Firearms And Weapons

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to wanton endangerment. [SB-132]
Amend KRS 508.060 to provide an enhanced penalty for discharging a firearm in the commission of an offense constituting wanton endangerment in the first degree; amend KRS 439.3401 to add a Class C felony violation of KRS 508.060 to the definition of violent offender; require a violent offender who has been convicted of a Class C felony violation of KRS 508.060 to serve at least 85 percent of his or her sentence.


Sponsored by: Sen. Matthew Deneen To Judiciary (s) on 01/29/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to gun safety for children. [HB-373]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to prohibit unlawful storage of a firearm; establish elements of the crime as recklessly allowing access to an unsecured firearm by a minor; establish the crime as a Class B misdemeanor unless a physical injury or death results, in which case it is a Class A misdemeanor; provide that the Act may be cited as the Baby Dre Gun Safety Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown Introduced In House on 01/24/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to firearms. [HB-357]
Creates new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to prohibit certain entities from requiring, incentivizing, or assigning a merchant category code that distinguishes a firearms retailer from other retailers, to prohibit keeping or causing to be kept any list, record, or registry of private firearm ownership, to require that the Attorney General enforce provisions, and provide that the Act may be cited as the Second Amendment Privacy Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser Became Law Without Governor's Signature (acts Ch.14) on 03/27/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to local regulatory actions. [HB-337]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 82 to define "city," "project labor agreement," and "public construction project"; permit a city to establish a mandatory preference for awarding public construction project contracts to unions through a negotiated project labor agreement; permit cities to negotiate wages that are higher than the state or federal minimum wage as a condition of the project labor agreement; create a new section in KRS Chapter 337 to define "city," "prevailing wage," "prevailing wage rate," and "public works project"; permit a city (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Josie Raymond Introduced In House on 01/22/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to firearms. [HB-331]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to define terms; allow law enforcement officers to petition a court to issue an extreme risk protection order when a respondent poses a present danger of causing serious physical injury to themselves or others through purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm; establish procedures for the filing, review, hearing, termination, or renewal of the petition and orders; provide court processes and evidentiary standards; allow entry of the orders into law enforcement systems; prescribe issuance and service procedures (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Josie Raymond Introduced In House on 01/22/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons. [SB-114]
Amend KRS 527.070 to modify the types of school facilities where weapons are prohibited; state that the prohibition of weapons on school grounds only applies when entrances to the school buildings display a sign indicating that unlawfully possessing a weapon in a school is a felony; remove the requirement that signs be prominently displayed indicating possessing a weapon in a school is prohibited; remove the provision that failure to post the signs indicating weapons are prohibited in schools shall not relieve a person of liability.


Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth To Education (s) on 02/07/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to risk protection orders. [HB-287]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to define terms; allow enumerated persons to petition a District Court to issue an order prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm if the person is or has been diagnosed with or treated for a mental condition that causes or is likely to cause impairment in judgment, perception, or impulse control to an extent that presents an unreasonable risk to public health, safety, or welfare if the person were in possession or control of a firearm; establish that a violation of an order (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown Introduced In House on 01/17/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons. [HB-288]
Repeal KRS 237.115, which interprets the application of the license to carry concealed deadly weapon statute as permitting postsecondary facilities, local governments, and units of state government to limit concealed carry in governmental buildings; amend KRS 150.172, 237.110, and 527.020 to conform; amend KRS 237.110 to no longer prohibit the carrying of concealed deadly weapons in schools and specify that the prohibition of carrying concealed deadly weapons in airports is limited to areas controlled by the Transportation Security Administration (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox Introduced In House on 01/17/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. [HB-282]
Create new sections of KRS Chapters 508, 509, 510, 520, and 525 to provide that any person convicted of an offense under those chapters, who was armed with a firearm during the commission of the offense and in furtherance of the offense, shall be subject to an enhanced penalty; amend KRS 519.055 to provide for an enhanced penalty when the person was armed with a firearm at the time of the commission of the offense; amend KRS 520.050 to provide for an enhanced penalty when the dangerous contraband is a deadly weapon; amend KRS 527.110 to provide (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. D. Wade Williams Introduced In House on 01/17/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons. [HB-259]
Amend KRS 237.109 to lower the age requirement for carrying a concealed and deadly weapon from 21 to 18; amend KRS 237.110 to conform and make technical corrections.


Sponsored by: Rep. Savannah Maddox Introduced In House on 01/16/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to firearms. [HB-240]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to require an owner or custodian of a firearm to store the firearm in a safe storage depository or to render the firearm incapable of being fired using a gun-locking device; require an owner or other person lawfully in possession of a firearm or any person who sells ammunition to report the loss or theft of the firearm or ammunition to a law enforcement agency.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown Introduced In House on 01/11/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. [HB-5]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 532 to define "violent felony" and enhance sentencing for a person convicted of a third violent felony; prohibit probation, parole, or other form of release for a person who commits a crime using a weapon that is stolen, defaced, loaded with restricted ammunition, or otherwise violates state law; amend KRS 610.070 to require a parent, legal guardian, or custodian to be present at court proceedings involving a child in the juvenile justice system; create a new section of KRS Chapter 610 to establish penalty; amend (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley Delivered To Secretary Of State (acts Ch. 174) on 04/12/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons. [SB-66]
Repeal KRS 237.115, which interprets the application of the license to carry concealed deadly weapon statute as permitting postsecondary facilities and state and local governments to limit concealed carry in governmental buildings; amend KRS 150.172, 237.110, and 527.020 to conform.


Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 01/12/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to repeal the firearm restrictions on users of marijuana under the Gun Control Act of 1968. [SCR-44]
Urge the United States Congress to repeal the firearms restrictions on users of marijuana under the Gun Control Act of 1968.


Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 01/12/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to firearms. [SB-56]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to define "safe storage depository" and require an owner or custodian of a firearm to store the firearm in a safe storage depository or render the firearm incapable of being fired using a gun-locking device; require an owner or other person lawfully in possession of a firearm or any person who sells ammunition to report the loss or theft of the firearm or ammunition to a law enforcement agency.


Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 01/03/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. [SB-20]
Amends KRS 635.020 to provide that a child 15 years of age or older who is charged with a Class A, B, or C felony involving the use of a firearm shall be transferred to Circuit Court to be tried as an adult, to provide that the Commonwealth’s attorney may transfer the child back to District Court after consulting with the county attorney, to provides that the Circuit Court may transfer the child back to District Court if the Circuit Court finds that fewer than two of the factors listed in KRS 640.010 favor keeping the child in Circuit Court, and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer Became Law Without Governor's Signature (acts Ch. 160) on 04/10/2024

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State (Indiana)
Indiana 2024 Regular Session

Right of certain persons to carry a handgun in the statehouse and state capitol complex. [SB-14]
Right of certain persons to carry a handgun in the statehouse and state capitol complex. Allows: (1) certain statewide elected officials; (2) members of the general assembly; (3) members of the Indiana lobby registration commission; (4) professional staff of the general assembly; and (5) employees of certain statewide elected offices; to carry a handgun in the statehouse or on the property of the state capitol complex under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. R. Michael Young Representative Torr Added As Cosponsor on 02/15/2024

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State (Indiana)
Indiana 2024 Regular Session

Minimum age to carry a handgun. [SB-24]
Minimum age to carry a handgun. Changes the minimum age required to carry a handgun to 21 years of age.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lonnie Randolph Authored By Senator Randolph Lonnie M on 01/08/2024

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State (Indiana)
Indiana 2024 Regular Session

Prohibition of firearms at polling places. [SB-26]
Prohibition of firearms at polling places. Prohibits a person from carrying a firearm in or near: (1) a chute; (2) polls; (3) certain areas where voters congregate or are likely to congregate; or (4) any room where ballots are being counted. Provides that the offense is a Class C misdemeanor. Enhances the offense to a: (1) Class A misdemeanor if the person has a prior unrelated conviction for the offense; or (2) Level 6 felony if the firearm is pointed at another person. Specifies: (1) a defense; and (2) certain notice requirements. Prohibits other (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Lonnie Randolph Authored By Senator Randolph Lonnie M on 01/08/2024

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State (Indiana)
Indiana 2024 Regular Session

Various firearms matters. [SB-66]
Various firearms matters. Requires a person wishing to sell, trade, or transfer (transfer) a firearm to another person to transact the transfer through a dealer and provide the dealer with certain information. Specifies the background checks that a dealer must complete prior to the transaction. Permits a dealer to refuse to transact a firearm transfer. Requires a dealer to abort the transaction in other instances. Specifies requirements for a dealer who refuses to transact or aborts a firearm transfer. Makes a dealer immune from civil liability (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Andrea Hunley Authored By Senator Hunley on 01/08/2024

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