You have voted HB-3778: Relating to procedures of a county tax assessor-collector for collection of dishonored checks and invoices; authorizing a fee..
HB-358: Relating to the inclusion of the costs of accepting credit and debit cards in the cost of goods sold for purposes of computing the franchise tax.
Sponsored by: Rep. Angie Button
Read First Time on 02/12/2015
You have voted HB-358: Relating to the inclusion of the costs of accepting credit and debit cards in the cost of goods sold for purposes of computing the franchise tax..
You have voted HB-3537: Relating to a breach of system security of a business that exposes consumer credit card or debit card information; providing a civil penalty..
You have voted HB-3478: Relating to a breach of system security of a business that exposes consumer credit card or debit card information; providing a civil penalty..
You have voted HB-1881: Relating to authorizing certain private schools to charge fees for processing or handling certain payments or payment transactions..