Education--primary & Secondary--general

State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the establishment of professional charter academies. [HB-3101]
Relating to the establishment of professional charter academies.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Dorazio Read First Time on 03/14/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the distribution, posting, or provision of information regarding postsecondary education and career opportunities and to the confidentiality of certain information relating to persons provided assistance in accessing postsecondary education. [HB-2920]
Relating to the distribution, posting, or provision of information regarding postsecondary education and career opportunities and to the confidentiality of certain information relating to persons provided assistance in accessing postsecondary education.


Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West Effective Immediately on 06/18/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the required number of minutes of instructional time to be provided by a juvenile justice alternative education program. [HB-2946]
Relating to the required number of minutes of instructional time to be provided by a juvenile justice alternative education program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ken King Referred To Education on 05/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to required notice to high school students and parents or guardians regarding a student's receipt of certain awards, recognitions, and scholarship opportunities. [HB-2904]
Relating to required notice to high school students and parents or guardians regarding a student's receipt of certain awards, recognitions, and scholarship opportunities.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mihaela Plesa Read First Time on 03/14/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requiring the Sunset Advisory Commission to assess the efforts of certain state agencies to reduce disparities in outcomes in the performance of agency functions. [SB-1240]
Relating to requiring the Sunset Advisory Commission to assess the efforts of certain state agencies to reduce disparities in outcomes in the performance of agency functions.


Sponsored by: Sen. Morgan LaMantia Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by certain school district employees or officials and a prohibition on certain school districts from entering into certain contracts. [SB-1224]
Relating to the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by certain school district employees or officials and a prohibition on certain school districts from entering into certain contracts.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the provision of school safety training to certain employees of a private school who hold a license to carry a handgun. [HB-2812]
Relating to the provision of school safety training to certain employees of a private school who hold a license to carry a handgun.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dewayne Burns Placed On General State Calendar on 05/11/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the use of a volunteer school protection force established by a county sheriff for purposes of school district safety. [HB-2811]
Relating to the use of a volunteer school protection force established by a county sheriff for purposes of school district safety.


Sponsored by: Rep. Bryan Slaton Read First Time on 03/14/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to access to social media and social networking websites on public school campuses. [HB-2790]
Relating to access to social media and social networking websites on public school campuses.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Dean Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the reimbursement under Medicaid of local educational agencies for the provision of health care services to students. [HB-2773]
Relating to the reimbursement under Medicaid of local educational agencies for the provision of health care services to students.


Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Bernal Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requiring public schools to make reasonable accommodations for lactating students. [SB-1174]
Relating to requiring public schools to make reasonable accommodations for lactating students.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Eckhardt Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the establishment by regional education service centers of regional school district health coverage advisory committees. [SB-1154]
Relating to the establishment by regional education service centers of regional school district health coverage advisory committees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to accelerated and supplemental instruction provided to public school students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments and access to criminal history record information for certain tutors providing that instruction. [HB-2721]
Relating to accelerated and supplemental instruction provided to public school students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments and access to criminal history record information for certain tutors providing that instruction.


Sponsored by: Rep. Harold Dutton Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to social workers employed by school districts. [SB-1157]
Relating to social workers employed by school districts.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Menendez Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requirements for the use and transfer of electronic devices to students by a public school. [HB-2673]
Relating to requirements for the use and transfer of electronic devices to students by a public school.


Sponsored by: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione Left Pending In Committee on 05/18/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to protection for a public school employee's refusal to participate in certain inclusivity policies. [HB-2659]
Relating to protection for a public school employee's refusal to participate in certain inclusivity policies.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Metcalf Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to allowing the board of trustees of certain school districts to create a nonvoting student trustee position on the board. [HB-2647]
Relating to allowing the board of trustees of certain school districts to create a nonvoting student trustee position on the board.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gary Vandeaver Referred To Education on 05/12/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the creation and administration of the Rural Parents Protection Plan Grant Program. [HB-2547]
Relating to the creation and administration of the Rural Parents Protection Plan Grant Program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Toth Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to parental approval for the participation of certain students in human sexuality instruction in public schools. [HB-2479]
Relating to parental approval for the participation of certain students in human sexuality instruction in public schools.


Sponsored by: Rep. Toni Rose Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the possession or use of marihuana or e-cigarettes on or near public school property or at certain school events; creating a criminal offense. [HB-2487]
Relating to the possession or use of marihuana or e-cigarettes on or near public school property or at certain school events; creating a criminal offense.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Thompson Read First Time on 03/13/2023

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