Education--primary & Secondary--charter Schools

State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requirements for the use and transfer of electronic devices to students by a public school. [HB-2673]
Relating to requirements for the use and transfer of electronic devices to students by a public school.


Sponsored by: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione Left Pending In Committee on 05/18/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the establishment of a new open-enrollment charter school campus by certain charter holders and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school. [SB-1099]
Relating to the establishment of a new open-enrollment charter school campus by certain charter holders and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school.


Sponsored by: Sen. Angela Paxton Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the removal of restrictions on funding and payment of costs for certain full-time online educational programs; authorizing a fee. [SB-1068]
Relating to the removal of restrictions on funding and payment of costs for certain full-time online educational programs; authorizing a fee.


Sponsored by: Sen. David Middleton Not Again Placed On Intent Calendar on 05/02/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the safety of a referee, judge, or other official at certain public school extracurricular activities and competitions and prohibiting certain conduct by a spectator related to those officials' safety. [HB-2484]
Relating to the safety of a referee, judge, or other official at certain public school extracurricular activities and competitions and prohibiting certain conduct by a spectator related to those officials' safety.


Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West Effective Immediately on 06/13/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the requirement that providers of active shooter training at public schools and institutions of higher education obtain a certificate issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. [SB-999]
Relating to the requirement that providers of active shooter training at public schools and institutions of higher education obtain a certificate issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.


Sponsored by: Sen. Royce West Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/18/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the maintenance, administration, and disposal of opioid antagonists on public and private school campuses and to the permissible uses of money appropriated to a state agency from the opioid abatement account. [HB-2411]
Relating to the maintenance, administration, and disposal of opioid antagonists on public and private school campuses and to the permissible uses of money appropriated to a state agency from the opioid abatement account.


Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard Referred To Education on 04/24/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain prohibited transactions between an open-enrollment charter school and an abortion provider or affiliate of the provider. [SB-959]
Relating to certain prohibited transactions between an open-enrollment charter school and an abortion provider or affiliate of the provider.


Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Campbell Referred To State Affairs on 04/17/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the protection of personally identifiable student information and the use of covered information by an operator or educational entity; authorizing a civil and administrative penalty. [SB-928]
Relating to the protection of personally identifiable student information and the use of covered information by an operator or educational entity; authorizing a civil and administrative penalty.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Parker Read First Time on 03/03/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the maintenance of anaphylaxis medicine by a public school. [HB-2261]
Relating to the maintenance of anaphylaxis medicine by a public school.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gina Hinojosa Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the management, operation, and contract authority of open-enrollment charter schools. [HB-2203]
Relating to the management, operation, and contract authority of open-enrollment charter schools.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Canales Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to an extension of the formula transition grant under the Foundation School Program. [HB-2210]
Relating to an extension of the formula transition grant under the Foundation School Program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ken King Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the financial audit of certain open-enrollment charter schools by the state auditor. [HB-2202]
Relating to the financial audit of certain open-enrollment charter schools by the state auditor.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Canales Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools providing silent panic alert technology in classrooms. [SB-838]
Relating to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools providing silent panic alert technology in classrooms.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Effective Immediately on 05/05/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to reading instruction, assessment instruments, and interventions provided to public school students. [HB-2162]
Relating to reading instruction, assessment instruments, and interventions provided to public school students.


Sponsored by: Rep. Briscoe Cain Left Pending In Committee on 05/18/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the establishment of a grant program for school districts or open-enrollment charter school campuses that are designated as full-service community schools. [SB-822]
Relating to the establishment of a grant program for school districts or open-enrollment charter school campuses that are designated as full-service community schools.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathan Johnson Read First Time on 03/01/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to information reported through the Public Education Information Management System and to parents regarding disciplinary measures or restraint used by a public school. [HB-2126]
Relating to information reported through the Public Education Information Management System and to parents regarding disciplinary measures or restraint used by a public school.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alma Allen Placed On General State Calendar on 05/10/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the establishment of a new open-enrollment charter school campus by certain charter holders and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school. [HB-2102]
Relating to the establishment of a new open-enrollment charter school campus by certain charter holders and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Creighton Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/12/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools. [HB-2103]
Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools.


Sponsored by: Rep. Craig Goldman Read First Time on 03/09/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to mental health first aid training provided by local mental health authorities and local behavioral health authorities. [HB-2059]
Relating to mental health first aid training provided by local mental health authorities and local behavioral health authorities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Effective On 9/1/23 on 06/02/2023

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State (Texas)
Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the assessment of public school students and the provision of accelerated instruction to students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments. [HB-2031]
Relating to the assessment of public school students and the provision of accelerated instruction to students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Metcalf Read First Time on 03/08/2023

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