Relating to county boards of education funding of public libraries [SB-575]
The purpose of this bill is to provide for equal treatment of county boards of education in funding public libraries as a part of the system of public education by requiring any future excess levies to include an allocation for public libraries in the county.
SB-575: Relating to county boards of education funding of public libraries
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Miller
Committee Substitute Reported, But First To Finance on 03/28/2013
Modifying county funding ratio of school students to counselors [SB-409]
The purpose of this bill is to create a funding ratio of 350/1 of students and school counselors. The bill would allow counties to set their own caseload standards so long as these are equally distributed at each academic level in the county. The bill would also grandfather in existing counties which exceed the proposed ratio.
SB-409: Modifying county funding ratio of school students to counselors
Sponsored by: Sen. Ron Stollings
Filed For Introduction on 03/01/2013
Defining certain habitually absent student as neglected child [SB-404]
The purpose of this bill is to clarify that a child who is physically healthy and presumed safe is a neglected child if he or she is habitually absent from school without good cause. This bill provides an exemption for parents whose children are receiving home instruction.
SB-404: Defining certain habitually absent student as neglected child
Sponsored by: Sen. Ron Stollings
Referred To Finance On 2nd Reading on 03/22/2013
Relating generally to reforming public education [SB-359]
The purpose of this bill is to improve public education by revising outdated provisions of the code to implement initiatives that will better prepare students for the college and work realities of the 21st Century.
SB-359: Relating generally to reforming public education
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Hall
Chapter 55, Acts, Regular Session, 2013 on 05/15/2013
Repealing code allowing sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks in schools [SB-206]
The purpose of this bill is to repeal the section of state code that allows soft drinks to be sold in the school system under specified circumstances. This bill has been recommended for passage during the 2013 Regular Session by the Joint Committee on Health.
SB-206: Repealing code allowing sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks in schools
Sponsored by: Sen. Roman Prezioso
Senator M. Hall Requests To Be Removed As Sponsor Of Bill on 02/19/2013