Foreign Trade And International Finance

US Congress 115th Congress

Recognizing the importance of the United States-Japan partnership and supporting the pursuit of closer trade ties between the United States and Japan. [HR-236]
Recognizing the importance of the United States-Japan partnership and supporting the pursuit of closer trade ties between the United States and Japan. Calls upon the President to: (1) consult with the House of Representatives and the Senate to consider opportunities to promote further economic and commercial activity and cooperation between the United States and Japan; (2) invite Japan to begin discussions toward establishing the basis for closer trade ties with the United States; and (3) determine whether negotiation of a trade agreement with Japan (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. David Young Referred To The Subcommittee On Trade. on 03/31/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

Border Landowner and Lessee Consultation Act [S.757]
Border Landowner and Lessee Consultation Act This bill amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to consult with owners or lessors of real property along the southern international border between the United States and Mexico concerning CBP operations that affect their property. The bill establishes in CBP a Private Landowner Ombudsman to assist owners of real property along such border in communicating their needs and interests with respect to CBP operations that affect their property.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Flake Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs. on 03/29/2017

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