignia, envelope, or other form that simulates specified identifying information of any governmental unit; providing specified penalties for violations of the Act; etc.
SB-680: Criminal Law - Simulated Census Documents - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. David Harrington
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/29/2010
Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice [SB-1010]
Establishing a Maryland Code of Military Justice; providing for jurisdiction and applicability of the Act; providing for authority of certain judge advocates; establishing the rights of certain victims; providing for the apprehension and restraint of certain offenders; providing for certain non-judicial punishment; establishing the jurisdiction for certain courts-martial; providing for the appointment and composition of certain courts-martial; establishing certain pre-trial procedures; etc.
SB-1010: Public Safety - Maryland Code of Military Justice
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 592 on 05/08/2020