AN ACT relating to first responders. [SB-222]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 518 to create the misdemeanor of unauthorized capture of photographic or videographic images by a first responder.
SB-222: AN ACT relating to first responders.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jared Carpenter
Taken From Committee On Committees (h) on 03/12/2021
SR-70: A RESOLUTION urging county-level advocacy groups to review the compensation of county officials whose duties are not coextensive with the Commonwealth.
Sponsored by: Sen. Tom Buford
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/10/2021
You have voted SR-70: A RESOLUTION urging county-level advocacy groups to review the compensation of county officials whose duties are not coextensive with the Commonwealth..
You have voted HB-1217: Relating to the establishment of a constable's department civil service system in certain counties; creating a criminal offense..
AN ACT relating to local government and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-267]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 70 detailing the powers and duties of constables, excluding the general powers of peace or police officers, with certain exceptions; allow police powers where the county grants them and the constable or deputy has been certified pursuant to KRS 15.380, so long as that certification is maintained; amend KRS 15.707 deleting constables; amend KRS 16.060 deleting constables; amend KRS 61.300 deleting deputy constables; amend KRS 61.310 deleting deputy constables; amend KRS 63.170 by adding constables; amend KRS 63.180
HB-267: AN ACT relating to local government and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Koenig
Reported Favorably, To Rules With Committee Substitute (1) on 03/29/2021
AN ACT relating to constables. [SB-104]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 70 to establish the status of certified constables and certified deputy constables; require 40-hour mandatory annual training for constables and deputy constables; require the Kentucky Constable Association to develop and maintain in-service education courses, offered at night and on weekends throughout the year in various regions across the Commonwealth; require courses to include firearms qualification, emergency vehicle operations, and defensive driving; require constables and deputy constable seeking certification
SB-104: AN ACT relating to constables.
Sponsored by: Sen. George Wise
Introduced In Senate on 01/11/2021
HB-1049: Relating to the requirement for a deputy sheriff, reserve deputy sheriff, deputy constable, or reserve deputy constable to take an official oath.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Huffman
Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/04/2021
You have voted HB-1049: Relating to the requirement for a deputy sheriff, reserve deputy sheriff, deputy constable, or reserve deputy constable to take an official oath..