HB-844: Relating to the authority of a municipality or county to request a hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant.
Sponsored by: Rep. Senfronia Thompson
Read First Time on 03/05/2025
You have voted HB-844: Relating to the authority of a municipality or county to request a hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant..
You have voted SB-277: Relating to the consideration of certain local government actions before the renewal of air permits for certain concrete plants..
HB-787: Relating to authorizing the Texas Department of Transportation to provide battery service to a vehicle transported on the Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Valoree Swanson
Considered In Public Hearing on 03/27/2025
You have voted HB-787: Relating to authorizing the Texas Department of Transportation to provide battery service to a vehicle transported on the Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry; authorizing a fee..
HB-1018: Relating to the establishment of a certification program for public work contracting purposes for operators of certain facilities that emit air contaminants.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Wilson
Read First Time on 03/07/2025
You have voted HB-1018: Relating to the establishment of a certification program for public work contracting purposes for operators of certain facilities that emit air contaminants..
HB-573: Relating to a request by a member of the legislature for an unannounced inspection of a concrete batch plant by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Sponsored by: Rep. Armando Walle
Read First Time on 03/03/2025
You have voted HB-573: Relating to a request by a member of the legislature for an unannounced inspection of a concrete batch plant by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality..
You have voted HB-53: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating gas appliance, vehicle, and tool usage within the State of Texas..
HB-5009: Relating to the establishment of a certification program for public work contracting purposes for operators of certain facilities that emit air contaminants.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Wilson
Read First Time on 03/23/2023
You have voted HB-5009: Relating to the establishment of a certification program for public work contracting purposes for operators of certain facilities that emit air contaminants..
HB-4932: Relating to the amount of foreign emissions of air contaminants in nonattainment areas and the revision of the state implementation plan to account for those emissions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Brooks Landgraf
Effective Immediately on 06/11/2023
You have voted HB-4932: Relating to the amount of foreign emissions of air contaminants in nonattainment areas and the revision of the state implementation plan to account for those emissions..