You have voted HB-1095: Relating to the imposition of certain criminal history record information requirements regarding the licensing of massage therapy..
HCR-42: Expressing support for the current FBI effort to reevaluate existing policies, standards, and protocols for forensic DNA testing laboratories and expressing support for any new policies, standards, and protocols that would hold public and private labs to the same standards, audits, and review process, urging Congress to pass any necessary federal legislation that ensures continued quality in forensic science while holding public and private lab DNA analysis to the same standards, and encouraging Texas law enforcement agencies to use forensic science review methods that will eliminate DNA testing backlogs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis
Signed By The Governor on 06/17/2011
You have voted HCR-42: Expressing support for the current FBI effort to reevaluate existing policies, standards, and protocols for forensic DNA testing laboratories and expressing support for any new policies, standards, and protocols that would hold public and private labs to the same standards, audits, and review process, urging Congress to pass any necessary federal legislation that ensures continued quality in forensic science while holding public and private lab DNA analysis to the same standards, and encouraging Texas law enforcement agencies to use forensic science review methods that will eliminate DNA testing backlogs..
HB-1229: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Cesar Blanco
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/25/2017
You have voted HB-1229: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation..
SB-221: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Menendez
Read First Time on 01/25/2017
You have voted SB-221: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation..