You have voted SB-727: Relating to excluding certain students from the computation of dropout and completion rates for purposes of public school accountability..
HB-1274: Relating to the release on parole of certain inmates convicted of an offense committed when younger than 18 years of age; changing parole eligibility.
Sponsored by: Rep. Eugene Wu
Committee Report Distributed on 05/04/2017
You have voted HB-1274: Relating to the release on parole of certain inmates convicted of an offense committed when younger than 18 years of age; changing parole eligibility..
HB-1204: Relating to the provision of services as an alternative to adjudication for certain children who engage in conduct in need of supervision or delinquent conduct and to a study on certain juvenile justice issues.
Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West
Effective On 9/1/17 on 06/12/2017
You have voted HB-1204: Relating to the provision of services as an alternative to adjudication for certain children who engage in conduct in need of supervision or delinquent conduct and to a study on certain juvenile justice issues..
SB-556: Relating to the release on parole of certain inmates convicted of an offense committed when younger than 18 years of age; changing parole eligibility.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Rodriguez
Read First Time on 02/08/2017
You have voted SB-556: Relating to the release on parole of certain inmates convicted of an offense committed when younger than 18 years of age; changing parole eligibility..
You have voted HB-679: Relating to prohibiting the use of a mechanical or physical restraint on a child during a judicial proceeding in the juvenile court..
You have voted HB-678: Relating to the procedure for the entering of a plea or a stipulation of evidence by a child subject to a determinate sentence..
HB-211: Relating to the participation of students under the supervision of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department in University Interscholastic League sponsored activities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Canales
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/15/2017
You have voted HB-211: Relating to the participation of students under the supervision of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department in University Interscholastic League sponsored activities..
HB-81: Relating to the civil and criminal penalties for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia; creating a criminal offense.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner
Placed On General State Calendar on 05/11/2017
You have voted HB-81: Relating to the civil and criminal penalties for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia; creating a criminal offense..
SB-170: Relating to a civil action to collect a civil penalty for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Rodriguez
Read First Time on 01/25/2017
You have voted SB-170: Relating to a civil action to collect a civil penalty for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia..