You have voted SB-1950: Relating to the fee imposed on certain property owners by a county for the establishment of street lights along a county road..
You have voted HB-3951: Relating to the eligibility of persons to participate in an ad valorem tax sale of real property; creating a criminal offense..
You have voted HB-3778: Relating to procedures of a county tax assessor-collector for collection of dishonored checks and invoices; authorizing a fee..
You have voted HB-3758: Relating to the assessment and disposition of charges for registering a motor vehicle that has been operated while improperly registered..
You have voted HB-3002: Relating to the fee imposed on certain property owners by a county for the establishment of street lights along a county road..
HB-151: Relating to authorizing a credit representing motor fuels taxes against, and imposing, a mileage tax and to the use of revenue from that tax; providing penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen
Read First Time on 02/09/2015
You have voted HB-151: Relating to authorizing a credit representing motor fuels taxes against, and imposing, a mileage tax and to the use of revenue from that tax; providing penalties..
You have voted SB-385: Relating to authorizing assessments for water and energy improvements in regions designated by municipalities and counties; imposing a fee..
You have voted SB-1669: Relating to the regulation of motor vehicles by counties and the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles; authorizing a fee; creating an offense..