Missing and Exploited Children, National Center for; dissemination of criminal history record info. [HB-1706]
Dissemination of criminal history record information; National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Authorizes the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to obtain criminal history record information for the purpose of screening individuals who are offered or accept employment or will be providing volunteer or contractual services with the National Center.
HB-1706: Missing and Exploited Children, National Center for; dissemination of criminal history record info.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0651) on 03/26/2023
Interjurisdictional compacts; criminal history record checks. [SB-1054]
Interjurisdictional compacts; criminal history record checks. Provides that when an interjurisdictional compact requires criminal history record checks as a condition of participation, the applicable health regulatory board shall require each applicant to submit to fingerprinting and provide personal descriptive information to be forwarded along with his fingerprints through the Central Criminal Records Exchange to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information.
SB-1054: Interjurisdictional compacts; criminal history record checks.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0119) on 03/21/2023
Higher educational institutions, public; threat assessment teams, powers and duties. [SB-910]
Public institutions of higher education; threat assessment teams; powers and duties. Makes several changes to the powers and duties of the threat assessment team at each public institution of higher education, including requiring, upon a preliminary determination that an individual poses an articulable and significant threat of violence to others, each such team to (i) obtain any available criminal history record information and health records for such individual; (ii) notify in writing within 24 hours upon making such preliminary determination
Peer recovery specialists; barrier crime exceptions. [HB-1525]
Background checks; peer recovery specialists; barrier crime exceptions. Permits the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, direct care service providers, and community boards to hire peer recovery specialists who have been convicted of certain barrier crimes where a history of such offense does not pose a risk in the work of a peer recovery specialist.
Peer recovery specialists; barrier crime exceptions. [SB-846]
Background checks; peer recovery specialists; barrier crime exceptions. Permits the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, direct care service providers, and community boards to hire peer recovery specialists who have been convicted of certain barrier crimes where a history of such offense does not pose a risk in the work of a peer recovery specialist.
Firearms, certain; criminal history record info. check required for transfer, photo identification. [HB-1462]
Criminal history record information check required for the transfer of certain firearms; photo identification. Removes the provision that prevents a firearms dealer from selling or otherwise transferring a firearm to a prospective purchaser until 30 days after the date of issue of the prospective purchaser's original or duplicate photo identification.
HB-1462: Firearms, certain; criminal history record info. check required for transfer, photo identification.
Sponsored by: Rep. Hyland Fowler
Failed To Report (defeated) In Judiciary (6-y 9-n) on 02/20/2023
Deaf and the Blind, Virginia School for the; background checks for all applicants for employment. [SB-825]
Public schools; background checks; Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind. Provides that the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is deemed a governmental entity for the purpose of receiving from the Central Criminal Records Exchange criminal history record information pertaining to an application for employment. The bill also provides that the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is subject to the same requirement of each local school board that all applicants for employment as instructional
SB-825: Deaf and the Blind, Virginia School for the; background checks for all applicants for employment.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0670) on 03/26/2023
Marijuana; criminal history information, disclosure to state & local governments by job applicants. [SB-702]
Marijuana criminal history information; disclosure to state and local governments by job applicants. Allows the Commonwealth or a locality to require a job applicant or other applicant who is seeking a license, permit, registration, or other government service to disclose his prior criminal history for marijuana offenses. Under current law, the Commonwealth and its localities are prohibited from requiring the disclosure of such information for such purposes.
SB-702: Marijuana; criminal history information, disclosure to state & local governments by job applicants.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Kiggans
Left In Judiciary on 11/21/2022
Children's residential facilities; criminal history background checks. [SB-728]
Criminal history background checks; children's residential facilities. Provides that a person may be hired for and may begin compensated employment at a children's residential facility prior to receipt of the results of the criminal history background check and check of the central registry of records but prohibits that person from being alone with, in control of, or supervising one or more children until such time as the criminal history background check and the check of the central registry of records have been completed. Currently, no person
SB-728: Children's residential facilities; criminal history background checks.
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Ruff
Incorporated By Rehabilitation And Social Services on 01/28/2022
Marijuana; criminal history information, disclosure to state & local governments by job applicants. [SB-702]
Marijuana criminal history information; disclosure to state and local governments by job applicants. Allows the Commonwealth or a locality to require a job applicant or other applicant who is seeking a license, permit, registration, or other government service to disclose his prior criminal history for marijuana offenses. Under current law, the Commonwealth and its localities are prohibited from requiring the disclosure of such information for such purposes.
SB-702: Marijuana; criminal history information, disclosure to state & local governments by job applicants.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Kiggans
Continued To 2023 In Judiciary (13-y 0-n) on 02/09/2022
Firearms; criminal history record information check required to sell. [SB-644]
Criminal history record information check required to sell firearm; exception for concealed handgun permit. Provides that a person may sell a firearm through a private sale to another person if the sale of a firearm is to a person who (i) has a valid Virginia resident concealed handgun permit, (ii) produces the permit to the seller at the time of sale, and (iii) is not prohibited under state or federal law from possessing a firearm.
SB-644: Firearms; criminal history record information check required to sell.
Sponsored by: Sen. Travis Hackworth
Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary (9-y 6-n) on 01/26/2022
Children's residential facilities; criminal history background checks. [SB-577]
Children's residential facilities; criminal history background checks. Allows a person who is required to undergo a background check as a condition of employment at a children's residential facility to be employed by the children's residential facility pending the results of the check of the central registry of child abuse and neglect records maintained by the Department of Social Services, provided that (i) the person has received qualifying results on the fingerprint-based criminal history background check, (ii) the person does not work in the
SB-577: Children's residential facilities; criminal history background checks.
Sponsored by: Sen. Taylor Mason
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0729) on 04/27/2022
Child care; background checks for applicants for employment, etc. [SB-574]
Child care; background checks. Allows applicants for employment and applicants to serve as volunteers to work in certain child day centers, family day homes, and family day systems pending the results of a full background check, provided that (i) the applicant has received qualifying results on a fingerprint-based background check through the Central Criminal Records Exchange or the Federal Bureau of Investigation and (ii) the applicant is supervised at all times by a person who received a qualifying result on a full background check within the
SB-574: Child care; background checks for applicants for employment, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Taylor Mason
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 03/10/2022
Firearms, certain; transfer, criminal history record information check exemption. [HB-929]
Transfer of certain firearms; criminal history record information check; exemption. Provides that persons who hold a federal firearms license Type 03 - Collector of Curios and Relics are exempt from the criminal history record information check requirements to purchase certain firearms.
HB-929: Firearms, certain; transfer, criminal history record information check exemption.
Sponsored by: Rep. Amanda Batten
Left In Appropriations on 02/15/2022
Youth sports leagues; background checks and training requirements for coaches and staff. [HB-1043]
Department of Education; recommendations on background check and training requirements for youth sports coaches and staff. Directs the Department of Education to make recommendations regarding appropriate background check and training requirements for coaches, staff members, and other volunteers of competitive sports leagues in which persons under the age of 18 participate. The bill requires the Department of Education to consult with child sexual assault victims advocates and youth competitive sports leagues in making its recommendations and to
HB-1043: Youth sports leagues; background checks and training requirements for coaches and staff.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Referred To Committee On Education And Health on 03/16/2022
Criminal history background checks; governing individuals providing certain services for adults. [HB-807]
Criminal history background checks. Moves to separate sections of the Code of Virginia provisions governing background checks for individuals providing substance abuse and mental health services for adults. Currently, provisions governing background checks for individuals providing substance abuse and mental health services for adults are included together with provisions governing background checks for providers of substance abuse and mental health services for children and providers of developmental services for individuals of all ages.
HB-807: Criminal history background checks; governing individuals providing certain services for adults.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 02/15/2022
Firearms; sale and transfer, criminal history record information check delay. [HB-204]
Sale and transfer of firearms; criminal history record information check delay. Decreases from five business days to three business days the time provided for the Department of State Police to complete a background check before a firearm may be transferred. If a dealer who has otherwise fulfilled all requirements is told by the State Police that a response will not be available by the end of the dealer's third business day, the dealer may complete the sale or transfer without being deemed in violation.
HB-204: Firearms; sale and transfer, criminal history record information check delay.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dave LaRock
Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary (9-y 6-n) on 02/28/2022
Child care providers; background checks, portability. [SB-1316]
Child care providers; background check portability; subsidy pilot program; report. Exempts prospective employees and volunteers of certain child care providers from statutory background check requirements where the individual completed a background check within the previous five years, provided that (i) such background check was conducted after July 1, 2017; (ii) the results of such background check indicated that the individual had not been convicted of any barrier crime and was not the subject of a founded complaint of child abuse or neglect;
SB-1316: Child care providers; background checks, portability.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mamie Locke
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0251) on 03/18/2021
Child care providers; background checks, portability. [HB-2086]
Child care providers; background check portability; subsidy pilot program; report. Exempts prospective employees and volunteers of certain child care providers from statutory background check requirements where the individual completed a background check within the previous five years, provided that (i) such background check was conducted after July 1, 2017; (ii) the results of such background check indicated that the individual had not been convicted of any barrier crime and was not the subject of a founded complaint of child abuse or neglect;
HB-2086: Child care providers; background checks, portability.
Sponsored by: Sen. John McGuire
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0510) on 03/31/2021