Environmental Technology

US Congress 114th Congress

All-of-the-Above Federal Building Energy Conservation Act of 2015 [S.869]
All-of-the-Above Federal Building Energy Conservation Act of 2015 Amends the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to extend energy performance requirements for federal buildings in FY2016-FY2017 (from a 33% reduction from 2003 energy consumption level for FY2016 to a 36% reduction for FY2017). Requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to review the results of the implementation of such requirements by December 31, 2017 (currently, December 31, 2014) and, based on such review, report to Congress on the feasibility of requiring each agency to apply (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Joe Manchin Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. Hearings Held. on 04/30/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Promoting U.S. Jobs Through Exports Act of 2015 [S.824]
Promoting U.S. Jobs Through Exports Act of 2015 This bill amends the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to raise the cap on outstanding loans, guarantees, and insurance of the Export-Import Bank of the United States for FY2015-FY2022 and afterwards, subject to specified formulae. The Bank, the Sub-Saharan Africa Advisory Committee, and authority for dual use exports (of nonlethal defense articles or services primarily for civilian use) are reauthorized through FY2022. The Bank shall increase from 20% to 25% of its lending authority the amount made available (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 03/19/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Level Playing Field in Trade Agreements Act of 2015 [S.735]
Level Playing Field in Trade Agreements Act of 2015 No trade agreement with a country, or implementing bill for one, may receive expedited consideration by Congress under any provision of law, including any limitation on amendments or debate in either the Senate (except under rule XXII of the Standing Rules) or the House of Representatives unless the agreement: includes binding and enforceable requirements that all producers of merchandise exported to the United States from that country pay adequate wages and maintain sustainable production methods; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Merkley Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 03/12/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015 [S.720]
Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015 This bill revises a variety of programs to encourage energy efficiency in buildings, industry, the federal government, and certain appliances. TITLE I--BUILDINGS Subtitle A--Building Energy Codes (Sec. 101) This bill amends the Energy Conservation and Production Act (ECPA) to require states and Indian tribes to measure and certify their compliance with certain residential and commercial building energy codes by a specified deadline. The Department of Energy (DOE) must: (1) provide technical (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. Reported By Senator Murkowski With Amendments. With Written Report No. 114-130. on 09/09/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

ACCTION Act of 2015 Advanced Clean Coal Technology Investment in Our Nation Act of 2015 [S.601]
ACCTION Act of 2015 Advanced Clean Coal Technology Investment in Our Nation Act of 2015 This bill amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to require the Department of Energy (DOE) to implement a program to demonstrate the integration of systems for the capture, transportation, and injection of carbon dioxide from industrial sources for long-term geological storage or enhanced oil recovery at a commercial scale. The types of activities that must be undertaken under the existing coal and related technologies program are expanded. DOE may carry out a (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Tim Kaine Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 02/26/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015 [S.535]
Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015 TITLE I--BETTER BUILDINGS Better Buildings Act of 2015 (Sec. 102) This bill requires the General Services Administration (GSA) to: (1) develop and publish model leasing provisions to encourage building owners and tenants to use greater cost-effective energy efficiency and water efficiency measures in commercial buildings, (2) develop policies and practices to implement the measures for the realty services provided by the GSA to agencies, and (3) make available the model provisions and best practices to state (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Signed By President. on 04/30/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Drinking Water Protection Act [S.460]
Drinking Water Protection Act This bill amends the Safe Drinking Water Act to direct the Environmental Protection Agency to develop and submit to Congress a strategic plan for assessing and managing risks associated with algal toxins in drinking water provided by public water systems. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, have the ability to produce cyanotoxins, or algal toxins. When certain conditions are favorable, algae can rapidly multiply causing blooms, or dense surface scums, that may be toxic. The plan must include steps and time (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Rob Portman Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 02/11/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Vessel Incidental Discharge Act [S.373]
Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (Sec. 4) This bill requires the Coast Guard to establish and implement enforceable uniform national standards and requirements for the regulation of discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel into navigable waters. Those standards and requirements must: (1) be based on the best available technology economically achievable, and (2) supersede any permitting requirement or prohibition on discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel under any other provision of law. States may enforce the uniform (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. Reported By Senator Thune With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute. With Written Report No. 114-96. on 07/29/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Quiet Communities Act of 2016 [S.3197]
Quiet Communities Act of 2016


Sponsored by: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 07/13/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 [S.3083]
Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 This bill amends the United States Housing Act of 1937 and other housing laws to modify the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rental assistance (including section 8 low-income [voucher]) and public housing programs, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requirements for condominium mortgage insurance, and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) single family housing guaranteed loan program. The bill revises the requirements for Public House Agencies (PHAs) to inspect dwelling units (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Subcommittee On Housing, Transportation, And Community Development. Hearings Held. on 09/22/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Climate Change Education Act [S.3074]
Climate Change Education Act This bill declares that the evidence for human-induced climate change is overwhelming and undeniable. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) must establish a Climate Change Education Program to: broaden the understanding of human-induced climate change, possible consequences, and potential solutions; apply the latest scientific and technological discoveries to provide learning opportunities to people of all ages; conduct a national information campaign to help people understand and promote implementation (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. on 06/16/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Consortia-Led Energy and Advanced Manufacturing Networks Act [S.2963]
Consortia-Led Energy and Advanced Manufacturing Networks Act


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. on 05/19/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2016 [S.2882]
Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2016


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Flake Committee On Environment And Public Works Subcommittee On Clean Air And Nuclear Safety. Hearings Held. on 06/22/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Water Resources Development Act of 2016 [S.2848]
Water Resources Development Act of 2016 TITLE I--PROGRAM REFORMS (Sec. 1001) This bill amends the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (WRDA 1986) to allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide technical assistance to nonfederal interests for feasibility studies of proposed water resources development projects if the nonfederal interest contracts to pay the costs of such assistance. (Sec. 1002) The Corps of Engineers may receive and repay funds from states or political subdivisions for immediate use on authorized water resources development (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. James Inhofe Held At The Desk. on 09/19/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Testing, Removal, and Updated Evaluations of Lead Everywhere in America for Dramatic Enhancements that Restore Safety to Homes, Infrastructure, and Pipes Act of 2016 True LEADership Act of 2016 [S.2821]
Testing, Removal, and Updated Evaluations of Lead Everywhere in America for Dramatic Enhancements that Restore Safety to Homes, Infrastructure, and Pipes Act of 2016 True LEADership Act of 2016


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 04/20/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Clean Water Affordability Act of 2016 [S.2768]
Clean Water Affordability Act of 2016


Sponsored by: Sen. Sherrod Brown Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 04/07/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Water Technology Acceleration Act of 2016 [S.2673]
Water Technology Acceleration Act of 2016


Sponsored by: Sen. Tammy Baldwin Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 03/14/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

California Long-Term Provisions for Water Supply and Short-Term Provisions for Emergency Drought Relief Act [S.2533]
California Long-Term Provisions for Water Supply and Short-Term Provisions for Emergency Drought Relief Act TITLE I--LONG-TERM IMPROVEMENTS FOR WESTERN STATES SUBJECT TO DROUGHT This bill authorizes the Department of the Interior, within California and other states served by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), and also within Alaska and Hawaii, to provide: (1) cost-shared financial assistance and other long-term agreements to nonfederal participants to advance the planning, design, and construction of nonfederal permanent water storage and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Committee On Energy And Natural Resources Subcommittee On Water And Power. Hearings Held. on 05/17/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Climate Protection and Justice Act of 2015 [S.2399]
Climate Protection and Justice Act of 2015


Sponsored by: Sen. Bernard Sanders Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 12/10/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

Clean Cookstoves and Fuels Support Act [S.2194]
Clean Cookstoves and Fuels Support Act This bill directs the Department of State to work to advance the goals of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. For working with the Alliance appropriations are authorized for the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Agriculture, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. (sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure: Cr S7472-7473) on 10/22/2015

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