Community Facilities And Services

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Sales and Use Tax - Cleaning of Commercial or Industrial Buildings - Community Property Exemption [SB-283]
Exempting from the sales and use tax the cleaning of a commercial or industrial building if the building is owned by a common ownership community or retirement community and used for certain purposes; providing that the exemption does not apply to a building or a proportionate share of a building if the building or proportionate share of the building is used for a purpose that requires the collection of the sales and use tax; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer Approved By The Governor - Chapter 293 on 04/30/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Labor and Employment – Payment of Wages – Minimum Wage (Fight for Fifteen) [SB-280]
Specifying the State minimum wage rate that is in effect for certain time periods and for certain employers except under certain circumstances; authorizing the Board of Public Works to temporarily suspend an increase to the minimum wage rate if the seasonally adjusted total employment is negative, subject to certain limitations; requiring the Governor's proposed budget for certain fiscal years to include certain rate increases for certain community service providers over the funding provided in certain legislative appropriations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Gubernatorial Veto Override - Chapter 11 on 03/28/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future [SB-1030]
Establishing principles of The Blueprint for Maryland's Future that are intended to transform Maryland's early childhood, primary, and secondary education system to the levels of the highest-performing systems; establishing a Concentration of Poverty School Grant Program to provide grants to schools with high concentrations of students eligible for free or reduced price meals; establishing the Teacher Collaborative Grant Program; establishing the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 771 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Health Facilities - Chestertown Rural Health Care Delivery Innovations Pilot Program [SB-1018]
Establishing the Chestertown Rural Health Care Delivery Innovations Pilot Program in the Maryland Department of Health to promote innovative solutions for a sustainable future for inpatient care in rural areas, satisfy requirements for hospital-based care, and ensure improvements to community health; requiring the Department to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the activities and findings from the initial 5 years of the Pilot Program and certain recommendations based on those findings; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Hershey Hearing 4/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/27/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Home- and Community-Based Waiver Services - Prohibition on Denial [HB-832]
Prohibiting the Maryland Department of Health from denying an individual access to a home- and community-based services waiver due to a lack of funding for waiver services if the individual is living at home or in the community at a certain time, received certain services, will be or has been terminated from the Maryland Medical Assistance Program due to certain entitlement or enrollment, meets certain eligibility criteria, and certain services received by the individual would qualify for federal matching funds.


Sponsored by: Rep. Shane Pendergrass Third Reading Passed (139-0) on 04/05/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Health – Sickle Cell Disease – Steering Committee and Services [HB-761]
Altering the duties of the Statewide Steering Committee on Services for Adults with Sickle Cell Disease to include the provision of certain resources for detecting sickle cell disease and supporting individuals with sickle cell disease; authorizing the Maryland Department of Health to provide certain services relating to sickle cell disease in consultation with the Steering Committee; requiring the Department to provide certain services through community-based organizations to the extent practicable; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/24/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Fair Housing Opportunities Act of 2019 [HB-451]
Expanding the housing policy of the State to include providing for fair housing to all citizens regardless of source of income; stating the Act seeks to deconcentrate poverty by providing additional opportunities for tenants utilizing public subsidies to live in certain neighborhoods; prohibiting a person from refusing to sell or rent a dwelling to any person because of source of income; establishing qualifications and limitations on the prohibition against discrimination in housing based on source of income; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Maggie McIntosh Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 02/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Community Performing Arts Facility Special Event Permit MC 30-19 [HB-334]
Establishing in Montgomery County a community performing arts facility special event permit; specifying that only a holder of a community performing arts facility license may obtain a community performing arts facility special event permit; specifying the scope for the community performing arts facility special event permit; providing a $200 annual fee; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 633 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Somerset County - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Proximity to Places of Worship, Schools, Public Libraries, or Youth Centers [HB-292]
Reducing to 200 feet the minimum distance from a place of worship, school, public library, or youth center for an establishment for which the Board of License Commissioners of Somerset County may issue a certain license.


Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Otto Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 620 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Maryland Department of Health - Services for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities - Fee-for-Service Payment Pilot Program [HB-1420]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to establish a fee-for-service payment pilot program; authorizing providers that provide waiver program services to certain eligible individuals with a developmental disability to participate in the pilot program; requiring the Department to determine, establish, and publish certain rates for the waiver program services in a certain manner; requiring certain providers to submit a claim for payment for certain services on a form the Department requires; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 390 on 05/13/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Preventive Measure Unit Pilot Program [HB-1418]
Establishing the Preventive Measure Unit Pilot Program in Anne Arundel County; requiring the Anne Arundel County Board of Education, in collaboration with the County Police Department and the County Mental Health Agency, to establish a preventive measure unit position in three middle schools to monitor students with behavioral, social, or legal difficulties during certain school years; requiring the Governor to make an appropriation sufficient to hire three individuals to implement the Program in selected schools; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/04/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

The Blueprint for Maryland's Future [HB-1413]
Establishing principles of The Blueprint for Maryland's Future that are intended to transform Maryland's early childhood, primary, and secondary education system to the levels of high-performing systems around the world; establishing a Concentration of Poverty School Grant Program; extending by 1 year, to 2021, the requirement for the State to provide a supplemental grant to eligible county boards; establishing the Teacher Collaborative Grant Program; requiring certain performance evaluations of local school systems; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. (ways And Means) And Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. (appropriations) on 03/12/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Prior Authorizations of State Debt – Alterations [HB-1347]
Amending certain prior authorizations of State Debt to alter the requirement that certain grantees provide certain matching funds; extending the deadline for certain grantees to present certain evidence that a matching fund will be presented; extending the termination date of certain grants; changing the locations of certain capital projects; altering the purposes of certain grants; changing the names of certain grantees; altering the authorized uses of certain grants; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 737 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Public Safety - Student Peer Mediation Program Fund - Establishment [HB-1346]
Establishing the Student Peer Mediation Program Fund to provide grant assistance to schools and community-based organizations in Baltimore City to establish student peer mediation programs to reduce juvenile violence; requiring the Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention to administer the Fund; requiring the Governor to appropriate at least $50,000 for the Fund annually; requiring the Executive Director to establish grant application procedures for schools and community-based organizations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 736 on 05/25/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Home- and Community-Based Services Waivers - Alterations (Laurie's Law) [HB-1009]
Repealing the initial cap on participation in a certain waiver; requiring a certain waiver submitted by the Maryland Department of Health to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to include a request for a cap on waiver participation that is set at no less than a certain percentage of the projected annual demand for certain services; requiring the Department to screen individuals who are eligible to receive certain services as soon as possible after the Department receives certain notification; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Creation of a State Debt - Montgomery County - Maydale Nature Center [SB-985]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $75,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, and capital equipping of the Maydale Nature Center, located in Montgomery County; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker Hearing 3/12 At 3:00 P.m. on 03/12/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Senior Citizen Activities Center Operating Fund - Distributions - Alteration [SB-98]
Increasing the amount of funding from $500,000 to $750,000 required to be included in the annual State budget for the Senior Citizen Activities Center Operating Fund; requiring that $400,000 of the Fund be distributed to counties based on each county's proportional share of the statewide population of senior citizens; requiring that each county receive a minimum amount of $5,000; and altering the qualification criteria for specified need-based distributions from the Fund to specified counties.


Sponsored by: Sen. Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 17 on 04/07/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Public Health - Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs [SB-97]
Repealing the Prince George's County AIDS Prevention Sterile Needle and Syringe Exchange Program; authorizing the establishment of Opioid-Associated Disease Prevention and Outreach Programs; requiring a local health department or a specified community-based organization to apply to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and a local health officer for authorization to operate a Program; requiring the Department and a local health officer to approve or deny an application within 60 days of receiving a completed application; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 348 on 05/10/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Public Health - Auto-Injectable Epinephrine - Certification for Emergency Administration [SB-898]
Establishing requirements for an authorized entity to obtain and store a supply of auto-injectable epinephrine; prohibiting an authorized entity from obtaining and storing auto-injectable epinephrine unless the authorized entity has at least two who are certificate holders or specified affiliated individuals; requiring an authorized entity to maintain a copy of a specified certificate issued to specified individuals; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/29/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Governor's Office of Minority Affairs - Workgroup on Reconciliation and Equity [SB-869]
Requiring the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs to convene a workgroup to explore issues of reconciliation processes and racial equity that includes specified stakeholders; requiring the workgroup to hold hearings and evaluate specified issues relating to race and social justice, study racial disparities and institutional bias, and determine best practices, strategies, and legislation; and requiring the workgroup to submit a report to the Governor and General Assembly on or before December 1, 2019.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Hearing 4/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/09/2016

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