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Explain SB-139: Utah State Correctional Facility Operational Amendments × Sponsored by: Rep. V. Lowry Snow Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/16/2021
You have voted SB-139: Utah State Correctional Facility Operational Amendments.
Explain SJR-9: Joint Resolution on Jail Facilities × Sponsored by: Sen. David Hinkins Senate/ To Lieutenant Governor In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/17/2021
You have voted SJR-9: Joint Resolution on Jail Facilities.
Explain HB-219: Inmate Phone Provider Amendments × Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Acton Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/16/2021
You have voted HB-219: Inmate Phone Provider Amendments.
Explain HB-205: Universal Background Checks for Firearm Purchases × Sponsored by: Rep. Brian King House/ Strike Enacting Clause In Clerk Of The House on 03/05/2021
You have voted HB-205: Universal Background Checks for Firearm Purchases.
Explain SB-1067: Prisoners; discharge; transition program. × Sponsored by: Sen. Nancy Barto Transmitted To Governor on 04/05/2021
You have voted SB-1067: Prisoners; discharge; transition program..
Explain HB-102: Contraception for Inmates × Sponsored by: Sen. Luz Escamilla Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/16/2021
You have voted HB-102: Contraception for Inmates.
Explain HB-95: Prison Rape Elimination Act Compliance × Sponsored by: Sen. Luz Escamilla Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/11/2021
You have voted HB-95: Prison Rape Elimination Act Compliance.
Explain SB-47: Mental Health Crisis Intervention Council × Sponsored by: Sen. Daniel Thatcher Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/16/2021
You have voted SB-47: Mental Health Crisis Intervention Council.
Explain HB-33: Community Correctional Center Amendments × Sponsored by: Sen. David Buxton Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/16/2021
You have voted HB-33: Community Correctional Center Amendments.
Explain SB-1549: Capital outlay; appropriations; 2019-2020 × Sponsored by: Sen. Sonny Borrelli Senate Committee Of The Whole Action: Do Pass Amended on 05/25/2019
You have voted SB-1549: Capital outlay; appropriations; 2019-2020.
Explain HB-2745: Auditor general; audit; prison spending × Sponsored by: Rep. Reginald Bolding Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/08/2019
You have voted HB-2745: Auditor general; audit; prison spending.
Explain HB-2717: DOC; hygiene products; requirements; appropriation × Sponsored by: Rep. Athena Salman Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/08/2019
You have voted HB-2717: DOC; hygiene products; requirements; appropriation.
Explain HB-2708: Transition program; eligible inmates. × Sponsored by: Sen. Kirsten Engel Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/08/2019
You have voted HB-2708: Transition program; eligible inmates..
Explain HB-2659: Appropriation; DOC; second chance centers × Sponsored by: Rep. John Allen House Approp Committee Action: Discussed And Held, Voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) on 02/20/2019
You have voted HB-2659: Appropriation; DOC; second chance centers.
Explain HB-2266: Prisoners; transition program; eligibility × Sponsored by: Rep. David Livingston Chapter 228 on 05/14/2019
You have voted HB-2266: Prisoners; transition program; eligibility.
Explain HB-2194: Inmate telephone systems; prohibited contracts × Sponsored by: Rep. Reginald Bolding House Read Second Time on 01/29/2019
You have voted HB-2194: Inmate telephone systems; prohibited contracts.
Explain HB-2152: Residential beds; seriously mentally ill × Sponsored by: Sen. Nancy Barto Chapter 258 on 05/27/2019
You have voted HB-2152: Residential beds; seriously mentally ill.
Explain HB-487: Jail Drug Treatment Program × Sponsored by: Rep. Carol Moss House/ Strike Enacting Clause In Clerk Of The House on 03/14/2019
You have voted HB-487: Jail Drug Treatment Program.
Explain HB-440: Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice Amendments × Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Hutchings Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/27/2019
You have voted HB-440: Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice Amendments.
Explain HB-318: Inmate Restrictions Standards Amendments × Sponsored by: Sen. Jacob Anderegg Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/27/2019
You have voted HB-318: Inmate Restrictions Standards Amendments.