Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp [HB-39]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; repealing appropriations; amending appropriations; making capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and reappropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-39: Approp: Operating Budget; Cap; Supp
Sponsored by: Rep.
Motion To Override Line Item Veto Pg. 148, Ln. 3 on 01/18/2024
Approp: Operating Budget/loans/fund; Supp [SB-40]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making reappropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-40: Approp: Operating Budget/loans/fund; Supp
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/18/2023
No State Investment In Russian Federation [HB-401]
An Act relating to certain investments of state funds in the Russian Federation and financial institutions profiteering from the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine; providing indemnity and immunity for certain investment actions taken in compliance with law; and providing for an effective date.
HB-401: No State Investment In Russian Federation
Sponsored by: Rep.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/16/2022
No State Investment In Russian Federation [SB-235]
An Act relating to certain investments of state funds in the Russian Federation and financial institutions profiteering from the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine; providing indemnity and immunity for certain investment actions taken in compliance with law; and providing for an effective date.
SB-235: No State Investment In Russian Federation
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/16/2022
Leg. Approval: Ak Railroad Revenue Bonds [SB-218]
An Act authorizing the Alaska Railroad Corporation to issue revenue bonds to finance the replacement of the Alaska Railroad Corporation's passenger dock and related terminal facility in Seward, Alaska; and providing for an effective date.
SB-218: Leg. Approval: Ak Railroad Revenue Bonds
Sponsored by: Sen. Peter Micciche
Tra Rpt Recd Await Transmittal Nxt on 03/04/2022
Leg. Approval: Ak Railroad Revenue Bonds [HB-366]
An Act authorizing the Alaska Railroad Corporation to issue revenue bonds to finance the replacement of the Alaska Railroad Corporation's passenger dock and related terminal facility in Seward, Alaska; and providing for an effective date.
Approp: Operating Budget/loans/funds [SB-162]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making reappropriations; making supplemental appropriations; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date.
SB-162: Approp: Operating Budget/loans/funds
Sponsored by: Sen.
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/18/2022
Approp: Op Budget/loans/funds; Cap; Supp [HB-281]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government and for certain programs; capitalizing funds; amending appropriations; making capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and reappropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-281: Approp: Op Budget/loans/funds; Cap; Supp
Sponsored by: Rep.
Signed Into Law 6/28 Chapter 11 Sla 22 on 06/28/2022
Approp: Supplemental; Fund Cap & Transfer [HB-250]
An Act making appropriations for community assistance payments; making appropriations for state aid for costs of school construction; capitalizing funds; making supplemental appropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-250: Approp: Supplemental; Fund Cap & Transfer
Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Wool
Prefile Released 1/7/22 on 01/18/2022