Corporations & Associations

State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to corporations and fundamental business transactions. [SB-860]
Relating to corporations and fundamental business transactions.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Villalba Effective On 9/1/15 on 05/18/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to partnerships and limited liability companies. [SB-859]
Relating to partnerships and limited liability companies.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Villalba See Remarks For Effective Date on 05/15/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the registration of dental support organizations; imposing a fee; requiring an occupational registration; providing a civil penalty. [SB-519]
Relating to the registration of dental support organizations; imposing a fee; requiring an occupational registration; providing a civil penalty.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner Effective On 9/1/15 on 06/16/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a membership interest in a limited liability company subject to a charging order. [SB-433]
Relating to a membership interest in a limited liability company subject to a charging order.


Sponsored by: Sen. Konni Burton Read First Time on 02/09/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the names of certain businesses. [SB-1973]
Relating to the names of certain businesses.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nicholas Taylor Read First Time on 03/25/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of the TexAmericas Center to incorporate a nonprofit corporation for certain purposes and to the tax treatment of such a nonprofit corporation. [SB-1563]
Relating to the authority of the TexAmericas Center to incorporate a nonprofit corporation for certain purposes and to the tax treatment of such a nonprofit corporation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gary Vandeaver Effective Immediately on 06/16/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain reporting requirements for taxable entities. [SB-1541]
Relating to certain reporting requirements for taxable entities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Perry Read First Time on 03/23/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to corporate donations to a charity chosen by a political contributor. [SB-1528]
Relating to corporate donations to a charity chosen by a political contributor.


Sponsored by: Sen. Konni Burton Read First Time on 03/23/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the powers of a public facility corporation. [SB-1266]
Relating to the powers of a public facility corporation.


Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Estes Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/20/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to authorizing certain distributions of income from a nonprofit corporation to members of the corporation who are certain nonprofit corporations. [SB-1233]
Relating to authorizing certain distributions of income from a nonprofit corporation to members of the corporation who are certain nonprofit corporations.


Sponsored by: Sen. Larry Taylor Effective Immediately on 05/23/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the definition of "person" under the Uniform Commercial Code. [SB-1077]
Relating to the definition of "person" under the Uniform Commercial Code.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rene Oliveira Effective Immediately on 05/23/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property owned by or leased to or by a university research technology corporation. [HJR-64]
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of certain property owned by or leased to or by a university research technology corporation.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bettencourt Left Pending In Committee on 05/14/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the creation of research technology corporations for the development and commercialization of technologies owned by institutions of higher education or by certain medical centers with members that are institutions of higher education; providing for tax exemptions; providing a penalty. [HB-590]
Relating to the creation of research technology corporations for the development and commercialization of technologies owned by institutions of higher education or by certain medical centers with members that are institutions of higher education; providing for tax exemptions; providing a penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Angie Button Left Pending In Committee on 05/14/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain programs established by a municipality to provide affordable housing. [HB-3993]
Relating to certain programs established by a municipality to provide affordable housing.


Sponsored by: Rep. Toni Rose Read First Time on 03/23/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to credits against the ad valorem taxes imposed by a school district on the property of certain persons who provide an educational alternative for a child eligible to attend a public school in the district. [HB-3594]
Relating to credits against the ad valorem taxes imposed by a school district on the property of certain persons who provide an educational alternative for a child eligible to attend a public school in the district.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rick Miller Read First Time on 03/19/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of the TexAmericas Center to incorporate a nonprofit corporation for certain purposes and to the tax treatment of such a nonprofit corporation. [HB-3548]
Relating to the authority of the TexAmericas Center to incorporate a nonprofit corporation for certain purposes and to the tax treatment of such a nonprofit corporation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gary Vandeaver Committee Report Distributed on 04/29/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to authorizing certain distributions of income from a nonprofit corporation to members of the corporation who are certain nonprofit corporations. [HB-3479]
Relating to authorizing certain distributions of income from a nonprofit corporation to members of the corporation who are certain nonprofit corporations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rene Oliveira Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 05/12/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the definition of "person" under the Uniform Commercial Code. [HB-3434]
Relating to the definition of "person" under the Uniform Commercial Code.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Parker Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 05/12/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to remedies for oppression of minority shareholders by directors of closely held corporations. [HB-3168]
Relating to remedies for oppression of minority shareholders by directors of closely held corporations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Simmons Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/14/2015

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State (Texas)
Texas 84th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the computation of wages and cash compensation for purposes of the franchise tax. [HB-2941]
Relating to the computation of wages and cash compensation for purposes of the franchise tax.


Sponsored by: Rep. Giovanni Capriglione Read First Time on 03/16/2015

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