AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9 and Title 47, relative to consumer protection. [SB-739]
As introduced, increases, from 30 to 45 days, the amount of time a person who purchases, subscribes to, or receives products, services, or membership in an organization by negotiating an unsolicited negotiable instrument has from the date of the first statement or bill for the purchase, subscription, service, product, or membership to cancel the services, subscription, or membership, or return the product. - Amends TCA Title 9 and Title 47.
SB-739: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9 and Title 47, relative to consumer protection.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janince Bowling
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Commerce And Labor Committee on 03/18/2025
No Tax on Tips Act [SB-823]
Establishing consumer protections related to service fees charged by food service facilities; specifying the State minimum wage rate; prohibiting, beginning July 1, 2028, employers of tipped employees from including a tip credit amount as part of the employees' wages; allowing a subtraction under the State income tax for certain qualified tips received by certain individuals; and allowing a person a credit against the State income tax for certain amounts paid to an employee based on the payment of certain wages and tips.
SB-823: No Tax on Tips Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. (finance) on 02/06/2025
Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program [SB-964]
Authorizing the Department of the Environment, at the request of the Dorchester County government and the local health department or county agency in Dorchester County that has received a well or on-site sewage disposal system delegation of authority by the Department, to establish a privatization program for the performance of activities associated with the well or on-site sewage disposal system delegation of authority in Dorchester County.
SB-964: Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Department of Agriculture - Public Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - Registration, Regulation, and Oversight [SB-913]
Requiring the owner of public electric vehicle supply equipment to register with the Secretary of Agriculture on or before certain dates; applying certain provisions of law regarding weights and measures to public electric vehicle supply equipment; requiring the Secretary to establish a program to test the weight and measure of public electric vehicle supply equipment and ensure the equipment conforms to certain standards; etc.
SB-913: Department of Agriculture - Public Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - Registration, Regulation, and Oversight
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Hearing 2/18 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
Electronic Payment Transactions - Interchange Fees - Calculation and Use of Data [SB-917]
Requiring certain entities that process electronic payment transactions to exclude, under certain circumstances, the amount of tax and gratuity included in the electronic payment transaction from the amount on which an interchange fee is charged; requiring certain credit and debit card issuers to credit a merchant who provides certain documentation with the amount of the interchange fee charged on the amount of tax and gratuity included in an electronic payment transaction; etc.
SB-917: Electronic Payment Transactions - Interchange Fees - Calculation and Use of Data
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/10/2025
Business Regulation - Travel Services - Surety Requirement (Don't You Worry (Wurie) Act) [SB-922]
Requiring certain providers of travel services to file with the Department of Labor evidence of financial security; requiring the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General's Office and the Department to provide reasonable notice of the requirements of the Act to consumers and sellers of travel; etc.
SB-922: Business Regulation - Travel Services - Surety Requirement (Don't You Worry (Wurie) Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Gile
Hearing Canceled on 02/13/2025
Public Health – Medetomidine and Xylazine Consumer Protection Act [SB-875]
Prohibiting a retailer from distributing, selling, or exposing for sale a medetomidine product or a xylazine product unless the purchaser provides to the retailer certain proof; prohibiting a retailer from distributing, selling, or exposing for sale a medetomidine product or a xylazine product to an individual under the age of 21 years; requiring a retailer that prepares, distributes, sells, or exposes for sale a medetomidine product or a xylazine product to maintain certain records; etc.
SB-875: Public Health – Medetomidine and Xylazine Consumer Protection Act
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
Hearing Canceled on 03/04/2025
Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025) [SB-904]
Establishing the Privacy Protection and Enforcement Unit within the Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General; establishing a data broker registry; requiring certain data brokers to register each year with the Comptroller; and imposing a tax on the gross income of certain data brokers for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2026.
SB-904: Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. (budget And Taxation) on 02/05/2025
Consumer Protection - Third-Party Litigation Financing [SB-985]
Prohibiting certain litigation financiers from engaging in certain conduct with respect to litigation financing transactions and certain litigation financing contracts; requiring that the litigation financing contracts contain certain disclosures and be executed in a certain manner; requiring a certain disclosure of a litigation financing contract in certain civil actions; and imposing a fiduciary duty on litigation financiers in certain class actions.
Veterans Benefits Matters – Claim Servicers – Prohibitions and Requirements [SB-928]
Establishing prohibitions and requirements regarding compensation for certain services related to veterans benefits matters; prohibiting a person that is not V.A. accredited from making certain guarantees; providing for the enforcement of the Act under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act; and repealing certain advertising and disclosure requirements for veterans benefits services and veterans benefits appeals services.
Consumer Protection - High-Risk Artificial Intelligence - Developer and Deployer Requirements [SB-936]
Requiring a certain developer of, and a certain deployer who uses, a certain high-risk artificial intelligence system to use reasonable care to protect consumers from known and reasonably foreseeable risks of certain algorithmic discrimination in a certain high-risk artificial intelligence system; regulating the use of high-risk artificial intelligence systems by establishing certain requirements for disclosures, impact assessments, and other consumer protection provisions; authorizing the Attorney General to enforce the Act; etc.
Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Prices Listed on Dealer Websites [SB-834]
Providing that a manufacturer, distributor, or factory branch may not take an adverse action against a dealer for disclosing on its website that the advertised price of a vehicle is the manufacturer's minimum allowable advertised price and that the dealer may offer a lower price for the vehicle.
SB-834: Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Prices Listed on Dealer Websites
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Reassigned To Economic Matters on 03/24/2025
Health Insurance and Family Planning Services – Consumer Protections – Updates [SB-940]
Updating references to federal law related to family planning services, grandfathered plans, explanation of benefits, summaries of benefits and coverage, medical loss ratios, catastrophic plans, annual limits for cost sharing, prescription drugs, and rescissions; providing that the Maryland Insurance Commissioner and the Commission on Civil Rights have concurrent jurisdiction to enforce certain provisions of law related to discrimination in health insurance; etc.
SB-940: Health Insurance and Family Planning Services – Consumer Protections – Updates
Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes
Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9 and Title 47, relative to consumer protection. [HB-668]
As introduced, increases, from 30 to 45 days, the amount of time a person who purchases, subscribes to, or receives products, services, or membership in an organization by negotiating an unsolicited negotiable instrument has from the date of the first statement or bill for the purchase, subscription, service, product, or membership to cancel the services, subscription, or membership, or return the product. - Amends TCA Title 9 and Title 47.
HB-668: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9 and Title 47, relative to consumer protection.
Sponsored by: Rep. Bud Hulsey
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Banking And Consumer Affairs Subcommittee Of Commerce Committee on 03/12/2025
Consumer Protection - Credit Reporting - Medical Debt (Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act) [HB-1020]
Prohibiting a consumer reporting agency from furnishing any consumer report containing certain adverse information relating to a consumer's medical debt, or any collection action against a consumer for medical debt, or maintain a file on a consumer related to medical debt or collections; prohibiting a person from using medical debt information from a consumer report for certain purposes; prohibiting a health care facility, a health care practitioner, or an ambulance service from disclosing medical debt to a consumer reporting agency; etc.
HB-1020: Consumer Protection - Credit Reporting - Medical Debt (Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr
Referred Finance on 03/07/2025