You have voted SB-1930: Relating to prohibiting consideration of certain factors in student admissions to public institutions of higher education in this state..
You have voted SB-1617: Relating to the automatic admission of certain students to general academic teaching institutions in The University of Texas System..
SB-1703: Relating to continuing education for public school counselors and the provision of postsecondary counseling by certain counselors at public schools.
Sponsored by: Sen. Cesar Blanco
Read First Time on 03/26/2021
You have voted SB-1703: Relating to continuing education for public school counselors and the provision of postsecondary counseling by certain counselors at public schools..
SB-1531: Relating to formula funding for excess undergraduate credit hours at public institutions of higher education and to the tuition rate that may be charged for those credit hours.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner
Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/14/2021
You have voted SB-1531: Relating to formula funding for excess undergraduate credit hours at public institutions of higher education and to the tuition rate that may be charged for those credit hours..
You have voted HB-3864: Relating to excused absences from public school for certain students to visit a professional's workplace for a career investigation day..
You have voted SB-1389: Relating to remote learning programs provided by school districts and the calculation of average daily attendance in public schools..
SB-1277: Relating to an agreement between a school district and public institution of higher education to provide a dual credit program to high school students enrolled in the district.
Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini
Effective Immediately on 05/30/2021
You have voted SB-1277: Relating to an agreement between a school district and public institution of higher education to provide a dual credit program to high school students enrolled in the district..
SB-1227: Relating to the granting of undergraduate course credit at public institutions of higher education for certain scores on examinations administered through the College-Level Examination Program.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Metcalf
Effective Immediately on 06/14/2021
You have voted SB-1227: Relating to the granting of undergraduate course credit at public institutions of higher education for certain scores on examinations administered through the College-Level Examination Program..
SB-1221: Relating to inquiries into the criminal and disciplinary history of an applicant for undergraduate admission to a public institution of higher education.
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathan Johnson
Read First Time on 03/18/2021
You have voted SB-1221: Relating to inquiries into the criminal and disciplinary history of an applicant for undergraduate admission to a public institution of higher education..
HB-3332: Relating to a study on the gap in student grade point averages resulting from the accessibility of dual credit courses to public high school students.
Sponsored by: Rep. J. M. Lozano
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/13/2021
You have voted HB-3332: Relating to a study on the gap in student grade point averages resulting from the accessibility of dual credit courses to public high school students..