HB-789: Relating to the duties of and the application of the professional prosecutors law to the county attorneys in Gonzales and Lavaca Counties and to the duties of the district attorney for the 25th Judicial District.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Kuempel
Read First Time on 02/23/2011
You have voted HB-789: Relating to the duties of and the application of the professional prosecutors law to the county attorneys in Gonzales and Lavaca Counties and to the duties of the district attorney for the 25th Judicial District..
HB-734: Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Effective On 9/1/11 on 05/28/2011
You have voted HB-734: Relating to the jurisdiction of constitutional county courts over truancy cases and the appointment of magistrates to hear truancy cases in certain counties..
HB-3850: Relating to the application of the professional prosecutors law to the county attorney of Oldham County and the district attorney for the 287th Judicial District.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Smithee
Read First Time on 04/13/2011
You have voted HB-3850: Relating to the application of the professional prosecutors law to the county attorney of Oldham County and the district attorney for the 287th Judicial District..
HB-3572: Relating to the creation of the 1st Multicounty Court at Law composed of Fisher and Nolan Counties and the abolishment of the County Court at Law of Nolan County.
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan King
Read First Time on 03/23/2011
You have voted HB-3572: Relating to the creation of the 1st Multicounty Court at Law composed of Fisher and Nolan Counties and the abolishment of the County Court at Law of Nolan County..
HB-3330: Relating to the inventory and appraisement requirement of personal representatives of decedents' estates pending in a statutory probate court in Collin County.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Paxton
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/18/2011
You have voted HB-3330: Relating to the inventory and appraisement requirement of personal representatives of decedents' estates pending in a statutory probate court in Collin County..
HB-3077: Relating to a verification of the incarceration of an accused person in a criminal case for the purpose of discharging a surety's liability on a bail bond.
Sponsored by: Rep. Pete Gallego
Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 05/05/2011
You have voted HB-3077: Relating to a verification of the incarceration of an accused person in a criminal case for the purpose of discharging a surety's liability on a bail bond..