SB-811: Relating to sex offender registration and a prohibition on certain registered sex offenders from being in a motor vehicle with a minor who is not a family member.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Read First Time on 02/27/2017
You have voted SB-811: Relating to sex offender registration and a prohibition on certain registered sex offenders from being in a motor vehicle with a minor who is not a family member..
SB-761: Relating to the punishment for certain intoxication offenses and the eligibility for deferred adjudication community supervision of defendants who committed certain intoxication offenses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Menendez
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/09/2017
You have voted SB-761: Relating to the punishment for certain intoxication offenses and the eligibility for deferred adjudication community supervision of defendants who committed certain intoxication offenses..
HB-1257: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of criminal mischief involving property used for flood control purposes or a dam.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Birdwell
Effective On 9/1/17 on 05/26/2017
You have voted HB-1257: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of criminal mischief involving property used for flood control purposes or a dam..
You have voted SB-541: Relating to the eligibility for release on parole of certain inmates convicted of the offense of continuous trafficking of persons..
HB-1125: Relating to the amount of a fine or cost imposed in a criminal case by a justice or municipal court and to the court's authority to order a defendant confined in jail for failure to pay a fine or cost or for contempt.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kyle Biedermann
Read First Time on 02/22/2017
You have voted HB-1125: Relating to the amount of a fine or cost imposed in a criminal case by a justice or municipal court and to the court's authority to order a defendant confined in jail for failure to pay a fine or cost or for contempt..