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Explain HB-2280: Certificates of operation; interfacility transports × Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Weninger Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/02/2019
You have voted HB-2280: Certificates of operation; interfacility transports.
Explain HB-2260: Alcohol; tobacco; drug education; appropriation × Sponsored by: Rep. Bob Thorpe House Approp Committee Action: Do Pass On Reconsideration, Voting: (6-4-0-1-0-0) on 02/20/2019
You have voted HB-2260: Alcohol; tobacco; drug education; appropriation.
Explain HB-2218: Appropriations; primary care loan repayment × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley House Read Second Time on 01/31/2019
You have voted HB-2218: Appropriations; primary care loan repayment.
Explain HB-2041: Hospital assaults; testing; reporting; sanctions × Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Finchem Chapter 97 on 04/17/2019
You have voted HB-2041: Hospital assaults; testing; reporting; sanctions.
Explain HB-2001: Controlled substances; regulation; appropriation × Sponsored by: Sen. Javan Mesnard House Majority Caucus: Do Pass on 01/25/2018
You have voted HB-2001: Controlled substances; regulation; appropriation.
Explain HB-2879: DOC; substance abuse programs; appropriations × Sponsored by: Sen. Kelly Townsend Assigned To Senate Rules Committee on 05/08/2020
You have voted HB-2879: DOC; substance abuse programs; appropriations.
Explain SB-1504: Fingerprinting; vital records; child care × Sponsored by: Sen. Kate Brophy McGee Chapter 86 on 06/05/2020
You have voted SB-1504: Fingerprinting; vital records; child care.
Explain SB-1505: Nursing supported group homes; licensure × Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Carter House Read Second Time on 03/10/2020
You have voted SB-1505: Nursing supported group homes; licensure.
Explain HB-2550: DHS; long-term care facility surveyors. × Sponsored by: Rep. Becky Nutt Introduced In Senate And Read First Time on 05/08/2020
You have voted HB-2550: DHS; long-term care facility surveyors..
Explain SB-1168: Nursing shortage; plan; pilot program × Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Carter House Read Second Time on 03/09/2020
You have voted SB-1168: Nursing shortage; plan; pilot program.
Explain HB-2432: Newborn screenings; report × Sponsored by: Rep. Kelli Butler Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/19/2020
You have voted HB-2432: Newborn screenings; report.
Explain HB-2323: Patient information; gun safety; appropriation × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/19/2020
You have voted HB-2323: Patient information; gun safety; appropriation.
Explain HB-2316: Mental disorder; considerations; involuntary treatment × Sponsored by: Sen. Nancy Barto Senate Read Second Time on 03/03/2020
You have voted HB-2316: Mental disorder; considerations; involuntary treatment.
Explain HB-2294: Health plans; providers; payment reporting × Sponsored by: Sen. Anthony Kern House Read Second Time on 01/27/2020
You have voted HB-2294: Health plans; providers; payment reporting.
Explain HB-2258: Appropriation; alcohol; tobacco; drug education × Sponsored by: Rep. Bob Thorpe House Committee Of The Whole Action: Retained On The Calendar on 03/05/2020
You have voted HB-2258: Appropriation; alcohol; tobacco; drug education.
Explain HB-2250: Grants; behavioral health treatment services × Sponsored by: Rep. Walter Blackman House Hhs Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (9-0-0-0-0-0) on 02/20/2020
You have voted HB-2250: Grants; behavioral health treatment services.
Explain HB-2203: Appropriation; tribal reunification ceremonies × Sponsored by: Rep. Charlene Fernandez House Read Second Time on 01/30/2020
You have voted HB-2203: Appropriation; tribal reunification ceremonies.
Explain SB-1086: DHS; long-term care facility surveyors × Sponsored by: Sen. Kate Brophy McGee House Hhs Committee Action: Do Pass, Voting: (9-0-0-0-0-0) on 03/12/2020
You have voted SB-1086: DHS; long-term care facility surveyors.