FOIA; record exclusion for personal contact information, definition. [SB-1040]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); record exclusion for personal contact information; limitation. Provides that personal contact information provided to a public body for the purpose of receiving electronic mail from the public body is excluded from the mandatory disclosure provisions of FOIA, provided that the electronic mail recipient has requested that the public body not disclose such information. The bill defines "personal contact information" as the home or business (i) address, (ii) email address, or (iii) telephone number or comparable
SB-1040: FOIA; record exclusion for personal contact information, definition.
Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0140) on 02/21/2017
Modifying the penalties imposed on debt collectors who violate the provisions of the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act [HB-2768]
The purpose of this bill is to make the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act more consistent with the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The bill modifies the penalties imposed on debt collectors who violate the provisions of the WVCCPA. It limits the amount an individual consumer may be awarded to actual damages plus $1000 per action, and in class actions for the entire class to the lesser of $500,000 or 1 percent of the debt collector’s net worth. The bill also reduces the time period that an action may be brought from four
HB-2768: Modifying the penalties imposed on debt collectors who violate the provisions of the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Allen Evans
Filed For Introduction on 03/01/2017
You have voted HB-2768: Modifying the penalties imposed on debt collectors who violate the provisions of the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act.
Prohibiting retailers from selling or leasing products without operating digital blocking capability [SB-447]
The purpose of this bill is to prohibit retailers from selling or leasing products that make content accessible on the Internet unless the product contains an active and operating digital blocking capability that renders obscene material inaccessible. The bill provides exceptions. The bill defines terms. The bill establishes a fee. The bill creates a special fund. The bill designated how moneys from the fund may be spent. The bill provides for injunctive relief, civil actions and criminal penalties.
SB-447: Prohibiting retailers from selling or leasing products without operating digital blocking capability
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Karnes
Filed For Introduction on 02/27/2017
HB-2672: Eliminating conflicting provisions within current code relating to the application of payments and the assessment of delinquency fees on consumer credit sales
Sponsored by: Rep. Cindy Frich
Do Pass With Title Amendment, But First To Finance on 03/07/2017
You have voted HB-2672: Eliminating conflicting provisions within current code relating to the application of payments and the assessment of delinquency fees on consumer credit sales.
You have voted HB-477: Relating to the provision and use of health coverage information to educate consumers purchasing individual health benefit coverage..
SB-283: As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Lundberg
Action Deferred In Senate Commerce And Labor Committee To 4/4/2017 on 04/03/2017
You have voted SB-283: As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62..
Relating to disclaimers of warranties with respect to goods which are the subject of or are intended to become the subject of a consumer transaction [HB-2578]
The purpose of this bill is to prohibit the exclusion, modification or limitation of any warranty or remedy in the sale of used motor vehicles; to allow a consumer to waive a warranty on used motor vehicle as to a particular defect or malfunction only if the dealer has disclosed the particular defect; to identify conditions permitting "as is" sales of used motor vehicles; to require conspicuous disclosure of "as is" sales; to clarify that "as is" sales do not waive express warranties made by a dealer; and to require dealers to conform to federal
HB-2578: Relating to disclaimers of warranties with respect to goods which are the subject of or are intended to become the subject of a consumer transaction
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Folk
Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017
You have voted HB-2578: Relating to disclaimers of warranties with respect to goods which are the subject of or are intended to become the subject of a consumer transaction.
SB-237: As enacted, provides exceptions to the standard formula required for gasoline blended with ethanol; exceptions to remain in effect until ASTM incorporates changes to the vapor pressure maximums for ethanol blends after this act's effective date. - Amends TCA Section 47-18-1304.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bailey
Pub. Ch. 106 on 04/19/2017
You have voted SB-237: As enacted, provides exceptions to the standard formula required for gasoline blended with ethanol; exceptions to remain in effect until ASTM incorporates changes to the vapor pressure maximums for ethanol blends after this act's effective date. - Amends TCA Section 47-18-1304..
HB-336: Relating to the duties and powers of the office of public insurance counsel concerning the adequacy of networks offered in this state by managed care plans.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicole Collier
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/25/2017
You have voted HB-336: Relating to the duties and powers of the office of public insurance counsel concerning the adequacy of networks offered in this state by managed care plans..
Relating to application of payments on consumer credit sale and loans [SB-344]
The purpose of this bill is to eliminate conflicting provisions within current code relating to the application of payments and the assessment of delinquency fees on consumer credit sales and consumer loans. The bill also permits a lender to hold a partial or nonconforming payment in suspense until such time as a full payment can be applied.
SB-344: Relating to application of payments on consumer credit sale and loans
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Trump
Chapter 37, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017
Va Freedom of Information Act; working papers and correspondence exempt.for presidents of higher ed. [SB-931]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; working papers and correspondence exemption for presidents of public institutions of higher education. Eliminates the working papers and correspondence record exemption for the president or other chief executive officer of any public institution of higher education in Virginia. The bill contains a technical amendment.
SB-931: Va Freedom of Information Act; working papers and correspondence exempt.for presidents of higher ed.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Failed To Report (defeated) In General Laws And Technology (6-y 7-n) on 01/23/2017
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; public access to meetings of public bodies. [HB-1540]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); public access to meetings of public bodies. Revises FOIA's various open meeting exemptions relating to legal matters, litigation, certain museums, and the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Authority. The bill also (i) clarifies where meeting notices and minutes are to be posted, (ii) requires copies of proposed agendas to be made available, (iii) eliminates reporting to the Joint Commission on Science and Technology when a state public body convenes an electronic communication meeting, and
HB-1540: Virginia Freedom of Information Act; public access to meetings of public bodies.
Sponsored by: Rep. James LeMunyon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0616) on 03/16/2017
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; public access to records of public bodies. [HB-1539]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); public access to records of public bodies. Clarifies the definition of public record. The bill also (i) defines "personal contact information" that is excluded from FOIA's mandatory disclosure provisions in certain cases; (ii) clarifies that a requester has the right to inspect records or receive copies at his option; (iii) clarifies language in certain record exclusions under FOIA that certain records may be disclosed at the discretion of the custodian; (iv) consolidates the personnel record exclusion
HB-1539: Virginia Freedom of Information Act; public access to records of public bodies.
Sponsored by: Rep. James LeMunyon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0778) on 04/05/2017
HB-120: As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62.
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Lynn
Rec. For Pass. If Am., Ref. To Calendar & Rules Committee on 03/29/2017
You have voted HB-120: As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62..