HJR-104: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing Webb County to delegate its authority to manage and dispose of county school land and invest and manage the proceeds from the county permanent school fund.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond
Read First Time on 03/13/2019
You have voted HJR-104: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing Webb County to delegate its authority to manage and dispose of county school land and invest and manage the proceeds from the county permanent school fund..
HB-728: Relating to litigation involving certain defects in school district instructional facilities and enforcement of certain duties following that litigation; authorizing a civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Justin Holland
Read First Time on 02/21/2019
You have voted HB-728: Relating to litigation involving certain defects in school district instructional facilities and enforcement of certain duties following that litigation; authorizing a civil penalty..
HB-4270: Relating to the authority of a municipal management district to provide public education facilities and public education-related supplemental services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Eugene Wu
Left Pending In Committee on 05/17/2019
You have voted HB-4270: Relating to the authority of a municipal management district to provide public education facilities and public education-related supplemental services..
You have voted HB-4258: Relating to review and approval by the attorney general of certain bonds financing an educational facility for certain charter schools..
HB-4205: Relating to accountability intervention provisions applicable to school district campuses, including the conditions under which a closed campus may be repurposed to serve students at that campus location and the creation of accelerated campus excellence turnaround plans.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry
Effective Immediately on 06/10/2019
You have voted HB-4205: Relating to accountability intervention provisions applicable to school district campuses, including the conditions under which a closed campus may be repurposed to serve students at that campus location and the creation of accelerated campus excellence turnaround plans..
HB-4096: Relating to a study by the Texas Education Agency regarding recommended standards for school district facility maintenance and custodial services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michelle Beckley
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 04/29/2019
You have voted HB-4096: Relating to a study by the Texas Education Agency regarding recommended standards for school district facility maintenance and custodial services..
HB-3204: Relating to the form of ballot propositions and certain voter information document requirements for an election seeking authorization for the issuance of school district bonds supported by property taxes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Sanford
Postponed 4/23/20 10:00 Am on 05/09/2019
You have voted HB-3204: Relating to the form of ballot propositions and certain voter information document requirements for an election seeking authorization for the issuance of school district bonds supported by property taxes..