SB-1175: Relating to the criminal and licensing consequences of certain criminal offenses involving the possession or delivery of marihuana and cannabis concentrate or possession of drug paraphernalia; imposing a fee; authorizing a fine.
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathan Johnson
Co-author Authorized on 03/23/2021
You have voted SB-1175: Relating to the criminal and licensing consequences of certain criminal offenses involving the possession or delivery of marihuana and cannabis concentrate or possession of drug paraphernalia; imposing a fee; authorizing a fine..
HB-3076: Relating to establishing the system benefit account and programs for providing assistance to certain low-income, ill, and disabled electric customers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jarvis Johnson
Read First Time on 03/19/2021
You have voted HB-3076: Relating to establishing the system benefit account and programs for providing assistance to certain low-income, ill, and disabled electric customers..
HB-3121: Relating to a voluntary quality standards certification process for certain private residential psychiatric treatment facilities that provide treatments and services to youth; imposing fees; authorizing civil and administrative penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Toni Rose
Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/18/2021
You have voted HB-3121: Relating to a voluntary quality standards certification process for certain private residential psychiatric treatment facilities that provide treatments and services to youth; imposing fees; authorizing civil and administrative penalties..
You have voted SB-1107: Relating to the issuance of a birth record, driver's license, or personal identification certificate to a homeless individual..
You have voted HB-2789: Relating to charges imposed by a governmental body for providing copies of public information under the public information law..
You have voted HB-2667: Relating to universal service fund assistance to high cost rural areas and the uniform charge that funds the universal service fund..
HB-2496: Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for certain volunteer firefighters, fire protection personnel, and industrial firefighters.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Referred To Transportation on 05/10/2021
You have voted HB-2496: Relating to the issuance of specialty license plates for certain volunteer firefighters, fire protection personnel, and industrial firefighters..
HB-1820: Relating to the regulation, monitoring, and enforcement of matters under the jurisdiction of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing the assessment or increase of civil and administrative penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Erin Zwiener
Placed On General State Calendar on 05/13/2021
You have voted HB-1820: Relating to the regulation, monitoring, and enforcement of matters under the jurisdiction of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing the assessment or increase of civil and administrative penalties..
HB-1651: Relating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation on the feasibility of charging a pavement consumption fee for the operation of certain motor vehicles on public highways.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Wilson
Read First Time on 03/09/2021
You have voted HB-1651: Relating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation on the feasibility of charging a pavement consumption fee for the operation of certain motor vehicles on public highways..
HB-1523: Relating to the regulation of, and taxes imposed on the sale or use of, cigarettes, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes; imposing taxes; requiring a permit; imposing a fee; providing administrative penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Shawn Thierry
Read First Time on 03/08/2021
You have voted HB-1523: Relating to the regulation of, and taxes imposed on the sale or use of, cigarettes, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes; imposing taxes; requiring a permit; imposing a fee; providing administrative penalties..
HB-1255: Relating to the regulation of, and taxes imposed on the sale or use of, cigarettes, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes; imposing taxes; requiring a permit; imposing a fee; providing administrative penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Allison
Read First Time on 03/04/2021
You have voted HB-1255: Relating to the regulation of, and taxes imposed on the sale or use of, cigarettes, tobacco products, and e-cigarettes; imposing taxes; requiring a permit; imposing a fee; providing administrative penalties..
SB-323: Relating to the licensing and regulation of dog and cat breeders; expanding the applicability of an occupational license; requiring a review of fee amounts.
Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West
Read First Time on 03/09/2021
You have voted SB-323: Relating to the licensing and regulation of dog and cat breeders; expanding the applicability of an occupational license; requiring a review of fee amounts..
SJR-51: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the flood infrastructure fund to assist in the financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects.
Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Hinojosa
Read First Time on 03/14/2019
You have voted SJR-51: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the flood infrastructure fund to assist in the financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects..
SB-918: Relating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program and the amount and allocation of state traffic fine funds; eliminating program surcharges; authorizing and increasing criminal fines; increasing a fee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Huffman
Co-author Authorized on 05/15/2019
You have voted SB-918: Relating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program and the amount and allocation of state traffic fine funds; eliminating program surcharges; authorizing and increasing criminal fines; increasing a fee..
SB-87: Relating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program and the vehicle safety inspection program for certain vehicles; imposing replacement fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Hall
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/17/2019
You have voted SB-87: Relating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program and the vehicle safety inspection program for certain vehicles; imposing replacement fees..