SB-1745: Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
Effective Immediately on 06/18/2023
You have voted SB-1745: Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee..
HB-3878: Relating to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, the Texas Real Estate Commission, and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board; increasing a fee; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ken King
Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 05/05/2023
You have voted HB-3878: Relating to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, the Texas Real Estate Commission, and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board; increasing a fee; authorizing a fee..
SB-1708: Relating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections for noncommercial vehicles and the imposition of replacement fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Middleton
Read First Time on 03/16/2023
You have voted SB-1708: Relating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections for noncommercial vehicles and the imposition of replacement fees..
HB-3492: Relating to county and municipal authority to impose certain value-based fees and require disclosure of certain information related to subdivision construction.
Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer
Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/10/2023
You have voted HB-3492: Relating to county and municipal authority to impose certain value-based fees and require disclosure of certain information related to subdivision construction..
SB-1577: Relating to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, the Texas Real Estate Commission, and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board; increasing a fee; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner
Effective On 1/1/24 on 05/19/2023
You have voted SB-1577: Relating to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, the Texas Real Estate Commission, and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board; increasing a fee; authorizing a fee..
HB-3418: Relating to the implementation by the Texas Department of Transportation of a vehicle mileage user fee pilot program and a task force to assist in developing and evaluating the program.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Nichols
Left Pending In Committee on 05/17/2023
You have voted HB-3418: Relating to the implementation by the Texas Department of Transportation of a vehicle mileage user fee pilot program and a task force to assist in developing and evaluating the program..