SB-1684: Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related criminal offenses; providing for a fee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donald Huffines
Not Again Placed On Intent Calendar on 05/26/2015
You have voted SB-1684: Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related criminal offenses; providing for a fee..
HB-353: Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to and liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a concealed handgun.
Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer
Referred To State Affairs on 05/12/2015
You have voted HB-353: Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to and liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a concealed handgun..
You have voted HB-1620: Relating to the prohibition of certain employment discrimination regarding an employee who is a volunteer emergency responder..
You have voted HB-105: Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions..
You have voted HB-103: Relating to the authority of certain volunteer firefighter and emergency services organizations to hold tax-free sales or auctions..
HB-12: Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Simpson
Read First Time on 07/10/2013
You have voted HB-12: Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium..
You have voted HB-11: Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to assist volunteer fire departments during the next state fiscal biennium..
You have voted SB-48: Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to assist volunteer fire departments during the next state fiscal biennium..
You have voted HB-70: Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to assist volunteer fire departments during the next state fiscal biennium..
You have voted SB-756: Relating to the responsibility for keeping fire-fighting equipment furnished to a volunteer fire department by a county in good working order..
You have voted HB-712: Relating to the responsibility for keeping fire-fighting equipment furnished to a volunteer fire department by a county in good working order..